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Is fast food the greatest scam ever in LOS?


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1 hour ago, Udox said:

A fast food meal in the west costs around the same as the western one hourly wage


Totally irrelevant.



Should fast food chain burgers and chicken here not be 30 baht a set then?


No. Does nanny state economics teach this now? ;)

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On ‎29‎.‎09‎.‎2016 at 6:24 PM, Acharn said:

Really? Last time I bought a Big Mac it was 79 baht. It was a year or so ago, here in Nakhon Sawan, though. If you're buying in Pattaya maybe they're pricing them for tourists and don't expect Thai customers to buy.

 If you're buying in Pattaya maybe they're pricing them for tourists and don't expect Thai customers to buy.

LOL. Plenty of Thais buying western fast food in Pattaya and also Bkk and Chiang Mai. Which, after all is the point of the thread.

Thailand is not a poor country any more, though there are still poor Thais.

If Thais wouldn't pay the outrageous prices, they'd bring the prices down to compare with those in western countries where it is the cheapest option.

When a Big Mac meal costs twice the price of an excellent western big breakfast in a very nice Pattaya AC restaurant, something is wrong.

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On ‎30‎.‎09‎.‎2016 at 5:16 PM, nausea said:

Well then it is expensive, but I don't think the Thais are just paying for cheap food. They're paying for the image. Pretty much the same as the UK. 


Are you seriously claiming that fast food in the UK is regarded as high class dining?

BTW, Thais are NOT paying for cheap food in western fast food chains. It is far more expensive than standard Thai food.

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It isn't even close to the biggest scam in Thailand, not by a long shot. As far as Thai people getting fat goes if you want to find the culprit look no further than 711. Every Thai can afford to eat there and the crap they sell is terrible for you. 


The one i live near is the only one close to a techinical school and I went there around lunch time the other day. 4 rows of around 15 people in each line ordering the purest form of crap available to man kind. It sort of dawned on me that they eat this stuff each and every day. There is nothing for sale there except sodium and sugar. 


It be hard to find a business in Thailand that is a bigger center of malnutrition than 711. Although the people out front selling deep fried stuff to supplement the poison 711 delivers play a good role in this. Go to 711 grab your cheap burgers, breads full of sugar, soda, ice cream, potato chips and then stop outside for a good healthy supplement of fried chicken dripping in 4 day old grease. 


Sit on the curb in front and eat it all and don't forget to wash it down with a Chang or two. You can say what you want about fast food but the Thais have been poisoning themselves and been doing a good job of it for ages. If MCD, BK, KFC all disappeared it wouldn't change anything.


Where I was living in Laos there is no fast food and people are also getting fatter. Look at what the local shops sell, it is all refined sugar. You won't find a real juice for example. What they call juice is sugar and artificial coloring. 







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On ‎01‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 11:09 AM, rijb said:


Less time and expense to sell 100 sets at 300 baht than 1000 sets at 30 baht.


Or they could sell 1 set for 30000 baht.  But, I would demand extra napkins.

You miss the point of the thread. WHY do Thais pay so much more in real terms ( % of their income ) for western fast food than people would in western countries?

Without the desire of Thais to eat crap fast food, for some reason I do not understand, they wouldn't sell many sets at 300 baht.

Surely it can't be because they want to sit in a restaurant with a stupid clown outside.


I had the dubious pleasure of eating in a well known chicken fast food  place last night, but only because it was late and I couldn't find a cheaper place. For more than the cost of eating a Thai food meal in Festival's food court I got to sit on a hard chair in a dismal corner of the mall and eat a burger with no lettuce or any other vegetable, the bun was over toasted ( but not black ), my only drink choice was Pepsi, and I got food poisoning from it ( I used the cutlery, not my fingers ). Does that sound like prestige food?

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9 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

It isn't even close to the biggest scam in Thailand, not by a long shot. As far as Thai people getting fat goes if you want to find the culprit look no further than 711. Every Thai can afford to eat there and the crap they sell is terrible for you. 


The one i live near is the only one close to a techinical school and I went there around lunch time the other day. 4 rows of around 15 people in each line ordering the purest form of crap available to man kind. It sort of dawned on me that they eat this stuff each and every day. There is nothing for sale there except sodium and sugar. 


It be hard to find a business in Thailand that is a bigger center of malnutrition than 711. Although the people out front selling deep fried stuff to supplement the poison 711 delivers play a good role in this. Go to 711 grab your cheap burgers, breads full of sugar, soda, ice cream, potato chips and then stop outside for a good healthy supplement of fried chicken dripping in 4 day old grease. 


Sit on the curb in front and eat it all and don't forget to wash it down with a Chang or two. You can say what you want about fast food but the Thais have been poisoning themselves and been doing a good job of it for ages. If MCD, BK, KFC all disappeared it wouldn't change anything.


Where I was living in Laos there is no fast food and people are also getting fatter. Look at what the local shops sell, it is all refined sugar. You won't find a real juice for example. What they call juice is sugar and artificial coloring. 







I agree about them eating far too much sugar and fats, But that isn't what the thread is about.

BTW, out in the countryside there aren't any 7 11s, but there are plenty of small shops selling just as much sugar and fats.


However, they sell CHEAP food. This thread is about Thais paying too much for fast food.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I agree about them eating far too much sugar and fats, But that isn't what the thread is about.

BTW, out in the countryside there aren't any 7 11s, but there are plenty of small shops selling just as much sugar and fats.


However, they sell CHEAP food. This thread is about Thais paying too much for fast food.


Okay than it is no scam at all. The prices are clearly marked. If you want to see a huge scam try the Lamborghini dealer. look how high the prices are compared to average wages. Out in the countryside there are no 711? Are you sure about that? Even so the mom and pop shops sell the same crap. 


But absolutely there is no scam about the price. Are the prices relatively expensive? Sure that could be argued but there is no scam going on. It isn't a taxi using a rigged meter or the jetski scam etc. Prices are clearly marked and they do an honest business. Nobody is getting scammed. Prices are clearly marked and everybody going in knows the deal. 

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43 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

 If you're buying in Pattaya maybe they're pricing them for tourists and don't expect Thai customers to buy.

LOL. Plenty of Thais buying western fast food in Pattaya and also Bkk and Chiang Mai. Which, after all is the point of the thread.

Thailand is not a poor country any more, though there are still poor Thais.

If Thais wouldn't pay the outrageous prices, they'd bring the prices down to compare with those in western countries where it is the cheapest option.

When a Big Mac meal costs twice the price of an excellent western big breakfast in a very nice Pattaya AC restaurant, something is wrong.

Thailand is not a poor country any more, though there are still poor Thais.

what dose this mean not understand you of what I can see I would say Thais are very poor not all but a lot , so I would say it is a poor country.

yes their are very rich people here I can see that but that dose not mean the country is not poor.

in poor country the rich get  richer and the poor get  poorer .

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This thread got all carried away because of the incorrect use of the word scam in the header. More correctly, it should have said rip off. That's what it is, a rip off. 

A scam is what the characters from Nigeria pull. 

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6 minutes ago, neeray said:

This thread got all carried away because of the incorrect use of the word scam in the header. More correctly, it should have said rip off. That's what it is, a rip off. 

A scam is what the characters from Nigeria pull. 


Okay, well if you define it as a rip off it isn't even in the top ten of rip offs that happen in Thailand. Rip off again implies something dishonest and the prices are very up front. But for the sake of argument if you concede that it is a rip off it doesn't even make the top 100 for that matter. 

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You miss the point of the thread. WHY do Thais pay so much more in real terms ( % of their income ) for western fast food than people would in western countries?

Without the desire of Thais to eat crap fast food, for some reason I do not understand, they wouldn't sell many sets at 300 baht.

Surely it can't be because they want to sit in a restaurant with a stupid clown outside.


I had the dubious pleasure of eating in a well known chicken fast food  place last night, but only because it was late and I couldn't find a cheaper place. For more than the cost of eating a Thai food meal in Festival's food court I got to sit on a hard chair in a dismal corner of the mall and eat a burger with no lettuce or any other vegetable, the bun was over toasted ( but not black ), my only drink choice was Pepsi, and I got food poisoning from it ( I used the cutlery, not my fingers ). Does that sound like prestige food?


That's your problem.  I responded to another poster's question.


I didn't miss the point of the thread.  Which I happen to reject.  


If you eat at international fast food chains you are going to pay international prices.  Domestic prices are not the driving force for those chains.


I see a number of Thais buying international products, at Tops.  Where both Thais, and expats, get screwed by Thailand's import taxes.

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5 hours ago, neeray said:

This thread got all carried away because of the incorrect use of the word scam in the header. More correctly, it should have said rip off. That's what it is, a rip off. 

A scam is what the characters from Nigeria pull. 

is it the greatest scam ever foisted on LOS to make Thai people think the crap is actually status cuisine?

THAT is the OP, not the prices.

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2 hours ago, rijb said:


That's your problem.  I responded to another poster's question.


I didn't miss the point of the thread.  Which I happen to reject.  


If you eat at international fast food chains you are going to pay international prices.  Domestic prices are not the driving force for those chains.


I see a number of Thais buying international products, at Tops.  Where both Thais, and expats, get screwed by Thailand's import taxes.

is it the greatest scam ever foisted on LOS to make Thai people think the crap is actually status cuisine?

THAT is the OP, not the prices.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

is it the greatest scam ever foisted on LOS to make Thai people think the crap is actually status cuisine?

That is the OP.


Excellent progress. Step 1: check! But now there's Step 2: figuring out that LOS means LOS. Find it on a map; and then find Blighty on a map. You'll see that Blighty just ain't a part of LOS at all! Separate countries, totally different economies.


Do that, and you'll have a handle on what your topic is and stop trying to change it, esp when it's refuted.

Edited by JSixpack
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On 27/09/2016 at 1:12 PM, chiang mai said:


Educate us, or more probably humour us: how does the Thai government play games with THB and make it overvalued?


On 27/09/2016 at 2:06 PM, rijb said:

Don't be so lazy.  Do your own research.


So I did!


I figured if BOT wanted to make THB appear stronger than it really was they would have to sell USD and buy THB on a fairly large scale, golly gosh, where could they possibly get large amounts of THB from I wonder? I know, from the foreign currency reserve holdings! So I looked at the FCY holdings to see where they might had sold USD but alas, there was no such dip, darn! So then I went in search of a plan B and the best I could come up with as a possible explanation is that BOT had employed people at the airport to force incoming tourists to exchange their foreign currency into THB, that sort of demand spike almost certainly would cause THB to increase unnaturally in value, that must be the answer! The poor unsuspecting sods, being forced to travel all the way to Thailand and then being forced to exchange their hard earned currency for THB, just so the government could keep THB overvalued, the inhumanity of it all!




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5 hours ago, Andrew C said:



With what?



Fast food restaurants in Chiang Mai are always packed, while the traditional Thai restaurants are empty.


Seems unlikely. Maybe at particular times at particular locations.



It is a weird dynamic for sure, must be the notoriety that American Businesses have around the world


No, the only thing weird is that TVF posters can't conceive of why Thais can enjoy fast food (restaurants) for the same reasons everybody else in the world does. Mos Burger is a Japanese fast food company yet the branch at Central World is always packed too. So it ain't the "Mercun mystique. ;) The French, now, are hardly supporters of American culture or cuisine. In fact they're downright hostile. Yet McD's has been quite successful there. Reminds me of that scene in Pulp Fiction:



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14 minutes ago, CLW said:

Maybe because MOS Burger has AFAIK only two branches in Thailand, therefore crowded


A non sequitur and change of reason from "because of notoriety" to "because of few branches." :) Gotta love this forum.


Four branches, at least--BTW.

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2 hours ago, JSixpack said:


With what?



Seems unlikely. Maybe at particular times at particular locations.



No, the only thing weird is that TVF posters can't conceive of why Thais can enjoy fast food (restaurants) for the same reasons everybody else in the world does. Mos Burger is a Japanese fast food company yet the branch at Central World is always packed too. So it ain't the "Mercun mystique. ;) The French, now, are hardly supporters of American culture or cuisine. In fact they're downright hostile. Yet McD's has been quite successful there. Reminds me of that scene in Pulp Fiction:




If you asked a Thai they would probably think McDonald's is a Thai brand. Do they wave American flags on TV ads or ever say they are an American chain explicitly? 

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19 hours ago, JSixpack said:


With what?



Seems unlikely. Maybe at particular times at particular locations.



No, the only thing weird is that TVF posters can't conceive of why Thais can enjoy fast food (restaurants) for the same reasons everybody else in the world does. Mos Burger is a Japanese fast food company yet the branch at Central World is always packed too. So it ain't the "Mercun mystique. ;) The French, now, are hardly supporters of American culture or cuisine. In fact they're downright hostile. Yet McD's has been quite successful there. Reminds me of that scene in Pulp Fiction:



can't conceive of why Thais can enjoy fast food (restaurants) for the same reasons everybody else in the world does.

Is it your claim that western people actually ENJOY fast food? Not to forget the ambience, sitting on a plastic chair in a room designed to make people leave as fast as possible, and eating with plastic utensils.  If you're really lucky, you get the local beggars coming in to panhandle as well.

I am sure the reason most western people, like myself, eat it because it's a/ cheap and b/ is ready without having to wait a long time. Enjoyable? 55555555555555555555555555

In Thailand it's not cheap at all.

At a very nice restaurant in Pattaya I can buy a burger meal that is far, far more enjoyable than anything any fast food chain can provide, and is larger, with fresher ingredients and more appealing chips. For that gastronomic delight, I pay under 150 baht, which is 25% less than most burger meals at fast food franchises and 50% less than one chain. I get to sit in a nicer chair and have a better ambience as well, plus the serving totty is delightful.


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53 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

can't conceive of why Thais can enjoy fast food (restaurants) for the same reasons everybody else in the world does.

Is it your claim that western people actually ENJOY fast food? Not to forget the ambience, sitting on a plastic chair in a room designed to make people leave as fast as possible, and eating with plastic utensils.  If you're really lucky, you get the local beggars coming in to panhandle as well.

I am sure the reason most western people, like myself, eat it because it's a/ cheap and b/ is ready without having to wait a long time. Enjoyable? 55555555555555555555555555



Yawn. I anticipated that line so I carefully put in (restaurants). It's all of a piece, you see: the food, the ambience, and the prices. Though you may pride yourself on the most exquisite, aristocratic taste (we have many such posters here), you don't represent the general case.


The focus on prices simply verifies that your OP is merely a whinge about the prices you're paying and attempting to disguise it by phony handwringing for the poor Thais. :)



In Thailand it's not cheap at all.

At a very nice restaurant in Pattaya I can buy a burger meal that is far, far more enjoyable than anything any fast food chain can provide, and is larger, with fresher ingredients and more appealing chips. For that gastronomic delight, I pay under 150 baht, which is 25% less than most burger meals at fast food franchises and 50% less than one chain. I get to sit in a nicer chair and have a better ambience as well, plus the serving totty is delightful.


Congrats. You've discovered Pattaya has more than just fast food. So far, you've made so many great discoveries now that you've blessed our beloved cesspool with your authoritative presence. :)

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1 hour ago, JSixpack said:



The focus on prices simply verifies that your OP is merely a whinge about the prices you're paying and attempting to disguise it by phony handwr


 Why do you always WHINGE, when you read a post that you do not agree with ?

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