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Poll: Clinton, Trump virtually tied headed into debate


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Poll: Clinton, Trump virtually tied headed into debate

By Eric Bradner, CNN


(CNN)Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are virtually tied headed into their first presidential debate Monday night, a new ABC News/Washington Post pollshows.


The survey shows likely voters split 46% for Clinton and 44% for Trump -- with 5% supporting Libertarian Gary Johnson and 1% backing the Green Party's Jill Stein. That's well within the poll's 4.5 percentage point margin of error.


Among a broader group -- registered voters -- Clinton and Trump are tied at 41%, with Johnson at 7% and Stein at 2%.


Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/09/25/politics/clinton-trump-virtually-tied-poll-debate/index.html

-- © Copyright CNN 2016-09-26
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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

The debates could decide this race. Only 24 hours or so left.


The race is probably already decided.


The 3 legged donkey in the race, AKA Trump, who no-one gave a snowballs chance in hell of winning has overcame everything that has been thrown at him.


I cannot see him falling at the last hurdle. Ghost like interventions excepted :thumbsup:

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It speaks volumes that it's Clinton who is making Trump look so good that they are now neck-and-neck.

Buddha, or whoever, help us all if that utter <deleted> Trump wins. At least Clinton is the devil we know and she has both the experience and savvy, unlike the chump.

How embarrassing this must all be to most Americans - that these two are the best they can come up with. Really!

I have a sneaking suspicion, but no evidence I hasten to add, that Trump, even if he wins the Presidency, will never live long enough to set foot in the White House.

Entertaining this farce may be, but when push comes to shove, it's deadly serious, for all of us, if someone like Trump achieves such ultimate power.



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This "debate" could be a disaster: I'm not confident at all.  At this stage I don't personally think Trump is far from winning.


Voters are not rational. I have seen several interviews with Britons who voted yes to Brexit, saying they didn't think they would win, so they voted "leave" as a protest, and now regret it, as they actually thought leaving was a bad idea.


I'm hoping for a miracle in this debate but expecting a calamity...

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I find it interesting that so many people are for a lady that 

Lies, has a husband that will screw anything but his wife, put the lives of American service personnel and intelligence at risk because of her own insecurities.


She has not outlined publicly any of her policies refuses to go off script and only has the ability to put down trump but offers one of her own solutions.  Just says go into the store adn buy my book.  BTW would you believe the Kinokuniya has it on the front rack LOL


Trump at least has a proven record of doing things that make jobs, providing income and promoting people.


I think the American people are tired of the status quo, of the lies and misdirection.  They want a person that will give them solutions and tell them what he will do.


The one elephant in the room is Julian Assange,  if he does in fact have more Hillary emails then she could be in trouble.  No matter how much she blames him or the Russians the sad thing is that these are her emails or emails of her staff.  They can only blame themselves.

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43 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

She has most certainly communicated her policies. trump is simply a lying demagogic con man. He often says believe me. Don't. Learn from the victims. of trump not a university.


All I ever hear her say is "Well if you look at my history you will clearly see that I ____________" and then 2 minutes later you still don't know where she stands. 



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52 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Obama is the opposite of that. 


It's not close. Really. 


Did you see that Patriots vs, Houston game? Houston -2.5?


It's painful that there is even a discussion that Trump could be President. 

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6 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

She has not outlined publicly any of her policies


More unsubstantiated rubbish.

Details of her policies on the major issues have been on her website for weeks. Perhaps you've never seen her talk about them because of the media's obsession with showing Trump rallies.


Maybe you should take the time to actually read what she says she plans to do, and then try giving an objective opinion rather than vacuous statements like this.



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31 minutes ago, Ulic said:

In my opinion Trump does not have to win the debates just appear presidential during them.

Clinton will win the battle of substantive answers but loose if Trump remains calm. :coffee1:


It's more of case of whether or not Trump can actually answer *any* question with using "We're going to build a wall" or "we need to find out what the hell is going on".



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9 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

I predict Hillary will lie at least thirty times during the 90 debate.

Perhaps many low information trumpeters think that, but the TRUTH is that sleazeball, con man, narcissistic demagogue trump lies MUCH more often than Hillary Clinton does.

But the trumpeters don't care ... do they?

They're ready to buy his ridiculously absurd and obviously totally false over the top promises. Sad. Very sad.


 Flip-flops and lies. Let's be real. Trump lies in debates more than anyone ... ever. You can look this up on any fact-checking website. My favorite: Sixty percent of claims that PolitiFact has checked have been rated false or pants-on-fire (outright lies) and under 3% of his claims have been rated as true!




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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes a lot riding on the first debate.




If the 2016 presidential election were held today, Republican Donald Trump would be headed to the White House.

Top pollster Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight daily update gives GOP presidential nominee Trump a 50.3 percent chance of winning the November general election. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's chances have dropped to 49.7 percent, according to the polling site.


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3 hours ago, ChoakMyDee said:

I hope she can keep her phlegm balls down during the debate.



When Hillary comes out and says her email contained no classified information, Lester Holt needs to say " sorry Hillary, the FBI has already said they did and you're lying " When Hillary says her emails had " no headers" Lester Holt needs to say "that's because you ordered your staff to remove the headers and then send the emails" ....

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Phew!  A relief, I was wrong. Trump was less nuts than I anticipated, so paradoxically much more vulnerable to arguments. He also tired and slackened off faster than Hillary.  


I can see why a certain sort of person likes his simplistic repetitive, extremely limited vocabulary statements, but he just seems a laughable figure to me.  


Anyhow it's still going to be a close election, but Trump's clearly not going to win any debates.

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