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Thai govt says 2011 flood crisis will not repeat itself


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Govt says 2011 flood crisis will not repeat itself


BANGKOK, 28 September 2016 (NNT) - The Thai government has assured the public that the 2011 flood crisis will not happen again. 

Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha said the government will be able to keep the flood situation under control. It has an effective water management system in place covering various issues from drought crisis to flooding. The premier said he wanted people affected by the deluge to be assisted in a timely manner. 

Given the recent rainfall, the amount of water released from Chao Phraya Dam remains below the critical level of 2.5 million cubic meters of water. The prime minister also mentioned that solving Bangkok’s traffic is not easy due to poor city planning while the inefficient drainage system makes it more difficult to relieve flood water. 

Defense Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan instructed the National Defense Council to be ready to reach out to flood stricken residents. Meanwhile, Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Gen Chatchai Sarikulya said dams across the country still have the capacity to handle more rain water.

-- nnt 2016-09-28


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14 minutes ago, webfact said:

The prime minister also mentioned that solving Bangkok’s traffic is not easy due to poor city planning while the inefficient drainage system makes it more difficult to relieve flood water. 


Just mentioned in passing... If only there were some constitutional mechanism that empowered him to issue any order "for the sake of the reforms in any field," that were deemed "lawful, constitutional and final" that could be invoked for the purpose of reimagining Bangkok's town planning... I mean, if there were such a thing, it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity to fix many of Bangkok's issues once and for all.

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5555 What a load of crap If it rains it rains & rains and it floods...Thailand is a Lowland country  It will flood again and again,they cant fix this in 10 to 50 years ,maybe not even 100 years. There is not enough money and the So called Engineers ain't smart enough to fix this now.

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9 hours ago, jamesbrock said:


Just mentioned in passing... If only there were some constitutional mechanism that empowered him to issue any order "for the sake of the reforms in any field," that were deemed "lawful, constitutional and final" that could be invoked for the purpose of reimagining Bangkok's town planning... I mean, if there were such a thing, it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity to fix many of Bangkok's issues once and for all.

BKK traffic problems are not fixable. Period!!! Having been involved with city planning this particular city was never planned and evolved by piecemeal, so you have Sois which have dead ends, others which you have to weave thru with switchbacks, and then tollways (like the one which they just constructed an exit onto my Soi) which doubled the my Soi traffic and has no traffic signal allowing exit ramp traffic to blend into the Soi traffic. They allow cargo container trucks and cement trucks to join the commute traffic, tearing up the roads with pothole, which go unrepaired. Total chaos!!!


I do not see amy improvement in this situation since too many cars on too few streets. That is why I am moving elsewhere in Thailand to fine some semblance of order and peace.  

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On 28.9.2016 at 0:17 PM, Thechook said:

He personally ended the drought, can stop the rain.  He really is the mesiah

If a super typhoon comes in at end of rainy season it will be shown the red 44 card :cheesy:

Stay out!

Edited by KhunBENQ
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