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Holiday Accident Toll Falls during Pchum Ben

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Almost 30 people were killed and nearly 140 injured in traffic accidents over the five-day Pchum Ben holiday weekend, showing a slight decrease compared with previous years. National deputy police chief Kirth Chantharith said yesterday there were 75 traffic accidents from Wednesday to Sunday which caused 28 deaths and 139 injuries, 87 of which were serious and required urgent medical attention.

Mr. Chantharith said the figures were substantially less than the totals from last year, when 109 traffic accidents resulted in the deaths of 45 people and 218 injuries. Motorcycles were the main culprit in most traffic mishaps, accounting for 68 percent of all accidents. Cars were only involved in 32 percent of accidents, the majority of which – at 36 percent – were due to speeding. Dangerous overtaking accounted for 16 percent of accidents and drunk driving came in just below at 15 percent. Last year, police said 42 percent of the accidents were caused by high-speed driving, 11 percent when overtaking and eight percent by drunk driving.

He said traffic accident deaths and injuries were reduced this year because police made an effort to remind drivers that it was illegal to have people riding on the roofs of cars, overload vehicles with passengers and drive dangerously. Some people complained of massive traffic jams on the main national roads throughout the full two-week holiday, and Mr. Chantharith said police were learning from this year’s mistakes and preparing for next year by tossing around ideas such as road barriers and signs to reduce



read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/30316/holiday-accident-toll-falls/


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16 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

Bonus Time for doing there job TIT

Ummm .... perhaps you mean TIC? Not saying you are wrong about the police, just the country.

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