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7 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Yes I agree to some extent about being invited but that situation should never off happened and the NHS should have trained enough dentists, so we didn't need to outsource.


Yes, the UK should. But that costs money and the Conservatives would rather slash taxes on the rich than provide the support that the NHS needs.

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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

All the trade deals difficulties etc etc etc doesn't matter to me and many, many others who voted to leave the corrupt EU. It is about sovereignty and making your own decisions, controlling our borders and allowing British values and cultures to be reinstated.


Just out of curiosity as you mention you are European, do you know what that means? There is no European country.

As we are in Thailand I explained the concept of the EU to my Thai friends. They were in fits of laughter. They never consider themselves to be Asian or would allow some bureaucrats to make laws and decisions form another country. Neither would they allow this so called 'body of people' to tell you what you can produce or sell and to whom. They found the whole concept absolute farcical of which the EU is.


I suggest you continue debating with the locals. It would be closer to your level of erudition.


I've been kind to you Gravy, but you just don't understand the subtleties do you? You are entitled to your views but frankly your comments are just too facile to be answered directly. I suggest you LISTEN to the valid points raised by the half of the population who understands the benefits of Europe generally. Sorry.

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:


I suggest you continue debating with the locals. It would be closer to your level of erudition.


I've been kind to you Gravy, but you just don't understand the subtleties do you? You are entitled to your views but frankly your comments are just too facile to be answered directly. I suggest you LISTEN to the valid points raised by the half of the population who understands the benefits of Europe generally. Sorry.

Don't put down the locals it belittles you. They are smart and are not stupid enough to give their sovereignty away. That was a quote from my Thai friends. Once again Grouse it was less than half of the population and for someone who likes to mention irregularities like a spelling mistake, I would have though the simple math's would be easy for you.

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18 hours ago, SgtRock said:


Of course you have an independent source to back this up ? 


Of course you do, Right ?


On 2nd thoughts. No you do not.




Mr Ghosn met the prime minister ahead of the carmaker’s decision on whether to build its new Qashqai SUV in Sunderland, which could be taken as early as next month, according to two people familiar with the timetable. Nissan has previously said it will not invest any further unless the government offered assurances that it would not face greater tariffs, or that it be compensated otherwise.



I suppose your take is the the Nissan boss is quite 'confident' because she never agreed.

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39 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Naam in the past whether I disagree with your posts I have respected your views. Germany like the UK has made many mistakes but you can't be responsible for everything. I still feel that you should be proud of your country. After all they educated you and whether you like it or not have had an impact on who you are today. If I am honest I just feel like you have sold out to your nationality and country.

PS. not all German scientists, philosophers or poets were bad. Einstein, Brecht and Marx and Schweitzer would disagree with you.


What on earth are you going on about, Gravy? You're being embarrassing now.

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20 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Yes I agree to some extent about being invited but that situation should never off happened and the NHS should have trained enough dentists, so we didn't need to outsource.



My, the pearls of wisdom are rolling this morning!

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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:


What on earth are you going on about, Gravy? You're being embarrassing now.

You are stalking now. Who is embarrassing. You are losing the plot. You have been out debated and frankly outclassed by various posters here. If I were you I would go for an early bath. A tactical retreat is the nice term for it. Foxtrot Oscar is another.

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1 minute ago, sandyf said:

Mr Ghosn met the prime minister ahead of the carmaker’s decision on whether to build its new Qashqai SUV in Sunderland, which could be taken as early as next month, according to two people familiar with the timetable. Nissan has previously said it will not invest any further unless the government offered assurances that it would not face greater tariffs, or that it be compensated otherwise.



I suppose your take is the the Nissan boss is quite 'confident' because she never agreed.




Where does that explicitly state, as per your previous post.


That May has promised Nissan anything ?


Could, should, if and wild arsed speculation are as much use as t!ts on a f!sh.


Now I am quite willing to accept that May well have given some sort of reassurance to Nissan. What I do not know and neither does anyone else, have any details on what those reassurances might be.


That was the reason I asked you for an independent source, I thought that perhaps you had come across something that I had missed or was not aware of.


Obviously not.

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10 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Don't put down the locals it belittles you. They are smart and are not stupid enough to give their sovereignty away. That was a quote from my Thai friends. Once again Grouse it was less than half of the population and for someone who likes to mention irregularities like a spelling mistake, I would have though the simple math's would be easy for you.


Quad erat demonstrandum

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Sorry JB300
You previously said that they both had private practices.
Brought over or encouraged by the NHS. Jumped ship and opened Private Practices, made enough money to skip back to Poland and retire to live happily ever after.
I will not fault them for doing so. It just highlights how much the system sucks. 

Not aware of their full work history in UK just know that they each ran a different practise but I doubt they owned them.

But the point is we need people like them as we have a shortage of trained Brits due to lack of investment into training & I don't think anybody is denying this, just need to be careful about "Throwing the baby out with the bath water".

Same here in Singapore in IT, hear "bloody foreigners" rhetoric all the time but they don't mean people like me, they mean Indians/Filipinos taking the entry level positions so I don't take it personally.
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17 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Well we definitely disagree and the concept of a united states of Europe is awful. The difference you mention from the USA and Australia is that these countries are relatively new. Europe has thousands of years of traditions and cultures, the former only a few hundred years. Just look at the former Yugoslavia as an example and how that went. Trying to force a one cultural identity onto people doesn't work. the Irish, Scots and Welsh will tell you and that has happened over hundreds of years. The EU has tried to force this on the member countries over s few years. It is destined to fail and will.


The last few words in your statement are totally obscure. We as Europeans do not have similar attitudes and behaviours and it is because of this believe, the EU will fail. British people understood this and voted leave.

The concept of a united states of europe was proposed by Winston Churchill

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6 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

You are stalking now. Who is embarrassing. You are losing the plot. You have been out debated and frankly outclassed by various posters here. If I were you I would go for an early bath. A tactical retreat is the nice term for it. Foxtrot Oscar is another.


Stalking you?


I can't avoid you!


You and your little squad seem to think that you're the arbiters of philosophy now! Utter hubris!


Your knowledge, and the comments so derived, are so shallow as to be an indictment of UK education. Some of us do not wish to see the whole of the UK dumbed down to that level.

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4 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Toss it any way you want, the writing is on the wall. Of course that only applies to those that understand what they read.

Ref post 1667, you should brush up on your English grammar.

Does it really matter about peoples grammar? No. It is a forum, message board not somewhere to present a research paper.

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13 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Toss it any way you want, the writing is on the wall. Of course that only applies to those that understand what they read.

Ref post 1667, you should brush up on your English grammar.

You should brush on on the rules of Thaivisa. No criticisms based on grammar or spelling. These comments are informal and written on the fly. There is a huge supple of legitimate reasons to belittle the opinions of sgtrock. 

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Of course the grounds which forms the basis of this debate ( the economic viability of the UK against that of the EU) are far from stable.


When article 50 is triggered, and even more the case when the UK actually leaves two years later, it is very likely that the Euro and it's associated economies will be in a very different shape. Greece is bust, and will be for a long time. Italy, Spain and Portugal are shaky, if not also bust, and I wonder whether France is the powerhouse it would have us believe. Germany may well decide against paying the Euro zone debts (remember they have an election soon).


We may have bailed out before it is too late....

Edited by JAG
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1 hour ago, Loeilad said:

Sadly all in the past - with a crippled economy, brain drain and no foreign trade, the chances of that continuing are greatly reduced.


Loeilad you said several times that Brexit would cause brain drain.

I do not agree.

I rather think Brexit is the result of the brain drain. :smile:

And to convince you, simply distracted  by reading the pathetic posts of supporters.


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I'm surprised at the bigotry and aggrssion of the Brexiteers on this thread - I guess it's to do with the rock and hard place they find themselves in,; with no logical justification for Brexit they seem to grasp at nebulous concepts of race, nationalism and xenophobia.." As for the British, one less European won't hurt us. "

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4 minutes ago, Loeilad said:

I'm surprised at the bigotry and aggrssion of the Brexiteers on this thread - I guess it's to do with the rock and hard place they find themselves in,; with no logical justification for Brexit they seem to grasp at nebulous concepts of race, nationalism and xenophobia.." As for the British, one less European won't hurt us. "

No logical justification for Brexit have you not read anything anyone who has supported the Leave campaign written. You are in denial. Still haven't had a reply on the country you are from. Being patriotic and nationalistic are two separate things I am the former. xenophobia is a term people are using like racist when someone has a point of view that is different, usually to the remain group. So let me mention it again. I like Europe, I like the European countries in it but I don't like the EU, as it is an entity that was set up on a lie and has since become a bureaucratic dictatorship. Each European country such as Germany, France, Italy etc are all individual nations and countries. Not wanting to be all the same, ruled and governed the same is not xenophobic. So please look up the meaning.

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5 minutes ago, flyingdoc said:

A really difficult dilemma !  Does one wait and hope, or does one take the plunge now and change £ into THB before the £ weakens further?


The answer is in the hands of T.May:


 - Either she commits a total Brexit with denial of movement freedom and the Pound still lose, at least 10% but perhaps more.

 - Either she temporise to stay in the common market and the pound recovers immediately.


I am sure she has not yet chosen. Currently, she blows hot and cold alternately to test the market response. That is why no one can objectively answer the question that everyone is asking here.

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1 hour ago, JB300 said:


Not aware of their full work history in UK just know that they each ran a different practise but I doubt they owned them.

But the point is we need people like them as we have a shortage of trained Brits due to lack of investment into training & I don't think anybody is denying this, just need to be careful about "Throwing the baby out with the bath water".

Same here in Singapore in IT, hear "bloody foreigners" rhetoric all the time but they don't mean people like me, they mean Indians/Filipinos taking the entry level positions so I don't take it personally.



Regardless of your ex-tenants work history. They would not be the first to come to the UK, make a load of money and then return to their home Country. As I said, I do not blame them. They are using a system that sucks to their best advantage.


It has been previously stated that the NHS will be exempt from any '' Throwing out the baby '' with the bath water. Which is how it should be. There is nothing wrong with trying to limit immigration to those that have the training, qualifications, skills and experience that the UK needs. Neither is it racist or xenophobic. I agree with you. It has to be investigated as to why an institution like the NHS has to recruit from abroad. There is absolutely no excuse for an organisation of this size and magnitude not to have its own training facilities for every level of skill required.


I have to agree with the rhetoric regarding entry level people. The UK has at least 1.6 million unemployed, there is no need to for low level entry people to be coming from abroad until this 1.6 million ( official ) unemployed are in employment.

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No, or very little foreign trade ?
Guess who is responsible for that ?
Got it in one. The EU. Who mandated that only they have the authority to negotiate trade deals.

Blame the EU for everything. Nothing to do with the failure of successive British governments regarding manufacturing etc. Governments scapegoat is over. Who will the blame now?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

All the trade deals difficulties etc etc etc doesn't matter to me and many, many others who voted to leave the corrupt EU. It is about sovereignty and making your own decisions, controlling our borders and allowing British values and cultures to be reinstated.


Just out of curiosity as you mention you are European, do you know what that means? There is no European country.

As we are in Thailand I explained the concept of the EU to my Thai friends. They were in fits of laughter. They never consider themselves to be Asian or would allow some bureaucrats to make laws and decisions form another country. Neither would they allow this so called 'body of people' to tell you what you can produce or sell and to whom. They found the whole concept absolute farcical of which the EU is.


You're friends in Thailand laughed? Who did they elect as Prime Minister? You might not be aware of this but the country is led by a Junta ... so every Thai is compelled to follow the laws and decisions that the ruling Junta make. Of all the analogies to make, you make that one?


When a country joins a trading bloc it agrees to operate by the rules of the bloc, that means accepting that you have to compromise on certain issues ... and that applies to everyone. The UK is not part of the Euro ... no other country made us do that? Thailand is also part of ASEAN ... and that group have a set of rules that they all comply with.





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28 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:


SgtRock you are spot on. Just exactly what the EU has become.


"Europe's nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation." Jean Monnet (Founding Father Of The EU in a letter to a friend 30th April 1952).).




You know, when I see an alleged quote that's too good to be true, I make damn sure to fact check it before citing it. You might want to consider doing the same. In this case, the attribution is fake. It wasn't written by Monnet but by Adrian Hilton in his book, The Principality and Power of Europe.


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