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THAI POLITICS: More turbulence, but govt on autopilot


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More turbulence, but junta on autopilot

Attayuth Bootsripoom 




BANGKOK: -- Over the past few weeks, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has been mired in a series of controversies involving people close to him.


Two weeks ago, critics queried possible conflicts of interest involving his younger brother, General Preecha Chan-o-cha, after his nephew's construction company won lucrative contracts from the Army, and Preecha's wife stirred controversy by riding an Air Force plane to the opening ceremony of a publicly funded dyke named after her. Preecha has since announced his retirement as Defence Ministry permanent secretary. 

Critics have asked whether the PM is applying the same standards in these cases as are being used to curb offences by his political opponents.


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/More-turbulence-but-junta-on-autopilot-30296950.html

-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-10-06
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...the controversy adds to a growing current of public dissatisfaction and frustration against Prayut and the National Council for Peace and Order. Faith in their authority is being undermined by actions within the government, which could have serious repercussions for the road ahead.


And they couldn't care less, because they answer to a higher authority.

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Prayuth is starting to show his true corrupt colours, just like all the military rulers that went before him. It's funny how so many people were fooled by his phoney anti-corruption crusade, the excuse that he used to grab power.


Why should Prayuth care about what people think, when he routinely has his critics thrown in jail?

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43 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Junta on autopilot, is that anything like ' thumb up bum and brain in neutral ' ?

Brain in neutral?

I remember spitting image on tv they had a sketch of President Reagan opening the top of his head, popping in his brain.

The caption was the Presidents brain is missing.

When i read about Prayut that is what springs to mind.

Maybe the PMs brain is missing.

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3 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Brain in neutral?

I remember spitting image on tv they had a sketch of President Reagan opening the top of his head, popping in his brain.

The caption was the Presidents brain is missing.

When i read about Prayut that is what springs to mind.

Maybe the PMs brain is missing.

If I'm correct in that episode a tortoise tried to hump Reagan's brain.

I'm not going to say anymore especially about the current situation.   :biggrin:

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"...Cabinet had earlier ordered government officials to book economy-class seats for their official trips...However, the case involving Prawit suggests that members of the government's inner circle are exempt from the drive to save taxpayers' money..."


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3 hours ago, waldroj said:

"...Cabinet had earlier ordered government officials to book economy-class seats for their official trips...However, the case involving Prawit suggests that members of the government's inner circle are exempt from the drive to save taxpayers' money..."


“Comrades!' he cried. 'You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink the milk and eat those apples.”

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6 hours ago, eliotness said:

The wheels on the wagon are starting to wobble, better be careful Mr PM in case they start falling off.

Are you saying that some power hungry opponent is sitting in the bushes ready to take over. Looking to have his name on a few pages in the history books. From the looks on his face in the picture above someone just gave him a snuggy. 

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

More turbulence, but junta on autopilot

Not on autopilot but on auto-mouth.

Not needing approval from the Thai people nor accountability for their actions, the junta creates its own turbulence more than from any political party.

"We have met the enemy and it is us." - Pogo by Walt Kelly

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