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Need Help Getting A Uk Settlement Visa As Self Employes

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Just a quicky!

My mates trying to bring his thai GF over to the uk to settle and marry.

I have talked him through what i did and what my brother did.

However i have had no experience helping someone who is self employed.

He has everything i had but what is needed as he is self employed.

Up until 8 weeks ago, he had is own business. Although a bit of "i'll do the job and pay me cash" kind of place he has got an accountant if you can call him that.

He took money out of the business when and how often he wanted, thus sending the company account into a £1500 overdraft, for the last yr and half.

Now the business is closed. He has paid off the overdraft and the business has closed due to lack of work and him finding another job. (p.s. it was a one man operation).

Now he has found a job and gets paid weeky this shows onto his bank statement, but he does not recieve wage slips because he is CIS.

Could anyone help with what paperwork is requested by the embassy i.e. the accounts, bank statments, wageslips, tax forms etc. any tthing that is requested when self employed.

What forms does he need and what does he have to prove.

Thanks again in advance.

Ps i'll be back on again quite soon as broadband is being fitted in the new house. This is a mates computer.

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It's not necessarily a question of how much money your friend used to earn, but what he earns now. He should therefore provide evidence of his wage being paid in to his bank account and also enclose a letter from his employer which confirms his job title, his start date, and his gross wage.

By the way, what does CIS mean?


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Hi Big Spuds,

yes CIS is construction industry scheme. I myself hold a CIS card and i am self employed. earlier this year i applied at the british embassy in bangkok for a visitor visa for my lady.To show my proof of earnings i just showed my bank statements which would show when my pay cheque was put into the bank on a weekly basis.I wrote a note to the embassy explaining that i highlighted on the statements with a pen the pay cheques and i explained that i was self employed. this was enogh to satisfy the embassy.

these days , i am with the halifax and they now have a new machine for paying the cheques into and the machine prints out a reciept which has a copy of the pay cheque on it. this is good

good luck


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