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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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Confirmation bias writ large in this thread now.


Trump said a lot in the debate that will please his fans, but nothing that will gain him any support outside of his base - and that base support isn't enough to win him the election. The way he conducted himself whilst saying it will have put a lot of people off. He didn't win the debate, and at this rate he won't win the election either.

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19 minutes ago, stander said:

I liked:- “Honest Abe never lied,” Trump says. “That’s the difference between Abraham Lincoln and you.”

Except, if we have got beyond overly-simplistic grade-school primers, we know that Abe was a political animal without compunction of lying to get his policies thru. Very similar to the Clintons in fact.

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HRC was winning going into the debate and will win in November.  The debates, both #1 and #2, will not move the needle.  Hard-core trump supporters, like the crowd here who apparently think they can stampede the election with enough pro-Trump TV posts, will like his crude threats and simplistic language.  But he's got all those people already, so  he hasn't picked up any more votes, certainly not from blacks or Latinos.  His audio tape isn't going to add women voters.


There will be more tapes and more testimony from women whom he has groped, but that won't change the outcome either.  The election has been over for a while.  Get used to "Madame President."



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I saw parts of this event, and it was  an exercise in offensive vulgarity. The well respected  retired CBS anchor Bob Sheiffer described it as Banana Republic politics when Trump  said he'd put Mrs. C in jail.  Considering the fact that Trump's mentor was the despicable closeted pervert Roy Cohn who  destroyed hundreds of lives with his  bogus charges and allegations during the McCarthy witch hunts of the 1950's, it's no surprise that this despicable  con artist uses gutter tactics.


Each time Mrs. C. was talking he was walking about puffed up. Every time he spoke he would wheeze and sniff.  This was Trumps' to win or lose and lose it he did. Many people are not impressed by a crude  blowhard who wallows in  crass vulgarity.  The man may have  some money but he has  no class.  Zero class. All fake all pretentious. His political views are as bankrupt as his history of playing the system.

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14 hours ago, stander said:

Trump is taking on elites, the media and the political class that have put America in decline.


Trump is part of the same "elites", was born into it.

Wasn't whining when the extensive media coverage helped his business and his campaign.

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1 minute ago, geriatrickid said:

I saw parts of this event, and it was  an exercise in offensive vulgarity. The well respected  retired CBS anchor Bob Sheiffer described it as Banana Republic politics when Trump  said he'd put Mrs. C in jail.  Considering the fact that Trump's mentor was the despicable closeted pervert Roy Cohn who  destroyed hundreds of lives with his  bogus charges and allegations during the McCarthy witch hunts of the 1950's, it's no surprise that this despicable  con artist uses gutter tactics.


Each time Mrs. C. was talking he was walking about puffed up. Every time he spoke he would wheeze and sniff.  This was Trumps' to win or lose and lose it he did. Many people are not impressed by a crude  blowhard who wallows in  crass vulgarity.  The man may have  some money but he has  no class.  Zero class. All fake all pretentious. His political views are as bankrupt as his history of playing the system.


I was actually surprised he didn't try to intimidate her on stage by walking rudely in front of her or something. He was obviously summoning every ounce of restraint to keep himself from reverting to his bully tactics - must have gotten some stern coaching.

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2 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

I saw parts of this event, and it was  an exercise in offensive vulgarity. The well respected  retired CBS anchor Bob Sheiffer described it as Banana Republic politics when Trump  said he'd put Mrs. C in jail.  Considering the fact that Trump's mentor was the despicable closeted pervert Roy Cohn who  destroyed hundreds of lives with his  bogus charges and allegations during the McCarthy witch hunts of the 1950's, it's no surprise that this despicable  con artist uses gutter tactics.


Each time Mrs. C. was talking he was walking about puffed up. Every time he spoke he would wheeze and sniff.  This was Trumps' to win or lose and lose it he did. Many people are not impressed by a crude  blowhard who wallows in  crass vulgarity.  The man may have  some money but he has  no class.  Zero class. All fake all pretentious. His political views are as bankrupt as his history of playing the system.


" His political views are as bankrupt as his history of playing the system."


Trump got political views?!

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13 minutes ago, Basil B said:

This guy is likely to get elected because too many Americans think women are only good for cleaning, cooking & and f___ing... 


I suppose I am pretty liberal in my views but I think they are also good at child-rearing. 


Its funny but womens level of discontent has raised simultaneously with their moving out of the house and into the workplace  over the past 40 years.

Edited by ClutchClark
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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


I suppose I am pretty liberal in my views but I think they are also good at child-rearing. 


Its funny but womens lev of discontent has raised simultaneously with their moving out of the house and into the worplace  over the past 40 years.


Or maybe your perception of it has increased in line with them gaining more of a voice in society?

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2 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:


But it's just locker room talk. Just locker room talk. Look, over there - ISIS!

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15 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:


So she readily admits that she allowed this to happen because she wanted to do business with him. She wanted his assistance. 


One wonders if she encouraged this to happen to get him more involved in the deal...but one thing appears clear--she never told him STOP.



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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I suppose I am pretty liberal in my views but I think they are also good at child-rearing. 


Its funny but womens lev of discontent has raised simultaneously with their moving out of the house and into the worplace  over the past 40 years.


I'd thought for a brief moment it was a Hollywood promo of another psycho flick based on a Victor Bueno theme....




The black guy appears to be trying to alert Hillary of the notorious stalker coming up from behind.


Almost reminds me of....




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18 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I suppose I am pretty liberal in my views but I think they are also good at child-rearing. 


Its funny but womens level of discontent has raised simultaneously with their moving out of the house and into the workplace  over the past 40 years.


OMG Chuck, what a brilliant insight! Yeah, I can see why you don't want Hillary. 



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On 10/9/2016 at 11:23 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Vote GOP why? Oh yeah, because you hate Hillary.

Seems fair enough to me. Millions will be voting against her whomever the GOP candidate is. They could put up Mickey Mouse against her and he'd win.

OR, because HRC is a candidate with nothing to make people want to vote for her, and as her leaked e mails prove, lies every time she goes on stage with her two personalities. Her entire public persona is a lie, as proven by her own words.


They have the Internet in Wingnuttia don't they? It will be HRC in a crushing landslide. Out goes the entire Republican party yet you're hatred of her makes for one delusional post after another. Get a grip.

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20 minutes ago, Pinot said:
44 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I suppose I am pretty liberal in my views but I think they are also good at child-rearing. 


Its funny but womens level of discontent has raised simultaneously with their moving out of the house and into the workplace  over the past 40 years.


OMG Chuck, what a brilliant insight! Yeah, I can see why you don't want Hillary. 


Come on, you know it is a guy's duty to protect those fragile women. Once men "allowed" women into the workforce, it has been all downhill for womankind. That is what those poor women didn't understand. Work is hard and stressful, better to let a man handle all of that. Women have enough burdens caring for the household and their children, let's not add anymore stress to their delicate senses.


Trump will take care of this. He is starting with Hillary to make sure she never works again. The rest of the women he will "get to" in time. I hear he likes to take them furniture shopping and something about cats.

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23 minutes ago, Pinot said:


They have the Internet in Wingnuttia don't they? It will be HRC in a crushing landslide. Out goes the entire Republican party yet you're hatred of her makes for one delusional post after another. Get a grip.

I'm still holding with my long standing prediction of Hill winning with about 325. A decisive win but not a landslide. We'll see. It's all good but it's important also to at least win back the SENATE. 

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

I saw parts of this event, and it was  an exercise in offensive vulgarity. The well respected  retired CBS anchor Bob Sheiffer described it as Banana Republic politics when Trump  said he'd put Mrs. C in jail.  Considering the fact that Trump's mentor was the despicable closeted pervert Roy Cohn who  destroyed hundreds of lives with his  bogus charges and allegations during the McCarthy witch hunts of the 1950's, it's no surprise that this despicable  con artist uses gutter tactics.


Each time Mrs. C. was talking he was walking about puffed up. Every time he spoke he would wheeze and sniff.  This was Trumps' to win or lose and lose it he did. Many people are not impressed by a crude  blowhard who wallows in  crass vulgarity.  The man may have  some money but he has  no class.  Zero class. All fake all pretentious. His political views are as bankrupt as his history of playing the system.

When Trump started he had the GOP elite against him, the politicians against him, the media against him, and most of the minorities against him. Yet this close to the election he is within a few points of her. That she isn't well ahead of him at this point in the race shows just how unpopular she is.

That someone who is all the things that you say he is is almost in a tie with her shows that he appeals to many Americans.

He may lose, but she has to be the most unpopular president ever if she takes the oath.

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25 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Come on, you know it is a guy's duty to protect those fragile women. Once men "allowed" women into the workforce, it has been all downhill for womankind. That is what those poor women didn't understand. Work is hard and stressful, better to let a man handle all of that. Women have enough burdens caring for the household and their children, let's not add anymore stress to their delicate senses.


Trump will take care of this. He is starting with Hillary to make sure she never works again. The rest of the women he will "get to" in time. I hear he likes to take them furniture shopping and something about cats.

Yeah right.

However, it seems women are actually so sensitive and fragile they can't handle hearing a man talking about women in the way most men talk about them. Poor little petals just can't stand a man that doesn't treat them like little princesses, and go all hysterical at the thought of men grading them on appearance.

I worked with thousands of women over 26 years and I lost any illusion that women are fragile or can't stand up for themselves, but when it comes to manufacturing a faux scandal over some silly man boasting they are all in with the poor little helpless woman routine. It's like women's lib never happened.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:
34 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Come on, you know it is a guy's duty to protect those fragile women. Once men "allowed" women into the workforce, it has been all downhill for womankind. That is what those poor women didn't understand. Work is hard and stressful, better to let a man handle all of that. Women have enough burdens caring for the household and their children, let's not add anymore stress to their delicate senses.


Trump will take care of this. He is starting with Hillary to make sure she never works again. The rest of the women he will "get to" in time. I hear he likes to take them furniture shopping and something about cats.

Yeah right.

However, it seems women are actually so sensitive and fragile they can't handle hearing a man talking about women in the way most men talk about them. Poor little petals just can't stand a man that doesn't treat them like little princesses, and go all hysterical at the thought of men grading them on appearance.

I worked with thousands of women over 26 years and I lost any illusion that women are fragile or can't stand up for themselves, but when it comes to manufacturing a faux scandal over some silly man boasting they are all in with the poor little helpless woman routine. It's like women's lib never happened.


My comments on women were sarcasm. It was a poke at some guys who actually believe that women belong in the home. Geez, so serious.

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5 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

"Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling"... No it doesn't -- just wishful thinking on the part of people who never supported him in the first place and the people who have hated Trump from the start.  Trump will come back even stronger.  Trump's supporters are not leaving him - their statements of support are even stronger.  The major reason?  The hypocrisy of the accusers is staggering ... 


The Faux Outrage and blatant hypocrisy of Trump's critics is amazing. People of the Republican Elitist Establishment and the Leftist Democrats who would sell the Constitutional Rights of American Citizens for political gain complain of Trump barroom banter.
The Faux Outrage and blatant hypocrisy of Trump's critics -- The dishonest panderers of the Republican Elitist Establishment and the Leftist Democrats who are totally absent any moral compass pass judgement on Trump's words said in private... Outrageously Hypocritical

The Democrats worshiped the worst sexual predators ever elected to high office ... Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton with Republican Elites applauding them ... Are now setting themselves up as judge, jury and executioner trying Trump for using bad language. Trump SAID sexual profanities ... Ted Kennedy left a young woman to drown to cover up a tryst. Bill Clinton had to settle out of court for $800,000 to avoid a criminal rape charge.

And - I am far less worried about what Donald Trump has SAID than what Hillary Clinton had DONE.

 I hope that in the coming Debate Session, that Trump repeats his solid apology to the American people BUT NOT TO THE Republican Elitist Establishment and NOT to the Democrat Hate Machine.. The Faux Judgemental Slanderings coming from these political snakes deserves no .acknowledgement


Trump will see that all restraints are off in the debate and the awful truth of Hillary Clinton will be spoken for all America to hear without the compliant filter of the Leftist American News Media.





Trump did his best of all so far in the campaign and he still came out on the short end of the stick.


Political view doesn't really matter in this analysis of the present state of things concerning Donald Trump and his fundamentally flawed candidacy for Potus...



Ezra Klein: “What happened Saturday in American politics was profound, and for Donald Trump, it marks the likely death of his presidential campaign. The permission structure that was slowly, reluctantly built around Trump by the media, by the Republican Party, by the conservative movement, and by Trump himself, is crumbling, and there is no time to rebuild it before the election.”


“Two weeks ago, supporting Trump was what you did if you were a Republican. Today, abandoning Trump is what you do if you’re a decent person. Two weeks ago, Trump’s floor was probably the mid-40s. Now it is plausibly much lower — I would no longer be surprised to see Trump’s vote share in the 30s.”



Trump and his campaign are simply moving in the wrong direction as the voting begins to close in around 'em. Early voting has already begun in a number of states and the first tallies are not good news for Trump or his fanboyz.


What is good news is that Trump's vile language and campaign that won him the Republican party nomination are now showing up as negative votes in the general election. It was inevitable. Trump and his campaign are about to slam straight into the wall of votes that's always been there waiting for him.

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Trump would be an awful barman but as president of the USA who knows. Fact is both Clinton and Trump are dismal candidates,if this is the best that America has to offer then God help us all. I don't envy the choice that has been given to the American voters, 'what would you prefer cancer of the liver or stomach cancer', only the red necks can be happy, they have their candidate whatever.

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


I suppose I am pretty liberal in my views but I think they are also good at child-rearing. 


Its funny but womens level of discontent has raised simultaneously with their moving out of the house and into the workplace  over the past 40 years.


Some of us had already noticed that women are pretty good at writing judicial opinions.


Not only bye-bye Supreme Court for the next 40 years -- or more -- there may be a majority of women justices as elections of Potus continue to develop.


After all, it wuz 1972 that the present conservative-rightwing-Republican majority took control of Scotus and they have had control of it since. Let's see, that's 44 years as of this Potus election.


Lotta discontent settling in on the right over there already, nevermind what would come at Scotus beginning 20 January 2017. (We'll have to see how the Senate goes on November 8th but it continues to look doable for the Democratic Party.)


Maybe we're talking Scotus over the next 50 or 60 years.



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4 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Some of us had already noticed that women are pretty good at writing judicial opinions.


Not only bye-bye Supreme Court for the next 40 years -- or more -- there may be a majority of women justices as elections of Potus continue to develop.


After all, it wuz 1972 that the present conservative-rightwing-Republican majority took control of Scotus and they have had control of it since. Let's see, that's 44 years as of this Potus election.


Lotta discontent settling in on the right over there already, nevermind what would come at Scotus beginning 20 January 2017. (We'll have to see how the Senate goes on November 8th but it continues to look doable for the Democratic Party.)


Maybe we're talking Scotus over the next 50 or 60 years.



woz and lotta and you are worried about talking scrota ?

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