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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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4 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:


I believe that was ACTUAL VOTES.... Not Polls - Not polling done prior to the election.... you seem to not know how such polls are conducted and how they are automatically given a weigh percentage given to Democrats based on far outdated sampling principles.... Just in case you didn't understand - -Actual voting in an Election is the ultimate poll but a thousand times more accurate because people actually went into a voting booth and picked a choice ... It was not answer slanted questions on a telephone with weighed percentages added... And polls are not measuring enthusiasm with Trump getting tens of thousands of people turning out in a roaring crowd while Hillary has to pay people to show up and use green screens to add people for later videos.  Hillary can barely get a few hundred to a few thousand to turn out .... Trump has to turn people away because of fire marshal rules for crowds...  


Plus Karl Rove is a idiot whose only electoral success was GW BUSH... Rove called it wrong for McCain and for Romney because Rove was wishful thinking not being a student of real research ... Rove in the enemy of the Nationalistic Populist voters who are pushing for Trump... Rove's point of view has been totally rejected by Trump backers.... 


From the 1 Nov 2012 edition of The Hill


Rove predicts Romney victory with at least 279 Electoral College votes


"It comes down to numbers. And in the final days of this presidential race, from polling data to early voting, they favor Mitt Romney," wrote Rove. 




I do not attempt to teach you how to suck eggs. Perhaps you might consider doing likewise.

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3 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


From the 1 Nov 2012 edition of The Hill


Rove predicts Romney victory with at least 279 Electoral College votes


"It comes down to numbers. And in the final days of this presidential race, from polling data to early voting, they favor Mitt Romney," wrote Rove. 




I do not attempt to teach you how to suck eggs. Perhaps you might consider doing likewise.

Some of the posts here are a hoot reflecting blind trust that some Utopian Leftist land of enlightened people will outnumber middle America filled with common sense Conservatives and the enlightened Left will elect Hillary with a victory parade from sea to sea.  This over the top posting is just false bravado --- 'Hillary will win by a landslide' and claims that Trump has no real constituency is humorous... Well uh uh uh - she has to win - 'everybody' wants her to win'... 'only knuckle dragging Neanderthals back Trump and there is only ten of them' ... Your posts might as well read as silly as the phrases I just wrote because they sound just as absurd ...  


3 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


From the 1 Nov 2012 edition of The Hill


Rove predicts Romney victory with at least 279 Electoral College votes


"It comes down to numbers. And in the final days of this presidential race, from polling data to early voting, they favor Mitt Romney," wrote Rove. 




I do not attempt to teach you how to suck eggs. Perhaps you might consider doing likewise.


As I said Rove was and is still and idiot and ROVE has nothing to do with Donald Trump or his campaign ... and Rove is not predicting anything on behalf of Trump  ... Not all Republicans are alike as it seems you do not understand... Rove is an old style Republican Establishment Elitist who actually thought McCain and later Romney could win ... The everyday Republican voter in 2008 and in 2012 were not naive idiots like  Rove but voted in vain hope that the Republican Establishment forced choice would win... This is exactly why the Republican voters have totally rejected the Republican Establishment this time around in 2016 and are backing a People's Choice -- Donald Trump ... Laugh and make snide remarks as I know you will - because that is all you know how to do ... but the Populist Nationalist Revolution is driving the Trump train and it is going to overwhelm Clinton on election day ... Trump is not the same old Song and Dance Establishment wienie as lame McCain and dull Romney ... Trump is a fighter who has won every single time the Leftist Media said he would fail ... Hillary is about to drop dead of a stroke while Trump is steaming ahead... 

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Peeping donald.

It's not just words. It's not just so called "locker room talk" ... such B.S.

If you're surprised, you've been living under a rock.

He has a history of ABUSING HIS POWER to carry out his PERVERTED behavior.




CBS 2 Los Angeles did a little fact-checking and, guess what, this time, no Pinocchios. Tasha Dixon, Miss Arizona in 2001, told the TV station that Trump just came “waltzing in” while contestants were nude or half-nude as they changed into bikinis.

Separately, BuzzFeed reported Wednesday that four women in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant said Trump walked into their dressing room while they were changing. Some were as young as 15, BuzzFeed reported.





Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, JDGRUEN said:

Some of the posts here are a hoot reflecting blind trust that some Utopian Leftist land of enlightened people will outnumber middle America filled with common sense Conservatives and the enlightened Left will elect Hillary with a victory parade from sea to sea.  This over the top posting is just false bravado --- 'Hillary will win by a landslide' and claims that Trump has no real constituency is humorous... Well uh uh uh - she has to win - 'everybody' wants her to win'... 'only knuckle dragging Neanderthals back Trump and there is only ten of them' ... Your posts might as well read as silly as the phrases I just wrote because they sound just as absurd ...  



As I said Rove was and is still and idiot and ROVE has nothing to do with Donald Trump or his campaign ... and Rove is not predicting anything on behalf of Trump  ... Not all Republicans are alike as it seems you do not understand... Rove is an old style Republican Establishment Elitist who actually thought McCain and later Romney could win ... The everyday Republican voter in 2008 and in 2012 were not naive idiots like  Rove but voted in vain hope that the Republican Establishment forced choice would win... This is exactly why the Republican voters have totally rejected the Republican Establishment this time around in 2016 and are backing a People's Choice -- Donald Trump ... Laugh and make snide remarks as I know you will - because that is all you know how to do ... but the Populist Nationalist Revolution is driving the Trump train and it is going to overwhelm Clinton on election day ... Trump is not the same old Song and Dance Establishment wienie as lame McCain and dull Romney ... Trump is a fighter who has won every single time the Leftist Media said he would fail ... Hillary is about to drop dead of a stroke while Trump is steaming ahead... 


Trump is steaming ahead?



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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:


Peeping donald.

It's not just words. It's not just so called "locker room talk" ... such B.S.

If you're surprised, you've been living under a rock.

He has a history of ABUSING HIS POWER to carry out his PERVERTED behavior.






Oh the irony!


From someone that has been asking to allow men into women's bathrooms on Thaivisa for the past 9 months....

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5 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

Some of the posts here are a hoot reflecting blind trust that some Utopian Leftist land of enlightened people will outnumber middle America filled with common sense Conservatives and the enlightened Left will elect Hillary with a victory parade from sea to sea.  This over the top posting is just false bravado --- 'Hillary will win by a landslide' and claims that Trump has no real constituency is humorous... Well uh uh uh - she has to win - 'everybody' wants her to win'... 'only knuckle dragging Neanderthals back Trump and there is only ten of them' ... Your posts might as well read as silly as the phrases I just wrote because they sound just as absurd ...  



As I said Rove was and is still and idiot and ROVE has nothing to do with Donald Trump or his campaign ... and Rove is not predicting anything on behalf of Trump  ... Not all Republicans are alike as it seems you do not understand... Rove is an old style Republican Establishment Elitist who actually thought McCain and later Romney could win ... The everyday Republican voter in 2008 and in 2012 were not naive idiots like  Rove but voted in vain hope that the Republican Establishment forced choice would win... This is exactly why the Republican voters have totally rejected the Republican Establishment this time around in 2016 and are backing a People's Choice -- Donald Trump ... Laugh and make snide remarks as I know you will - because that is all you know how to do ... but the Populist Nationalist Revolution is driving the Trump train and it is going to overwhelm Clinton on election day ... Trump is not the same old Song and Dance Establishment wienie as lame McCain and dull Romney ... Trump is a fighter who has won every single time the Leftist Media said he would fail ... Hillary is about to drop dead of a stroke while Trump is steaming ahead... 


would you risk a bet on that?


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More dirt is coming out on Trump the creepy lecher, groper, and assaulter.


A businesswoman at a paper company described how she was sitting next to him in first class on a flight 30 years ago, and she had never met the man. 



About 45 minutes after takeoff, she recalled, Mr. Trump lifted the armrest and began to touch her.

According to Ms. Leeds, Mr. Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt.

“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.


More stories here from other women:



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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:

More dirt is coming out on Trump the creepy lecher, groper, and assaulter.


A businesswoman at a paper company described how she was sitting next to him in first class on a flight 30 years ago, and she had never met the man. 



More stories here from other women:



Yeah, my neighbor said that both Bill and Hillary sexually assaulted her three little girls after last weekends debate.


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7 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Yeah, my neighbor said that both Bill and Hillary sexually assaulted her three little girls after last weekends debate.


Typical Trump deflection by those who refuse to face the reality. The REAL reason more women haven't come forward is simple and immediately understood by those who have ever been through protracted litigation. Being sued is scary, terribly expensive, terribly time consuming, results in your name being slung through the mud, AND if facing a plaintiff with deep pockets, a war of attrition which you will likely lose in the end.  


Trump the bully, intimidator, ensures silence of his victims because they know he will sue the sh!t out of them with his team of lawyers, deep pockets, and evil intentions.


Most women would not even attempt to tell the truth unless the newspaper or magazine guarantees their legal defense, and only then if they have lots of time on their hands and no concern for their reputation, which Trump will drag through the mud.


Repugnant person. Scum.  He will get what he deserves this year.

Edited by keemapoot
res ipsa loquitur
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56 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Typical Trump deflection by those who refuse to face the reality. The REAL reason more women haven't come forward is simple and immediately understood by those who have ever been through protracted litigation. Being sued is scary, terribly expensive, terribly time consuming, results in your name being slung through the mud, AND if facing a plaintiff with deep pockets, a war of attrition which you will likely lose in the end.  


Trump the bully, intimidator, ensures silence of his victims because they know he will sue the sh!t out of them with his team of lawyers, deep pockets, and evil intentions.


Most women would not even attempt to tell the truth unless the newspaper or magazine guarantees their legal defense, and only then if they have lots of time on their hands and no concern for their reputation, which Trump will drag through the mud.


Repugnant person. Scum.

Is there any reason I should not believe my neighbor?

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7 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Is there any reason I should not believe my neighbor?


This rich orange organgutan sued Bill Maher for claiming he was the offspring of lesser primates. If your neighbor was facing someone like that, I'm sure he would bite his lip and keep his trap shut. :wink:

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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:


This rich orange organgutan sued Bill Maher for claiming he was the offspring of lesser primates. If your neighbor was facing someone like that, I'm sure he would bite his lip and keep his trap shut. :wink:


1 hour ago, stevenl said:

You have completely lost the plot.

I have lost the plot?

Since the last poster will not answer a simple question, and you seem eager to join. Why would I not believe what my neighbor said?

Better question, why or why would not I believe somebody that came on CNN and just makes accusations with no proof?

Should I believe it because CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and many others has shown this same clip of this allegation for the last 3 hours now?

Should I believe Bill Clinton is a Pedophile because he flew aboard  (Lolita Express) a convicted pedophiles airplane 26 times and has visited this Pedophiles private Island (orgy island) many times?


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14 minutes ago, dcutman said:


I have lost the plot?

Since the last poster will not answer a simple question, and you seem eager to join. Why would I not believe what my neighbor said?

Better question, why or why would not I believe somebody that came on CNN and just makes accusations with no proof?

Should I believe it because CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and many others has shown this same clip of this allegation for the last 3 hours now?

Should I believe Bill Clinton is a Pedophile because he flew aboard  (Lolita Express) a convicted pedophiles airplane 26 times and has visited this Pedophiles private Island (orgy island) many times?


I'll only answer your first question to me: yes.

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48 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

And..even more and more women coming forward now. I have a feeling the media companies have guaranteed to indemnify these women against lawsuits by Trump.




I have never heard of newspapers agreeing to protect interviewees from lawsuits, which would have a large downside risk.  Do you have any evidence for this? 

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21 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


I have never heard of newspapers agreeing to protect interviewees from lawsuits, which would have a large downside risk.  Do you have any evidence for this? 


No evidence I can post, but have media attorney friends in LA, who have told me such. Basically, the law firm deposes the claimant, runs them through due diligence, polygraph (lie detector) tests, etc., and then advises the media company the risks that the claimant is telling the truth or not. The lawyers then quote the media firm a figure of what it would take to defend that person against suit, and the media company makes a rational decision of whether it's worth it to indemnify or not based on expected revenues offset.

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A guy called Rufus T. Firefly posted this in the comments section of a Huffington Post article titled It’s ‘Total Bulls**t’ That Trump’s ‘Apprentice’ Tapes Can’t Be Released, Says Media Mogul




A bit of trivia from US News, 8 Dec 2011 on a Republican Primary Debate that was cancelled:

"Virtually no one in the Republican mainstream is happy about the prospect of a GOP debate featuring celebrity billionaire Donald Trump as moderator. Texas Rep. Ron Paul, in declining his invitation, said the event would create an "unwanted, circus-like atmosphere." Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman has likewise refused to participate, and conservative voices like George Will, Karl Rove, Ari Fleischer, and the National Review editorial board have lambasted Trump's involvement.
The reaction to the debate on the right has been one of alarm, and for good reason: the choice of Trump as moderator contributes to the perception that the Republican Party no longer takes itself seriously."

The concern was over the GOP's image if Donald Trump were to simply MODERATE a Primary Debate.

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12 hours ago, SoiBiker said:


Yes, the Trumpeteers remain delusional. 538 has Trump at a new low. His chances of winning the election are now at 13%


Just keep doing what you're doing Trump. Same thing for you Trumpeteers. 

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1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:

So many new allegations emerging now. The floodgates are open. Trump is drowning.


Hey now I know you english like to poke around, but allegations are just that. Allegations - "Claim"


Im not denying or supporting anything, but words mean nothing and even more so when there is so much at stake.

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2 minutes ago, Strange said:


Hey now I know you english like to poke around, but allegations are just that. Allegations - "Claim"


Im not denying or supporting anything, but words mean nothing and even more so when there is so much at stake.


The chances of the claims being false are significantly less with Trump due to his proven history of suing each and every person for every penny they have. Normal people will not bring a claim if it is false under these circumstances. Mr. Litigious guarantees that most of these claims are valid. Try again.  Your hero loses.

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1 minute ago, keemapoot said:


The chances of the claims being false are significantly less with Trump due to his proven history of suing each and every person for every penny they have. Normal people will not bring a claim if it is false under these circumstances. Mr. Litigious guarantees that most of these claims are valid. Try again.  Your hero loses.


Not my hero, I don't even like the guy, but "Hill" represents everything I do not believe in. 


People going on the "news" and "claiming" something happened means absolutely nothing. They do it all the time. 


Believe what you want but please, PLEASE, try and maintain objectivity. 

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3 hours ago, dcutman said:


I have lost the plot?

Since the last poster will not answer a simple question, and you seem eager to join. Why would I not believe what my neighbor said?

Better question, why or why would not I believe somebody that came on CNN and just makes accusations with no proof?

Should I believe it because CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and many others has shown this same clip of this allegation for the last 3 hours now?

Should I believe Bill Clinton is a Pedophile because he flew aboard  (Lolita Express) a convicted pedophiles airplane 26 times and has visited this Pedophiles private Island (orgy island) many times?


I think Trump needs to offer more concern to the court case that is lodged against him for the rape of a 13 yr old and a 12 yr old at Epstein's residence. 3 witnesses hmmmm. 

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