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Police in Bangkok Conduct Random Checks on Tourists Ahead of Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Summit


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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Wouldnt it nice if the Police the World over all went to visit Thai restaurants in their Counries and checked all the Thais  documents and working visa and made them all take pee tests and visited them at home randomly to make sure that they were living there etc etc


Well that is happening. But in my country when controlled 3 times, you are legally in our country, that is just it. You not get random controlled, except in maybe the shaggiest of neighborhoods. 

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3 hours ago, bridge2bridge said:

What about all the TRASH Tourists that come here and cause problems for ALL of us.

Good to see the crack down IMHO.

If you don't do wrong you have no reason to worry.


Some of us have lived here too long and seen too much to be naive. We don't fall for that old line about having 'nothing to fear if you have done nothing wrong'. Yeah, right!

Edited by Eligius
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I have visited Thailand many times and but for a quirk of fate I would have retired there. Seems like its changing there for the worse. I have retired to the Philippines and been here nearly 2 years. Yes I see many police out and about, but I have never seen an immigration officer outside of the immigration office. When I do walk close to a police officer they always smile and say good morning or afternoon to me. Never ask to see my passport, which I never carry on me as I have an alien registration card which I used to renew every year but now I have permanent residence its renewed every 5 years. Nobody apart from the bank has ever asked to see my alien rego card.

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31 minutes ago, sahibji said:

if spiking is the intention it can be more easily done at the station. i think speculation should be left out of the equation and work on the assumption that the operation is being conducted fairly and honestly.

when it comes to the cops it is safer to assume they are going to try to cash in. i have been on the receiving end before and know a couple others who have been rolled from drugs incidences. one so so angry he left thailand for good after some drugs appeared in his car.

once you are 'caught' the best thing to do is pay an on the spot fine. price goes up if you end up down at the station.

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4 hours ago, kannot said:

Welcome  to Thailand, why dont they do it at the airport a s soon as the plane  door  opens along with the chip insert, fingerprints, retina  scan, cavity search and 20k baht "security" deposit


Because some tourists come in by paying 50 baht at the Cambodian border.

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1 minute ago, ncc1701d said:

Found this and consider the urine specimen MUST be done at a police station interesting. 



This is great information - but it must not be forgotten that we live in a lawless land. Laws, rules, edicts have no meaning whatsoever in a country where 'the rule of law' and 'human rights' are utterly alien concepts.

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What really amazes me is that right next to them are child pornography CD sellers, criminals of all sorts that sell usually not allowed goods.


       Do they really have a work permit, or do they pay the cops some baksheesh?


        I was at Sukhumvhit one day when I saw two Nigerians making a deal with somebody, while a cop was watching cigarette smoking foreigners, just waiting for them to drop it on the road to ask for some money.


            How can anybody make a statement that it's worth to live in such a fraghged up city? 



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You really have to love the ,, "ALL HAIL ALL THINGS THAI" brigade that will always spout, "If you're doing nothing wrong, you have no fears",,,,,, That's all fine, until you happen along into a BIB having a bad night, or needs some extra $$ for his Mia Noi,,,, Of COURSE NO BIB would ever DREAM of fabricating a, "charge" to fill their own, and their bosses pockets,,,, why of COURSE they would never do such a thing,,,, lololol... I often wonder just how people like that, are even clever enough to book a flight here,,, OBLIVIOUS to the FACT, murders, rapists, thugs that beat tourists senseless, are given a slap on the wrist,, yet the same, "authorities" will claim smoking an e-cigarette is worth 5 years in jail,,,, hahaha

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3 hours ago, JerryinTH said:

It's always the same areas. Usually Asoke and Thonglor. Now they started fetching people on Soi 3 which actually makes sense. 

I really don't understand why they do this in Thonglor area. I understand that there are lots of clubs around, but there is also tons of very affluent foreigners living there. 

None of them breaks the law, pays the overpriced rent prices and has most likely less to hide than people on Soi Africa. 


Never bite the hand that feeds them, but they didn't hear that before I guess. I'll move out of Thonglor as soon as my lease is up. 

Really tired of it. 


I remember when the police were routinely conducting stop and search operations on farangs in Asoke and Thonglor a little while back.

There was a massive outcry with a huge online campaign to stop it mostly from uppity farangs up in arms about the assault on their hallowed 'human rights'.

Thing is, the police arrested loads of them who either tested positive for drugs or had drugs on their person.

They conducted these operations because they know that white people are the only ones buying drugs in the street.


What's so laughable is that farangs applaud racial profiling when it's conducted against non-white foreigners but when it targets them, it's a huge 'human rights' problem even if the profiling results in arrests.

It's as if they think, "We're white and that automatically confers certain privileges. How DARE they suspect us?"

Honestly, the double standard at work among some farangs is hilarious.


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1 hour ago, georgemandm said:

Are you just being smart or something why the f??? Should you have to piss in a jar if you have done nothing wrong what a joke this place is .

the TRASH Tourist give me a break that statement is as stupid ,  as your statement about having to have do nothing wrong.

keep up thailand and you will have no 

tourist come to thailand then you will go broke .



Farangs are the ones buying the drugs off the African dealers in Lower Sukhumvit.

If it's ok to racially profile the dealers, it's ok to racially profile the buyers.

Wonderful equality

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12 minutes ago, brownknees said:

Has there been any comment from the British embassy(for example)?

Has there been a comment from ANY embassy?... (for example)? Thugs are thugs, criminals are criminals, EVERY SINGLE country in the world has them,,, the WORST of them?,, are those that consider themselves, "forthright", and carry a badge, and some authority of some sort,,, Sometimes I think the TRUE criminals are those that are SUPPOSED to protect us from such things,, (or at the very least, come to our aid when we've been wronged), but allow the, "lower" form of thugs, to have their way with us,, LONG ago, a bank robber in the USA , Willie Sutton was asked,, "Why do you rob banks?",,,,, he answered, "Because that's where they keep the money"..... 

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3 hours ago, impulse said:


Do yourself a favor.  Go to your medicine cabinet and write down a list of all your perfectly legal prescriptions.  If you're as old as a lot of us, the list won't be short.


Then Google each one to see if it will ring the bell on a cheap, first pass piss test.  And figure that the more sophisticated test that will eventually exonerate you may take a week or two.  During which time you'll be a guest of the local jail.


My BKK doctor strongly suggested I stay away from bars where I'm likely to be piss tested.  He said I'd eventually be cleared, but why risk a couple of weeks of misery?


1 hour ago, Get Real said:


The chance of it happening to you if you have the proper visa and the documents you need, and also are free from drug use are very slim.
Like a drunk person have tired eyes, and a high person have stary eyes and sometimes wide pupills and can also somtimes not stand still.

Do really think that they will check thoose instead of you, if you not fall in to that line, which I do not think you do.


I'm on every sort of heavy medication because of a brown recluse bite - I'd prolly piss the sample black instead of blue, lol.

Also the morphine and other opiates in my system (which were injected in hospital) I have no paperwork of, so I'd be in the sh1tter for having a spider bite, also with my pupils wide enough to receive alien transmissions directly from Mars, I think they'd throw me in the clinker before I could say cat :D

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13 minutes ago, jabis said:



I'm on every sort of heavy medication because of a brown recluse bite - I'd prolly piss the sample black instead of blue, lol.

Also the morphine and other opiates in my system (which were injected in hospital) I have no paperwork of, so I'd be in the sh1tter for having a spider bite, also with my pupils wide enough to receive alien transmissions directly from Mars, I think they'd throw me in the clinker before I could say cat :D


You should move to Singapore. They speak English and hardly have any spiders...

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4 hours ago, JerryinTH said:

It's always the same areas. Usually Asoke and Thonglor. Now they started fetching people on Soi 3 which actually makes sense. 

I really don't understand why they do this in Thonglor area. I understand that there are lots of clubs around, but there is also tons of very affluent foreigners living there. 

None of them breaks the law, pays the overpriced rent prices and has most likely less to hide than people on Soi Africa. 


Never bite the hand that feeds them, but they didn't hear that before I guess. I'll move out of Thonglor as soon as my lease is up. 

Really tired of it. 


I watched "Shindlers List" yesterday.  How inconspicuous everything started in the beginning and then more and more until the first expropriations....

More and more passport controls, GPS tracking, stricter visa rules, interview with neighbors... :sad:

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24 minutes ago, brownknees said:

Has there been any comment from the British embassy(for example)?

Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha - oh, ha ha ha ha ha!

Great post!

Of course the British Embassy are speaking out against this in no uncertain terms even as I write these words!!

The British Embassy always stands up for civil rights and the rule of law. They never miss a trick!

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2 minutes ago, SoFarAndNear said:


I watched "Shindlers List" yesterday.  How inconspicuous everything started in the beginning and then more and more until the first expropriations.... :sad:


Since moving back to the States,, I often tell people, one of my reasons was,, "They LOOOVE our $$$,, they just don't want us to live there,,, they want us to come, spend $$ on their Daughters, etc,, so they don't have to support them,, then go the #$%^ home,, and come back to do again yearly",,,,, it wasn't THAT bad when I moved there years ago,,,, 

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4 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i was wondering what happens if you refuse. think i would call a lawyer to witness it, would rather pay her than the cops. easy enough for someone to spike the container. military law is in place, does that mean the cops can do what they want?

Not to mention the calibration etc of equipment used. At the very least victims should film everything.

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3 hours ago, yellowboat said:

True, why are the neighboring countries looking so tranquil, while Thailand looks to be coming unhinged ?  How is TAT going to explain this ?   Yesterday the government was only profiling people of a certain color.  Today its back packers and tomorrow ? Sad and laughable.  


Having had my fill of TL BS, I moved to Cambodia 10 years ago. Yes I know to many on here, before you start, I know, you think it's a sh*thole, but anywhere is what you make it. I've never had any hassles re visas, work permit, never any aggro from the police. Never stopped, never searched and never a hint of having to urinate in public. Hardly even given a glance by the BIB (Blue here). Actually most coppers when they do notice me occasionally grin or mostly show indifference. That may change of course, but I'm certainly more welcomed/tolerated here than I was in TL, even in PI I was left alone and I hated it there.

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Being stopped and asked questions and peeing in a cup is not outrageous.  You are not that special and the world has changed. 


Crimes are stopped every day by cops everywhere doing their job. Just because you are an expat and threaten to live Thailand does not mean Thailand will suffer. Get a life. 

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5 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

Being stopped and asked questions and peeing in a cup is not outrageous.  You are not that special and the world has changed. 


Crimes are stopped every day by cops everywhere doing their job. Just because you are an expat and threaten to live Thailand does not mean Thailand will suffer. Get a life. 

Are you joking  tourists are not crimes are they 

ok the passports and visa I can understand but the piss shit is a joke 

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6 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

Being stopped and asked questions and peeing in a cup is not outrageous.  You are not that special and the world has changed. 


Crimes are stopped every day by cops everywhere doing their job. Just because you are an expat and threaten to live Thailand does not mean Thailand will suffer. Get a life. 


And BIB on $8000 baht per month, the country over, are building beach houses, driving BMW's, as WELL as all their superiors,,, ALL on, "good solid police work",,,, ppppfttt,,,, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

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