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Michelle Obama attacks Trump over sexual assault comments


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Michelle Obama attacks Trump over sexual assault comments



MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Michelle Obama said Thursday that Republican nominee Donald Trump bragging on a 2005 tape about his fame allowing him to "do anything to women" shook her to the core.


Speaking at a campaign rally in New Hampshire for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Mrs. Obama called the comments "shocking and demeaning." She also dismissed Trump's claim that the remarks were simply "locker room talk," saying they were affront to all women, parents and every citizen in United States.


"I can't stop thinking about this. It has shaken to me to my core in a way that I couldn't have predicted," the first lady said. "So while I would love nothing more than pretend that this isn't happening and come out here and do my normal campaign speech, it would be dishonest and disingenuous to just move onto the next thing like this was all a bad dream. This is not something we can ignore."


Mrs. Obama said the comments made by Trump are part of a long history of demeaning women.


"We have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, over the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are shocking, so demeaning," she said. "I simply will not repeat anything here today. Last week, we actually saw this candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women. I can't believe I'm saying that, a candidate for president of the United States bragged about sexually assaulting women."


Mrs. Obama went onto say the comments were forcing women to recollect painful memories of when they were harassed in their offices or sexually assaulted.


"The truth is it hurts. It hurts," she said.


"It's like that sick, sinking feeling you get when you are walking down the street, minding your own business and some guy yells out vulgar words about your body or when you see that guy at work that stands a little too close, stares a little too long and makes you feel uncomfortable in your own skin," she said, as the crowd went silent.


While she didn't mention her husband, President Barack Obama, she said Trump's comments did not reflect how the men in her family discuss women.


"I can tell you the men in my life do not talk about women like this. I know my family is not unusual," she said adding, "they are loving fathers who are sickened by the thought of their daughters being exposed to this kind of vicious language about women."


Mrs. Obama's comments are some of the most forceful of a week in which scores of Republican leaders abandoned Trump after a 2005 video became public in which the GOP nominee is heard bragging about how his fame allowed him to "do anything" to women. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., who is in a tight re-election campaign, said over the weekend that she no longer plans to vote for him.


Trump has played down the comments, insisting they were "locker room talk" and that he never did anything of the things he bragged about on the tape. Since then, the New York Times and the Palm Beach Post reported stories about three women who alleged Trump had inappropriately touched them. Separately, a People Magazine reporter wrote a detailed first-person account of being attacked by Trump while interviewing the businessman and his wife, Melania Trump.


Trump denies the allegations.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-14
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Michelle Obama is extremely popular with millennials and young people who look up to her. In addition, she is an articulate, well reasoned, and intelligent, intellectually sound speaker. She will mop up support among the youth.


I'm sorry to report though, that the Trump demographic, uneducated, angry old white men, will not be persuaded by such gibberish. :wink:

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40 minutes ago, davecmarino said:

The left is so full of shit. All they want is a smear campaign because they are losing.
I'll take them serious when they ridicule Bill for raping women and Hillary for covering it up.

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The difference is that did not happen, but the accusations to Trump seem very accurate.

And smear campaign, Trump has been doing nothing else for over a year.

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The difference is that did not happen, but the accusations to Trump seem very accurate.
And smear campaign, Trump has been doing nothing else for over a year.

What planet are you from? Bill Clinton was not only impeached because of his lies related to his womanizing, it is public record.

Now with Trump, these women held their tongues for 30 years and now come out against him because they are Hillary supporters.

If you can't see the truth, you must be a liberal.

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Just now, davecmarino said:



What planet are you from? Bill Clinton was not only impeached because of his lies related to his womanizing, it is public record.




Yawn. :coffee1:


President Clinton was never convicted of any crime.

Nor has his wife ever been.


Just made up scenarios in your own mind. Delusions.


Along with: Hannitty, Drudge and Alex Jones.


Fantasies that mean absolutely nothing in the real world.


Just now, davecmarino said:

If you can't see the truth, you must be a liberal.


Pure Bigoted Ignorance.



Hoo Ya! Trump!  :laugh:

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Just now, davecmarino said:

The left is so full of shit. All they want is a smear campaign because they are losing.
I'll take them serious when they ridicule Bill for raping women and Hillary for covering it up.


More pure ignorance.


Please feel free to list any legal basis to substantiate your erroneous "claims".




You can't.

No one has.


But, carry on.


I'll wait a bit longer while you search and come to the realization that all you have is empty, meaningless blather.

Just like the Bloviator.

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2 hours ago, davecmarino said:

The left is so full of shit. All they want is a smear campaign because they are losing.
I'll take them serious when they ridicule Bill for raping women and Hillary for covering it up.

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Thats fighting talk from somebody who cannot distinguish winning from losing lol

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The accusations are reality with the Clinton's. The fact is that Bill was forced to testify to the facts of his sex life in the sexual harassment lawsuit by Paula Jones. During that case, Bill lied under oath about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. His impeachment came from the fact that he lied under oath and was caught in this lie with indisputable proof contained on Monica's blue dress.

While the court sought to throw Jones's case out, after the proof came out that Bill was lying under oath the case was again allowed to proceed.

Bill decided to settle the case for $850,000 dollar to Paula Jones.
That's verifiable proof of his admission of guilt.

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Just now, davecmarino said:

Bill decided to settle the case for $850,000 dollar to Paula Jones.
That's verifiable proof of his admission of guilt.


Please feel free to provide any documentation of President Clinton's "admission of guilt"  :whistling:




Verifiable? :blink:


Like a true rabid Trumpeteer, you're just making things up.


It doesn't hold water in the real world...

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Look at all these poor liberals who want to throw out all the nasty history surrounding Bill Clinton's womanizing and worse along with all of Hillary's nasty comments about these woman and the actions she took to ruin their lives. Add to it, Hillary's defense of a child rapist in the most horrendous fashion.

Yet they want to convict Trump on the word of Democrat activists who stayed silent for 30 years and only now that Hillary is feeling the heat, do they come forward.

Everyone knows this was all orchestrated by the Clinton's as a smear campaign and will never even see a courtroom.

Nasty leftist and their political bullshit.

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Please feel free to provide any documentation of President Clinton's "admission of guilt"  :whistling:
Verifiable? :blink:
Like a true rabid Trumpeteer, you're just making things up.
It doesn't hold water in the real world...

$850,000 reasons is a tall drink of water. That money is reality. Your political spin isn't.

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Just now, davecmarino said:

Look at all these poor liberals who want to throw out all the nasty history surrounding Bill Clinton's womanizing and worse along with all of Hillary's nasty comments about these woman and the actions she took to ruin their lives. Add to it, Hillary's defense of a child rapist in the most horrendous fashion.

Yet they want to convict Trump on the word of Democrat activists who stayed silent for 30 years and only now that Hillary is feeling the heat, do they come forward.

Everyone knows this was all orchestrated by the Clinton's as a smear campaign and will never even see a courtroom.

Nasty leftist and their political bullshit.

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"Poor liberals" don't care about the ancient history of Bill's womanizing, because it's irrelevant. Bill Clinton isn't running for office.  As much as the Trumpeteers want to make this election about Bill Clinton, no one cares.


A well orchestrated smear campaign? Whatever. Alex Jones? 


Nasty leftists UNITE!!!


4 minutes ago, davecmarino said:


$850,000 reasons is a tall drink of water. That money is reality. Your political spin isn't.

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Very difficult to follow the wanderings of the conspiracy laden wingnut mind. 

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Just now, davecmarino said:

Look at all these poor liberals who want to throw out all the nasty history surrounding Bill Clinton's womanizing and worse along with all of Hillary's nasty comments about these woman and the actions she took to ruin their lives. Add to it, Hillary's defense of a child rapist in the most horrendous fashion.

Yet they want to convict Trump on the word of Democrat activists who stayed silent for 30 years and only now that Hillary is feeling the heat, do they come forward.

Everyone knows this was all orchestrated by the Clinton's as a smear campaign and will never even see a courtroom.

Nasty leftist and their political bullshit.


Still waiting for any substantive legal evidence regrading your frenzied assertions.


Other than cursory emotive responses about your Grand Leader going down hard.


Although, I must say your above quotes, (highlighted by me) have given me some good laughs. :cheesy:

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2 hours ago, davecmarino said:

The left is so full of shit. All they want is a smear campaign because they are losing.
I'll take them serious when they ridicule Bill for raping women and Hillary for covering it up.

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Losing?? Please enlighten us....:coffee1:

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2 hours ago, davecmarino said:



What planet are you from? Bill Clinton was not only impeached because of his lies related to his womanizing, it is public record.

Now with Trump, these women held their tongues for 30 years and now come out against him because they are Hillary supporters.

If you can't see the truth, you must be a liberal.

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First you say he's a rapist and then when confronted about it, your proof is that he was impeached over lying about consensual sex between two adults. 


Your facts don't support you claim.  He's never been prosecuted for rape. 


Trump on the other hand is currently named in a lawsuit and accused of raping a 12 year old girl. I don't think Trump bragging about getting away with molesting women will help him much in court. 


There's a big difference between having an affair, and forcing yourself on women. 

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Well now that our resident libs are up and at it, they can have this thread. 


Quick note before my departure:


Liberalism - Tolerance - Hypocrisy 


Its not possible for you guys to stay objective whatsoever. Michelle is a nobody up there sensationalizing. Bill and "Hill" are equally horrible but hey, lets dismiss that because hurts our agenda. 

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Very difficult to follow the wanderings of the conspiracy laden wingnut mind. 

Too funny. You want to throw out all of Hillary's history and blame it on Bill. You don't care about her actions against these women that ruined their lives. You don't care about her considering the likes of Robert Byrd as a mentor or her black males being "Super Predators" comment. You don't care about all the people who have ended up dead around her and her husband over the life of their career. You don't care about her deleting emails after being under investigation. You don't care that the FBI told you that she did it and lied to you about it but because she is Hillary Clinton and not anyone else that she will not be prosecuted.

So in reality, you just don't care about anything that she has said or done. You don't care about all the flip-flopping of positions through the years or the fact that she readily admits to telling you what you want to hear to get elected with her public and private positions comment.

She gets a pass because she's a Democrat.

Sorry but I've seen her in politics since I was a kid and she sucks. She's the most corrupt piece of shit in politics today and that is really saying something with all the shit heads we have in DC.

You can keep your pay for play corrupt scumbag.

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Still waiting for any substantive legal evidence regrading your frenzied assertions.
Other than cursory emotive responses about your Grand Leader going down hard.
Although, I must say your above quotes, (highlighted by me) have given me some good laughs. :cheesy:

Still waiting for you to prove that Clinton didn't pay Paula Jones to go away during the second trial. Maybe you think that it was just an $850,000 apology.

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