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Administrative order demanding 35 billion baht compensation from Yingluck officially signed


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14 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Crucifying - what a laugh. They've enacted the admin order to prevent filibustering to go by the statute of limitations - why her legal team where trying their best to.


She can appeal to the admin court, and will probably do so. Then it will sit enjoying the speedy legal process but she won't get away with the SoL expiring.

Somewhere buried in all of this is a "Get out of jail free" card. 

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Amazing, so she hasn't even been found guilty, yet the illigitimate government hands out an order to collect the money ?


I hope she tells them where to put their order.


Incidentially, what about the huge deficits that already have been reported caused by this administration ? Since it seems such deficits are being directly recuperated by the persons involved, I guess Prayuth and Co need to take out their wallets too ? Or is the amnesty they have given themselves mainly put in for this reason ?


My oh my, no mandate, wasting money but not accountable.


Does anyone on here really takes this seriously ? Of course not, can't be.

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On ‎19‎-‎10‎-‎2016 at 10:33 AM, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

Thailand is taking one huge step forward in making these corrupt scumbags accountable for their thievery!!  


Is there even one shred of evidence Yingluck personally benefited from the scheme ? To the best of my knowledge there is no such evidence. One would think that if the sole goal is to "make these corrupt scumbags accountable for their theivery" they would try to recuperate money from the actual thieves.


Yes I know, logic IS difficult. Much better to find a scapegoat and get on a nice little witch hunt.


Meanwhile, the thieving and corrupt practices continue unabted, this time by a bunch of people who didn't even bother to follow the charter and got in power by the barrel of the gun. With a nice little amnesty to boot, can't be held accountable.


Trying to hold Yingluck accountable, without the court case even being concluded defies belief and logic, Wonder if they have the guts to jail her if she refuses to pay, that might makes things a whole lot interesting. I think the junta is playing with fire here, not everyone is as gullible as you.

Edited by sjaak327
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15 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Another re-write of history. Yingluck was removed from the office of caretaker PM and Defense Minister. She dissolved parliament and went into caretaker mode. She was then removed from office by a court for an illegal abuse of power. Removing someone from his job so someone else could be moved to make way for "one of the family" to be installed. 


And the Shins want to right their own history books, as do some posters here.

Indeed she was already removed. Surely you are not suggesting that made it ok to stage a coup right ? After all, her government was still in place and in accordance with the charter. The reason for them still being in care taker mode was because some people decided to disrupt the mandatory elections. Of course no one that disrupted those elections will ever be brought to justice, even though such an act is an illegal punishable offence.


But justice in Thailand means nothing, just as this sham means nothing.

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