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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

I'm still getting over the fact that somebody who supported remain is now the PM in charge of leaving the EU!


Only proves that politicians cannot be trusted and are are happy to change their 'mantra' as soon as it becomes beneficial to themselves to do so......


I have to say that I had a fair amount of trepidation when she got the top job, mainly because I hadn't been impressed by her performance at the Home Office.


But, on becoming PM, she acknowledged that democracy had spoken clearly, why it had spoken the way it had, and vowed to carry through that democratic decision and address the issues which brought it. It's early days yet, but she has stuck to her word so far. I was particularly impressed with her clearing the toffs network out of government. This had to be done as a first move in order to have a chance to move social policy forward. 

It was a bold action, and she got away with it (so far.....).

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53 minutes ago, Naam said:

this short term blip is going on since 27 years and there are still a couple of decades ahead during which the former East Germany will be an economical drag on the "West".


But when you have the rest of the Eurozone subsidising your exports to the tune of about 30%, it softens the blow somewhat, doesn't it?

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2 hours ago, pitrevie said:

Once again you haven't produced one link that stated anyone said there would be a total financial collapse, yes people on both sides exaggerated no doubt about that but give me a link that has someone on the REMAIN side saying that,  not someone on the Brexit side saying they said that. The Bank of England certainly didn't predict a total economic collapse.

I would suggest you put your glasses on and read the articles. An economic collapse is a financial collapse. Yes in denial for sure. a couple more for you to deny.



Stock market boss warns Brexit could cause financial bloodbath in London with 'at least' 100,000 City jobs at risk





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25 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I would suggest you put your glasses on and read the articles. An economic collapse is a financial collapse. Yes in denial for sure. a couple more for you to deny.



Stock market boss warns Brexit could cause financial bloodbath in London with 'at least' 100,000 City jobs at risk





Wow that is all you could come up with and there was me thinking that you would be able to quote some of the principal players or some financial authority such as the Bank of England, The Treasury, the IMF, IFS or even mad George Osborne and all you have got is thisismoney.co.uk and some blog. I don't even rely on thisismoney.co.uk on where to invest my money. Its almost as bad as listening to Alex Jones and quoting what he says to support your case. Please do try and find someone on the REMAIN side who predicted a total financial collapse and by someone I don't mean a REMAIN supporter like Betty Higgins of Doncaster etc.

Have you actually read anything else by  Michael Snyder the author of that second link, he is predicting a world wide economic collapse. Go to his website and have a look.

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36 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I would suggest you put your glasses on and read the articles. An economic collapse is a financial collapse. Yes in denial for sure. a couple more for you to deny.



Stock market boss warns Brexit could cause financial bloodbath in London with 'at least' 100,000 City jobs at risk






Like I said Gravy, you're wasting your time. He will just nit pick over wording until you get bored. It's called intellectual dishonesty.

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15 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Like I said Gravy, you're wasting your time. He will just nit pick over wording until you get bored. It's called intellectual dishonesty.

You didn't bother to follow the links did you, you just took them at face value, what was that you just said about intellectual dishonesty?

As well as his Economic Collapse blog he has also written a book called the "Beginning of the end". He is a Christian Fundamentalist who takes the Bible literally. 

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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I would suggest you put your glasses on and read the articles. An economic collapse is a financial collapse. Yes in denial for sure. a couple more for you to deny.



Michael Snyder is a total whack job. I consider my self religious but he is an extremist. If you put your faith in what he writes, you should read more, for example he wrote.


"Millions of Muslims all over the world are giving their lives to Jesus Christ, and in many instances this is happening because of dreams, visions and other supernatural encounters. " Really?


He also for sees the second coming of Christ between 2017 and 2024.


When will people accept that until the Brexit deal (or no deal) is signed, no one knows what will happen. Certainly not the intellectual financial giants we have on TV forecasting gloom, doom and despondency.


I put my faith in the big car manufacturers and companies like Google who are pumping in $billions pre Brexit to the UK economy so they must know something.

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1 minute ago, Flustered said:

Michael Snyder is a total whack job. I consider my self religious but he is an extremist. If you put your faith in what he writes, you should read more, for example he wrote.


"Millions of Muslims all over the world are giving their lives to Jesus Christ, and in many instances this is happening because of dreams, visions and other supernatural encounters. " Really?


He also for sees the second coming of Christ between 2017 and 2024.


When will people accept that until the Brexit deal (or no deal) is signed, no one knows what will happen. Certainly not the intellectual financial giants we have on TV forecasting gloom, doom and despondency.


I put my faith in the big car manufacturers and companies like Google who are pumping in $billions pre Brexit to the UK economy so they must know something.

I am glad that some people know what they are talking about Khun Han just jumps on the bandwagon of any poster he favours doesn't bother checking what they have written and then accuses others of intellectual dishonesty because they have done just that. This is put forward as Remainers predicting total financial collapse if the UK voted Brexit. Little wonder that Kenneth Clarke said we we were heading down a rabbit hole.

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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:

But when you have the rest of the Eurozone subsidising your exports to the tune of about 30%, it softens the blow somewhat, doesn't it?

Germany was among the export champions nearly half a century before the €URo's inception. the 30% subsidy is nothing but an invention of envious narrow minds.

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2 hours ago, Khun Han said:
2 hours ago, rockingrobin said:

I don't care what Toyota is investing elsewhere. They are making a very large new investment in the UK, and that's good enough for me.

Christ!!! Talk about glass half-full!

a measly 240 million minus 21 million UK government subsidy minus big tax relief for years to come is not a glass half full. it's a glass with some liquid residue and the latter not top quality single malt. :laugh:

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33 minutes ago, Naam said:

Germany was among the export champions nearly half a century before the €URo's inception. the 30% subsidy is nothing but an invention of envious narrow minds.


Nope. Wrong. The Euro is widely regarded by economists to be undervalued for Germany and overvalued for the rest of the Eurozone.

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41 minutes ago, Naam said:

i thought this thread  Posted October 22, 2016 was about May ready to tough talk?  when will she start? does she need more than five months preparation? :coffee1:


Then you might want to address the sycophants who keep telling us in this and other brexit threads how much better and more successful a country Germany is than the UK, as though Germany is an all-round superior nation to us (we all know where that line of thinking has led in the past :sad:). We're merely correcting them by pointing out the un-levellness of the playing field.

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35 minutes ago, Naam said:

a measly 240 million minus 21 million UK government subsidy minus big tax relief for years to come is not a glass half full. it's a glass with some liquid residue and the latter not top quality single malt. :laugh:

"a measly 240 million"


What the :shock1:.

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10 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Nope. Wrong. The Euro is widely regarded by economists to be undervalued for Germany and overvalued for the rest of the Eurozone.

Absolutely true! Yet this "imbalance" has nothing to do with Germany, rather the other countries should start thinking about what they are doing wrong.

By the way, Germany is not the only country with a positive inner-EU trade balance, the Netherlands are also doing well, even better than Germany:


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1 hour ago, Flustered said:

I put my faith in the big car manufacturers and companies like Google who are pumping in $billions pre Brexit to the UK economy so they must know something.


Correct. And GSK, and Astra Zeneca, and Novo Nordisk, and Siemens, etc, etc.

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9 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Then you might want to address the sycophants who keep telling us in this and other brexit threads how much better and more successful a country Germany is than the UK, as though Germany is an all-round superior nation to us (we all know where that line of thinking has led in the past :sad:). We're merely correcting them by pointing out the un-levellness of the playing field.

don't despair, do-gooders are currently doing everything they can to sabotage Germany.


Germany abandoning nuclear power will cost billions, and Merkel's immigration policy will too.


When I think about what poor immigrants will cost in the future (official estimated cost: about 1500 EUR / month), I wonder why the state doesn't just pays parents to have children...

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Personally, I find it quite laughable that remainers are doing their best to belittle a near-quarter of a billion pounds investment. Try that nonsense with the thousands whose jobs have been secured both directly and indirectly by this investment. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest by the remain crowd :sad:.

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6 hours ago, Khun Han said:


I only see the 'superior' whisky drinker's posts when they're quoted nowadays, but hasn't he been promising a Powerpoint presentation on EU positives for the last month?  Did it happen?

As you ignore me, why do you care what I post?


I dare you to come out from behind your security blankets and "man up" to real discussions if not hard talk!





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8 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

 Life was OK. In fact much better than other countries in the EU. In the 1980 I lived in a few, so I am talking from experience.

Brexiteers don't lack any confidence. We don't need to rely on other nations to tell us what we can produce and how to do business.  We can all be friends but we don't have to have all the same laws or currency. We are all individual nations with personal identities.You seem to paint a picture that life outside the EU for the UK will be this. It won't.


The picture was from an EU country in 1980?

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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:

Personally, I find it quite laughable that remainers are doing their best to belittle a near-quarter of a billion pounds investment. Try that nonsense with the thousands whose jobs have been secured both directly and indirectly by this investment. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest by the remain crowd :sad:.

Toyota are in the process of upgrading all their plants, and recently announced 10 billion $ investment in the US.

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7 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I agree with West Germany. Now East Germany was different. Now put Spain and Greece, along with France and the UK was a better place to live in. My whole point. As for the other EU countries in the EU now I suspect that the majority were not that great, such as Poland, the Balkans (definitely wasn't) and Hungary etc.

Are you a specialist in stating the bl**ding obvious? The idea was/is to bring other countries up and thus increase the size of the market for our products (marmite?)

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4 hours ago, nontabury said:

And throughout these years,what % of German GDP was spent on the  military,and what % of the U.K's.

And do you learn anything from that? Mind you our defence budget kept many off the dole from 15 ?

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3 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Like I said Gravy, you're wasting your time. He will just nit pick over wording until you get bored. It's called intellectual dishonesty.

Best you ignore people who you disagree with but don't have the intellectual horse power to debate with!

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2 hours ago, Flustered said:

Michael Snyder is a total whack job. I consider my self religious but he is an extremist. If you put your faith in what he writes, you should read more, for example he wrote.


"Millions of Muslims all over the world are giving their lives to Jesus Christ, and in many instances this is happening because of dreams, visions and other supernatural encounters. " Really?


He also for sees the second coming of Christ between 2017 and 2024.


When will people accept that until the Brexit deal (or no deal) is signed, no one knows what will happen. Certainly not the intellectual financial giants we have on TV forecasting gloom, doom and despondency.


I put my faith in the big car manufacturers and companies like Google who are pumping in $billions pre Brexit to the UK economy so they must know something.

They know that UK pointy heads are 20% cheaper than they were a year ago. The UK still has the best brains but I see a brain drain coming up

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2 hours ago, Flustered said:

I am still waiting for World War 3 and being sent to the back of the US queue (line).

There isn't a queue anymore. Trump wants all jobs back on home turf. 


Your silly comment about war reflects the paucity of your knowledge of European history and the roots of the EU

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