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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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Just now, vogie said:

You mentioned eu ruling in your post, sorry I didn't realise you wanted to be specific about cucumbers and parma ham.

Do you think that the UK will no longer be bound by EU product specifications when exporting to the EU?

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15 hours ago, oldhippy said:

I do not doubt that some EU regulations are over the top - and some are not.


As for the cucumbers.

Let us for a moment assume that what you say is correct.

Do you think that after brexit (soft or hard), the UK will be allowed to export cucumbers with a gradient of 11% to the EU? Will the UK perhaps install different production lines for different customers?

And Parma ham from Manchester will be allowed into the EU, to be sold in the Aldi in Parma?


Yet those "ridiculous bureacratic" product specifications were 1 of the pro brexit arguments.

The UK will still have to follow the rules, but now without having a say in it.




The government department for cucumber angles will be double busy then,

and funny shaped potatoes don't stand a chance.

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I do not doubt that some EU regulations are over the top - and some are not.   As for the cucumbers. Let us for a moment assume that what you say is correct. Do you think that after brexit (soft or hard), the UK will be allowed to export cucumbers with a gradient of 11% to the EU? Will the UK perhaps install different production lines for different customers?

And Parma ham from Manchester will be allowed into the EU, to be sold in the Aldi in Parma?


Yet those "ridiculous bureacratic" product specifications were 1 of the pro brexit arguments.

The UK will still have to follow the rules, but now without having a say in it.








Do people know what is DEFRA?  https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs 


Don't worry the UK doesn't need the EUs help to make piles of red tape.


The whole idea that it's the EU that created Britains bureaucratic society is a great falsehood.


DEFRA was famous for making our life difficult importing and exporting natural products and we were a UK company.


Where do people think the Indian Raj got it's famous bureaucracy from?


The EU on the other hand has helped UK workers gain more rights and allow the easy and trouble free tariff free shipment and provision of services across a mass market. Don't hear much about that.


How in the hell is the UK going to have LESS RED TAPE by leaving the EU.


Foolish idea.


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1 hour ago, oldhippy said:

Do you think that the UK will no longer be bound by EU product specifications when exporting to the EU?

You're correct the UK will have to export unbent cucumbers to the eu, I don't think we will be exporting many bananas though. Now do you realise how rediculous this statement sounds? If we knock off 10% will you accept bendy cucumbers?

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

You're correct the UK will have to export unbent cucumbers to the eu, I don't think we will be exporting many bananas though. Now do you realise how rediculous this statement sounds? If we knock off 10% will you accept bendy cucumbers?

You know very well that I mentioned cucumbers only as a reply to a poster that mentioned cucumbers first.

What about all the other products that are traded and regulated by the EU?

Please do not pretend to be thick.

You are pretending, or not?


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Just now, oldhippy said:

You know very well that I mentioned cucumbers only as a reply to a poster that mentioned cucumbers first.

What about all the other products that are traded and regulated by the EU?

Please do not pretend to be thick.

You are pretending, or not?


Well unlike you I have only one head, I do however realise somebody with a brain as big yours, you would need two heads to accomodate it.

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4 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Pursuant to this point, the poster said (in one of the brexit threads) along the lines of 'negotiated with mods. re. previous insulting term' with those that disagreed with his opinion and agreed to not use the insult anymore - so changed it to another insult.  But still 'general' - thereby circumventing forum rules....

Are you OK?


You have long been a fence sitter so I have gone to the trouble to check if you should be worried about fence treatments. I hope you take comfort from the attached ?



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A cabinet minister reputedly said a few months back that May had two choices either destroying the party or destroying the UK. Whatever I think of her personally I believe she has a sense of civic duty so she has no doubt embarked on a soft Brexit which is of course not really Brexit so has decided to save the country. I for one applaud her - but it is only the sound of one hand clapping as we are all losers now in this new status quo which is starting to be discernible out of the fog of negotiation. If I was a Brexit headbanger I would be shouting Traitor with all my breath !

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A cabinet minister reputedly said a few months back that May had two choices either destroying the party or destroying the UK. Whatever I think of her personally I believe she has a sense of civic duty so she has no doubt embarked on a soft Brexit which is of course not really Brexit so has decided to save the country. I for one applaud her - but it is only the sound of one hand clapping as we are all losers now in this new status quo which is starting to be discernible out of the fog of negotiation. If I was a Brexit headbanger I would be shouting Traitor with all my breath !



To all Brexit headbangers



Why is she a traitor? She's trying to do a deal for the country, by all accounts it had majority backing and only held up by extremist party the DUP!  


Where is the evidence a majority in the UK want a hard brexit ?


How much debate was there before the referendum that leaving the EU meant leaving all european institutions or not being part of EFTA?


If you think she's a traitor have another election or another referendum


This traitor talk is facist talk repackaged.




Maybe YOU are the traitor?

 maybe YOU are the one going against 'the will of the people'?


See where that nonsense goes...nowhere.

Will the next elected PM also be called traitor too?




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7 hours ago, oldhippy said:

I sincerely believe that the pro brexit camp in TVForum has been infiltrated by agents provocateurs, their mission: to discredit brexit by using Silly Arguments & Comments.

That is the only reasonable explanation that I can think of for so many posts that are borderline idiotic.


Come on Grouse, admit it, you are paying them?!


The problem Hippy is that many are in favour of the Brexit concept, without bothering or being able to understand the details or implications, that lack of understanding has been made clear time and time again in these pages. To be clear, many people on both sides are not capable of understanding the implications of something as complex as Brexit. There are no insults intended in what I wrote, it's a simple matter of fact.

Edited by simoh1490
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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

The British public are between a rock and a hard place. All British governments have never really cared about the working population but the Tories probably care less than the rest, at the moment 20% of the population live on or below the poverty level ( described as having less than 60% of the average income at their disposal). The Tories will be better for GDP, Labour will be better for the underprivileged, for the economy in the long term not so much. Rampant drug taking, cheap binge drinking and violence on the street are the direct result of hopelessness felt by young and old alike. It is a disgrace that that the UK has the lowest state pensions of any advanced nation and the highest child poverty. The solution ? I have no idea..... but leaving the EU isn't a solution, it will provide all successive governments an opportunity to erode workers rights and environment protection.

I agree with the rock and the hard place! 


The very basic decision here is what the population is prepared to tolerate for the next thirty years or more, a fairly decent economy and continued existence of the impoverished, along with a continued partnership with Europe. Alternatively, improved treatment of the poorest in society, higher taxation and poor economic growth. I very much doubt, when push comes to shove, that many Brits. will willingly relinquish their existing lifestyles and wealth in favour of higher taxation and a return of council houses and the benefits system. It is clear that Labour will bankrupt the economy, they have already admitted they will do so in the overspending described in their manifesto, historically they have always tried to do that and with Corbyn in charge, it's goodbye to the UK as you have known it.

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3 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

I agree with the rock and the hard place! 


The very basic decision here is what the population is prepared to tolerate for the next thirty years or more, a fairly decent economy and continued existence of the impoverished, along with a continued partnership with Europe. Alternatively, improved treatment of the poorest in society, higher taxation and poor economic growth. I very much doubt, when push comes to shove, that many Brits. will willingly relinquish their existing lifestyles and wealth in favour of higher taxation and a return of council houses and the benefits system. It is clear that Labour will bankrupt the economy, they have already admitted they will do so in the overspending described in their manifesto, historically they have always tried to do that and with Corbyn in charge, it's goodbye to the UK as you have known it.

I think that there's a myth operating here about higher taxation leading to lower growth. It depends on how high the taxation is. No evidence at all that the recent reductions in taxes on the wealthy contributed to growth. It actually made no economic sense to reduce taxes on the wealthy during last recession.

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I think that there's a myth operating here about higher taxation leading to lower growth. It depends on how high the taxation is. No evidence at all that the recent reductions in taxes on the wealthy contributed to growth. It actually made no economic sense to reduce taxes on the wealthy during last recession.


It isn't that increased taxes will or will not have an impact on growth, it's a case that higher taxes will be mandatory in order to pay the interest on increased government borrowings. And since that increased borrowing is to be spent on social programs rather than business growth, they will in turn drive business and wealth out of the country - what else have we got we can sell, is there anything!

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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

Goodbye to the UK as I have known it wasn't a bad choice, I left 50 years ago, despite being well educated and well trained I never got above scrimping and saving, getting by was my experience of 'the British way of life' this changed for the better when I moved to Germany. I can only imagine that the average British living standard consists of paying large sums of money for a mortgage or rent and maxing out a credit card for small luxuries while watching 'Love island' or 'I'm a celebrity' on the TV. Taxation will rise at any event, it doesn't have to be direct, higher costs for train fares or services, reduction in NHS service, reduction in welfare, reduction of the police force numbers, etc. The British muddle along, there seems to be no real planning. I remember in Germany under chancellor Gerhard Schroeder (Labour) that the economy and industry was completely revamped at a time when Germany was really on the up and so were prepared when economies world wide went down, this sort of planning is unknown in the UK, it's all wait and see, I decided not to wait.

Interestingly, I also left almost 50 years ago, why a sane person would stay in the UK in the early '70's is beyond me. But after 15 years in the US I returned, just in time for Big Bang, 20 years on and I left yet again and this 15 year stint is now nearly up. To return or not is the question. I suppose returning to live in the UK today as we begin to Brexit and potentially enter a Labour government at some point is about as attractive as living there during the 1970's, the answer must be, not!

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