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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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There are countries who must be wishing Brexit arrives sooner than later so they can step up border controls against British hooligans.



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1 hour ago, vogie said:

Proxy voting, it's what we did in the forces?

The problem is that since Blair dumbed down education to such a low level, half the "kids" at university probably cannot even sign their own names properly. As to voting, they view the time taken  to go to the local polling station as wasted and better spent in the Students bar.

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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

I'm surprised that such a presumptuous, erroneous and insulting statement has not been removed.  


I think you've just proved my point! But at least you'll all have your £350m per week injection into the NHS to comfort you in old age, and unfettered access to the single market without freedom of movement (because German manufacturers will demand it, and they need us more than we need them, etc). That's all going according to plan? 

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And here we have Frau Merkel stepping up the war against the USA and the UK.


She really wants to create trouble and drive wedges between the EU and the UK. The UK agreed with 5 others over climate change but Merkel still puts the boot in.


Oh well, you loose some (1 & 2) and then have a go a different way.



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3 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Those young people are so irresponsible! In my day they were sent out, before dawn, to work down pits and if they weren't back, before tea-time with at least 6 dead stoats, they were given a good hiding! Brexit too good for them. They were good, them days.......


And the great thing about Brexit is that we're going back to those amazing halcyon days of the past ... that never existed! The forthcoming generations will be working into their dotage to ensure that the oldies that voted to worsen their prospects receive a pension and health care ... I wonder if we'll have a referendum on compulsory euthanasia for those that live too long? We could have a 'points system' (they love a points system), with extra points for those that voted Brexit.  



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4 minutes ago, Flustered said:

And here we have Frau Merkel stepping up the war against the USA and the UK.


She really wants to create trouble and drive wedges between the EU and the UK. The UK agreed with 5 others over climate change but Merkel still puts the boot in.


Oh well, you loose some (1 & 2) and then have a go a different way.




Merkel is referring to Trump ... and the supplicant Brits, who'll do anything to maintain that fictional "special relationship" ... an odly one sided relationship. I can't wait to see Trump boasting about how he stiffed the Brits on a trade deal ... let's face it, he just can't help himself!

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4 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


And the great thing about Brexit is that we're going back to those amazing halcyon days of the past ... that never existed! The forthcoming generations will be working into their dotage to ensure that the oldies that voted to worsen their prospects receive a pension and health care ... I wonder if we'll have a referendum on compulsory euthanasia for those that live too long? We could have a 'points system' (they love a points system), with extra points for those that voted Brexit.  



What would you know about the past Halcyon days? You are probably too young to remember.

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Just now, Flustered said:

What would you know about the past Halcyon days? You are probably too young to remember.


But not too young to know that my own family are significantly better off than they were in the 50's and 60's ... the point being that people are harking back to a time of low standards of living ... relative to today. When everyone is in the same boat you don't feel as poor.


How many "poverty" documentaries do we see today with the impoverished family sitting at home with their dogs and cats, mobile phones, Sky TV, computer games ... together with fags and booze and regular taxi usage? Poverty is not what it used to be. 



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7 minutes ago, Flustered said:

The NHS is not the wonderful organisation it was. It is not fit for purpose. It needs a radical overhaul.


It is very well funded but successive Governments have failed to re-organise it into a model that actually works.


Issue everyone who is a UK citizen with NHS cards that include basics such as blood type, allergies etc and  make people present these on attending any NHS establishment. Anyone without an NHS card has to pay, just the same as the majority of countries in the world. This way the NHS remains a "national" and not an "International" Health Service. That will cut out £billions of waste. Oh hand on a minute "Human and Civil rights" not to have any I.D on your person, I forgot.


I hope TM gets back in with a massive majority and puts the German Federal Republic of Europe firmly in it's place at the negotiations.


May is showing herself to be less sure-footed than the Daily Mail and Sun tells us she is ... she realises that she'll be facing an EU as a united front. The "no deal better than a bad deal" comment is really an admission that there will be "no deal" ... she's just managing our expectations. All of those promises that Boris Johnson made are now seen for the utter bulls*t that they always were. 


As for the NHS, the 'foreign element' is a drop in the ocean ... even if it were zero it would not make much of a difference. 



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15 minutes ago, Flustered said:

The NHS is not the wonderful organisation it was. It is not fit for purpose. It needs a radical overhaul.


It is very well funded but successive Governments have failed to re-organise it into a model that actually works.


Issue everyone who is a UK citizen with NHS cards that include basics such as blood type, allergies etc and  make people present these on attending any NHS establishment. Anyone without an NHS card has to pay, just the same as the majority of countries in the world. This way the NHS remains a "national" and not an "International" Health Service. That will cut out £billions of waste. Oh hand on a minute "Human and Civil rights" not to have any I.D on your person, I forgot.


I hope TM gets back in with a massive majority and puts the German Federal Republic of Europe firmly in it's place at the negotiations.

Like most NHS systems throughout the Western World it has been a victim of its own success. We are now treating people for things on a scale that we could never have envisioned when it was set up. Also like any large origination it is prone to waste. However having recently experienced it at first hand I was amazed at the number of people that were being treated just in the short time I was there and that was for a very common old age complaint. 

I seem to recall that just after 1997 the then Labour government tried to introduce  a national ID card which would have met a lot of the complaints that we hear about the NHS and those entitled to be treated and those not entitled to be treated free of charge.

Now guess who was the Tory minster that cancelled that scheme.


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1 minute ago, Flustered said:

Standards are relative according to what is available. You cannot compare today and say you are better off than yesterday as different items are available in different eras.


Just because we did not have an ultra high definition TV in the 50s and had a 7" black and white Pye does not mean we were worse off. Just because we went on holiday to Margate instead of Marbella does not mean we were worse off. There was much about the 50s that was superior to today's dumbed down world. The NHS worked and was a shining example of how a medical system should be. A university degree meant something other than a piece of paper saying you had a BA in "Circus Management". The population born in the 40s and 50s are estimated to outlive those born in the 70s onwards.


As for the rest, I agree with it.


The education system in the 1950s was simple and focused on the foundations for learning ... reading, writing and mathematics. In my view we should go back to those standards, and we'll see the UK climb the education standards league tables. 


We are significantly better off in the material sense ... more people with cars, more modern conveniences, international travel, better housing, internet access, better foods and a wider range to choose from. The NHS standards today and the treatments that can be cured are so much more than the past ... as techniques and medicines have advanced rapidly. And in many respects it is this rapid advancement that has increased that cost of running that service.  The more cures we develop the more expensive it is to run.

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2 minutes ago, pitrevie said:


Now guess who was the Tory minster that cancelled that scheme.


And go on to explain why.....


The ID card proposed by Labour wanted over 50 items of information on it, such as 10 fingerprints, digitised facial scan and iris scan, current and past UK and overseas places of residence of all residents of the UK throughout their lives and indexes to other Government databases 


All I propose is an NHS card with just basics on it such as blood group and allergies, not your life history.


Strange seeing how Mrs Blair was such a money making human rights barrister, 

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

That depends if mummy and daddy are funding it or you have to yourself, work jobs etc. If so called educated people (at university) wouldn't vote because of celebrations, then maybe they shouldn't be allowed a vote in the first place.

What a ridiculous comment


If you are at University at the other end of the country, would you come home a week early to vote?


How naive

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1 minute ago, Flustered said:

And go on to explain why.....


The ID card proposed by Labour wanted over 50 items of information on it, such as 10 fingerprints, digitised facial scan and iris scan, current and past UK and overseas places of residence of all residents of the UK throughout their lives and indexes to other Government databases 


All I propose is an NHS card with just basics on it such as blood group and allergies, not your life history.


Strange seeing how Mrs Blair was such a money making human rights barrister, 

I would have thought you would have welcomed something that might have helped in the fight against terrorism for example and especially since illegal immigration is such a concern for Brexiters. It would have also served as a filter for those claiming free NHS treatment as well as dealing with those who defraud our social security.

I didn't think you would need to be told that it was Theresa May who cancelled the scheme. 

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43 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


I think you've just proved my point! But at least you'll all have your £350m per week injection into the NHS to comfort you in old age, and unfettered access to the single market without freedom of movement (because German manufacturers will demand it, and they need us more than we need them, etc). That's all going according to plan? 

You have a point? Must have missed that somewhere. 

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

That depends if mummy and daddy are funding it or you have to yourself, work jobs etc. If so called educated people (at university) wouldn't vote because of celebrations, then maybe they shouldn't be allowed a vote in the first place.

So called educated people (at university) should be encouraged


Look at the American Stock Market - its being carried by Tech Stocks almost alone. Check it out.....


Where are our tech stocks???? Our, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Intel, Google etc??? Do we not have the brains? Of course we do. We don't have a decent government


We just sold off ARM - Advanced Risc Machines!!!


Note BA made 700 IT specialists redundant and then out sourced to India!


I blame the EU.........

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4 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

I would have thought you would have welcomed something that might have helped in the fight against terrorism for example and especially since illegal immigration is such a concern for Brexiters. It would have also served as a filter for those claiming free NHS treatment as well as dealing with those who defraud our social security.

I didn't think you would need to be told that it was Theresa May who cancelled the scheme. 

So you are happy having to list everyone of your addresses from the day you were born?


I think not. I am all for national ID cards but not ones that need several Terabytes of storage for the information.

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2 minutes ago, Flustered said:

What we do have is the best of what is available.


The alternatives are too bad to even think about..


Until such time as the Revolution comes, we are stuck with the best of a bad bunch. Mind you, TM is doing a sterling job, hasn't put a foot wrong so far, it's just her backing group that are out of sync.

Er, TEOs (Temporary Exclusion Orders) were introduced by Rudd in 2015 to handle returning ISIS fighters


One has been issued although there have been 500 returning Jihadists


Ruddy useless

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Just now, Flustered said:

So you are happy having to list everyone of your addresses from the day you were born?


I think not. I am all for national ID cards but not ones that need several Terabytes of storage for the information.

Nothing stopping TM from curtailing what was on it but she scrapped it. Could you supply a link to where a requirement was for every address from the day you were born or any other such outlandish claim you want to make.

My understanding was that it was a copy of the information contained on your passport with the addition of some bio-metric information. In fact I got one of the trial cards and all I had to do was an iris scan along with the sort of information I supply for my passport. It was touted as a substitute for having to carry your passport through the EU area and I would have no problem being stopped by a policeman in the UK or EU and asking to see it. In fact as a servicemen in Germany I was stopped on several occasions by the civil police and asked to produce ID, never saw any problem with that. As a servicemen and later in my professional career I was accustomed to producing an ID. Seems to me it would be the sort of thing a Brexiter would support in the fight against illegal imigration, NHS  and social security spongers. 

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Er, TEOs (Temporary Exclusion Orders) were introduced by Rudd in 2015 to handle returning ISIS fighters


One has been issued although there have been 500 returning Jihadists


Ruddy useless

As I said, backing group out of sync.


What Labour failed to do in all of their terms of office and different Home Secretaries, TM managed. The extradition of that radical preacher whose name is not even worth mentioning.

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13 minutes ago, Grouse said:

What a ridiculous comment


If you are at University at the other end of the country, would you come home a week early to vote?


How naive

Not ridiculous at all. Why would you need a week to come home. Most would do it in less than a day. If I am naïve in your eyes well fine . I won't lose any sleep about it. If people don't vote then they can't complain. Simple as that. You have a choice. Mrs. May has made it clear that this election is about Brexit. So if the people don't want it then don't vote for her. Again simple. Partying because you won an award, degree or whatever shouldn't be an excuse for not having your democratic say whatever it is. if that's naïve well great. You can get from one end of the country in no time now. Horse and carriage has been unpopular for a while now as a means of transport.

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10 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

Could you supply a link to where a requirement was for every address from the day you were born or any other such outlandish claim you want to make.


As usual you revert to using words such as "outlandish" in the hope I cannot link the article.


If only you had looked at the document before making a fool of yourself.


I accept your apologies.




(5) In this Act “registrable fact”, in relation to an individual, means— (a) his identity; (b) the address of his principal place of residence in the United Kingdom; (c) the address of every other place in the United Kingdom or elsewhere where he has a place of residence; (d) where in the United Kingdom and elsewhere he has previously been resident; (e) the times at which he was resident at different places in the United Kingdom or elsewhere; (f) his current residential status; (g) residential statuses previously held by him; (h) information about numbers allocated to him for identification purposes and about the documents to which they relate; (i) information about occasions on which information recorded about him in the Register has been provided to any person; and (j) information recorded in the Register at his request.

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1 hour ago, Flustered said:

And go on to explain why.....


The ID card proposed by Labour wanted over 50 items of information on it, such as 10 fingerprints, digitised facial scan and iris scan, current and past UK and overseas places of residence of all residents of the UK throughout their lives and indexes to other Government databases 


All I propose is an NHS card with just basics on it such as blood group and allergies, not your life history.


Strange seeing how Mrs Blair was such a money making human rights barrister, 

I have always thought there should be a ID card system for all, with today's technologies there would not even be any need to actually carry a card as hopefully the police and other agencies would have the technology to call up a photo from the database or confirm by finger printing.  

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33 minutes ago, Flustered said:

As usual you revert to using words such as "outlandish" in the hope I cannot link the article.


If only you had looked at the document before making a fool of yourself.


I accept your apologies.




(5) In this Act “registrable fact”, in relation to an individual, means— (a) his identity; (b) the address of his principal place of residence in the United Kingdom; (c) the address of every other place in the United Kingdom or elsewhere where he has a place of residence; (d) where in the United Kingdom and elsewhere he has previously been resident; (e) the times at which he was resident at different places in the United Kingdom or elsewhere; (f) his current residential status; (g) residential statuses previously held by him; (h) information about numbers allocated to him for identification purposes and about the documents to which they relate; (i) information about occasions on which information recorded about him in the Register has been provided to any person; and (j) information recorded in the Register at his request.

and where in schedule 1 is this required. "So you are happy having to list everyone of your addresses from the day you were born?"


1 The following may be recorded in an individual’s entry in the Register— (a) his full name; (b) other names by which he is or has been known; (c) his date of birth; (d) his place of birth; (e) his gender; (f) the address of his principal place of residence in the United Kingdom; (g) the address of every other place in the United Kingdom or elsewhere where he has a place of residence.


Seems you are reading a lot more into it than is intended. They are trying to establish residence so requiring any address where you might have been resident. Scehedule 1 does not say that you have to include every residence which you have occupied and I doubt if any person could supply such a record with any accuracy. If you have multiple residences in the UK then I can quite see the point of asking for those since you can have people making multiple claims on Social security.

Why not try reading it without your outlandish statement "So you are happy having to list everyone of your addresses from the day you were born?"



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