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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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53 minutes ago, Grouse said:

How very dare you!


I was once flying Qatar Air from LHR to BKK via some godforsaken place in the desert. The second leg was a morning flight, and, sitting at the front, I tried the "Arab Breakfast". Well! Talk about a damascene moment! It all became clear! If you gave these people a PROPER YORKSHIRE breakfast most of the world's problems would be solved. Have you seen what these guys get for breakfast? In business class? I'd be a terrorist! No. Give everyone back bacon and eggs, fried bread and tomatoes, black pudding and potato cakes. And a cup of Tetley tea!


Welcome to the new world!!

Some how I don't think so! Not quite sharia is it.

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2 hours ago, Naam said:

not really as i hate a lot of things what Brits seem to love, specifically the "English breakfast" which i like as much as whale vomit for brunch :smile:


Well, that really discounts you from ever setting inside the country ever again, or visiting Pattaya for that matter.



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If the Cons. had any integrity whatsoever they would revoke Article 50, because we neither have a PM or administration that is likely to see the process through the important first two years. It is also the only strategic position the Gov. can adopt to avoid complete defeat at the next election, as there is a growing sense in the country that no deal is the worst possible deal.  It would spell the end of the Tories for 30 years or more imo.


This utter fiasco has gone on long enough and is now tangibly hurting the country.

Edited by mommysboy
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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

How very dare you!


I was once flying Qatar Air from LHR to BKK via some godforsaken place in the desert. The second leg was a morning flight, and, sitting at the front, I tried the "Arab Breakfast". Well! Talk about a damascene moment! It all became clear! If you gave these people a PROPER YORKSHIRE breakfast most of the world's problems would be solved. Have you seen what these guys get for breakfast? In business class? I'd be a terrorist! No. Give everyone back bacon and eggs, fried bread and tomatoes, black pudding and potato cakes. And a cup of Tetley tea!


Welcome to the new world!!


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2 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

If the Cons. had any integrity whatsoever they would revoke Article 50, because we neither have a PM or administration that is likely to see the process through the important first two years. It is also the only strategic position the Gov. can adopt to avoid complete defeat at the next election, as there is a growing sense in the country that no deal is the worst possible deal.  It would spell the end of the Tories for 30 years or more imo.

Would you like them to nationalise the railways as well? :cheesy:

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21 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Well, that really discounts you from ever setting inside the country ever again, or visiting Pattaya for that matter.



many rainy seasons ago when i saw my semi-Brit wife spooning down baked beans on soggy toast mixed with egg yolk i thought of divorce. now, after 38 years of marriage i just avoid to look at her plate



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3 minutes ago, vogie said:

Would you like them to nationalise the railways as well? :cheesy:

No. Leave that to Labour- they'll do a proper job.  Tories couldn't organise a pxxx up at a brewery.


No point asking them to put the interests of the country first either.

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4 minutes ago, Naam said:

many rainy seasons ago when i saw my semi-Brit wife spooning down baked beans on soggy toast mixed with egg yolk i thought of divorce. now, after 38 years of marriage i just avoid to look at her plate



Funnily enough, baked beans were never part of a set English breakfast, which really was bacon, egg, sausage, fried bread, and perhaps fried potato, and the obligatory slice of buttered bread, and mug of tea. 


How on earth can anyone not like that?  I crave it....

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1 minute ago, mommysboy said:

No. Leave that to Labour- they'll do a proper job.  Tories couldn't organise a pxxx up at a brewery.


No point asking them to put the interests of the country first either.

Are you old enough to remember when the railways was nationalised before, what I can remember it was a total shambles, as was all the other industries that was publicly owned, especially when the militant unions were involved.

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1 minute ago, vogie said:

Are you old enough to remember when the railways was nationalised before, what I can remember it was a total shambles, as was all the other industries that was publicly owned, especially when the militant unions were involved.

That was before.  Why go on about it all the time?  Other nations can manage their nationalised industries well, and after all the railways aren't exactly star performers at the moment, are they? There is another point: Liberal capitalism is last century's thing- it's gone now and simply won't cut it for the future where there will be limited growth.  All governments will have to adopt socialist principles howsoever they are re-invented.


But there is a more immediate thing here: community, shared ownership, pride vs. corporate gain.  LIke the land, and the parks, they belong to me and my fellow countrymen.... sick of this rubbish.

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8 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Funnily enough, baked beans were never part of a set English breakfast, which really was bacon, egg, sausage, fried bread, and perhaps fried potato, and the obligatory slice of buttered bread, and mug of tea. 


How on earth can anyone not like that?  I crave it....

i forgot "Bangers" the English breakfast sausage. a pervert must have concocted the recipe and then adding insult to injury calling it "sausage". :laugh:

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13 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

That was before.  Why go on about it all the time?  Other nations can manage their nationalised industries well, and after all the railways aren't exactly star performers at the moment, are they? There is another point: Liberal capitalism is last century's thing- it's gone now and simply won't cut it for the future where there will be limited growth.  All governments will have to adopt socialist principles howsoever they are re-invented.


But there is a more immediate thing here: community, shared ownership, pride vs. corporate gain.  LIke the land, and the parks, they belong to me and my fellow countrymen.... sick of this rubbish.

How do you mean "why go on about it all the time," it's the first time I've mentioned it. I'll ask you again, can you remember when Labour nationalised every thing but the kitchen sink. There is one thing I have learned in life is you will never get an ultra left wing Labour supporter to listen to reason, but Corbyns views on socialism is so left wing it's beginning to fall off the end of my Ipad. If you like communism so much I'm sure there are other countries that will facilitate you, maybe China, I'm not too sure if Russia is communist these days. Many people in the UK do not want that type of regime and will fight tooth and nail to avoid it. Corbyn has had his 15 minutes of fame, I can only hope he will soon be yesterdays news.

Edited by vogie
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25 minutes ago, vogie said:

Are you old enough to remember when the railways was nationalised before, what I can remember it was a total shambles, as was all the other industries that was publicly owned, especially when the militant unions were involved.

1948? Before my time....

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32 minutes ago, vogie said:

Are you old enough to remember when the railways was nationalised before, what I can remember it was a total shambles, as was all the other industries that was publicly owned, especially when the militant unions were involved.

Everything was a shambles prior to UK opening up to globalisation- it wasn't just a Labour thing.  Global investment from USA and continental Europe allowed us to learn new practices, and more importantly fund our industry better, which is something that the Tories still fail to do to this very day.

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Just now, mommysboy said:

Everything was a shambles prior to UK opening up to globalisation- it wasn't just a Labour thing.  Global investment from USA and continental Europe allowed us to learn new practices, and more importantly fund our industry better, which is something that the Tories still fail to do to this very day.

You still won't answer my question, so it's good night from me!

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9 minutes ago, vogie said:

Yes grouse, 1948 was the start of nationalisation, and your point?

Not much; just interested if anyone here was "awake" in 1948! Maybe 85+?


And it's goodnight from him! ?

Edited by Grouse
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15 minutes ago, vogie said:

How do you mean "why go on about it all the time," it's the first time I've mentioned it. I'll ask you again, can you remember when Labour nationalised every thing but the kitchen sink. There is one thing I have learned in life is you will never get an ultra left wing Labour supporter to listen to reason, but Corbyns views on socialism is so left wing it's beginning to fall off the end of my Ipad. If you like communism so much I'm sure there are other countries that will facilitate you, maybe China, I'm not too sure if Russia is communist these days. Many people in the UK do not want that type of regime and will fight tooth and nail to avoid it. Corbyn has had his 15 minutes of fame, I can only hope he will soon be yesterdays news.

Yes I was most definitely around in the 70's but was more traumatised by the 80's and Thatcherism.


I listen to reason, and have a strong pragmatic edge.  You could hardly call the last Labour administration anything but business friendly, in fact it was more right wing than the Heath administration.


The Country does not belong solely to you or any Tory entity and I will go where I choose or not....got it? 


I would prefer to see a proper Labour Government in power for the first time in 40 years. The last decade has seen globalisation, and consumerism falter- it was last century.  It doesn't work anymore, and was a bit of a fantasy anyway.  Move on!



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18 minutes ago, bannork said:

Please...stop this...I haven't eaten this for years and now the smells and flavours of that gloriously chewy and tasty red bacon with its crispy and succulent rind, fried tomatoes, fried eggs soft enough to break and mix with sausages, and perhaps eggy bread, absorbing all and sundry,  a meal to be topped off with a mug of Tetleys..

My senses are  overwhelmed and I'm  nowhere near this mirage, in either time or distance. 

Good night,


I'm currently on corned beef hash with eggs 'easy over' and a huge side of pankakes. I'd still swap it for a good fry up.

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16 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Yes I was most definitely around in the 70's but was more traumatised by the 80's and Thatcherism.


I listen to reason, and have a strong pragmatic edge.  You could hardly call the last Labour administration anything but business friendly, in fact it was more right wing than the Heath administration.


The Country does not belong solely to you or any Tory entity and I will go where I choose or not....got it? 


I would prefer to see a proper Labour Government in power for the first time in 40 years. The last decade has seen globalisation, and consumerism falter- it was last century.  It doesn't work anymore, and was a bit of a fantasy anyway.  Move on!




Oh, globalisation is very much this century, and it aint consumer-friendly, nor is it meant to be. What do you think the mass migration of second and third world people is about? Government social conscience :laugh:?

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3 hours ago, Grouse said:

In what way? You're clearly not an Economist. Do you understand Keynesian economics.


BTW, I'm no fan of Brown but some say his bold actions saved the world from meltdown. Blame someone? The Bankers! Bastards!

No, I am not an economist by profession but I am familiar with the Keynesian theory and now that you have mentioned him, I am more familiar with your position. The Keynesian fiscal remedy ups demand and supply but each round of stimulus damages prices so badly that successive rounds are required, eventually producing crippling debt and finally out of control inflation. Keynes was a short-term idealist, just like Corbyn.

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2 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Oh, globalisation is very much this century, and it aint consumer-friendly, nor is it meant to be. What do you think the mass migration of second and third world people is about? Government social conscience :laugh:?

Sorry.  I think I mean the age of easy growth fuelled by rampant globalisation and borrowing is at an end.  Migration will be eclipsed by automatisation as the major disruptor in the labour market.

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5 hours ago, vogie said:

How do you mean "why go on about it all the time," it's the first time I've mentioned it. I'll ask you again, can you remember when Labour nationalised every thing but the kitchen sink. There is one thing I have learned in life is you will never get an ultra left wing Labour supporter to listen to reason, but Corbyns views on socialism is so left wing it's beginning to fall off the end of my Ipad. If you like communism so much I'm sure there are other countries that will facilitate you, maybe China, I'm not too sure if Russia is communist these days. Many people in the UK do not want that type of regime and will fight tooth and nail to avoid it. Corbyn has had his 15 minutes of fame, I can only hope he will soon be yesterdays news.

Corbyn is going to be around a lot longer than 15 minutes more. He may have lost the third General Election in a row for Labour but the general view is that political momentum is now on his side. If the Tory Party cannot contain its internal conflicts over Brexit then this will dwarf whatever Corbyn's views and policies are re nationalisation and the rest and the Conservatives will go down as they did in 1997, notwithstanding that Corbyn is not Blair.

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3 hours ago, mommysboy said:

Sorry.  I think I mean the age of easy growth fuelled by rampant globalisation and borrowing is at an end.  Migration will be eclipsed by automatisation as the major disruptor in the labour market.

If there is one thing that the populist right and the hard left have in common it is that they are both opposed to globalisation. Its nationalism Vs nationalisation. Both deadbeat.

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