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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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Been a lot of talk about the cost of brexit in the autumn statement but their has been little said so far about how much the UK will have to pay the EU to leave.

"Furthermore, Britain was mistaken if it believed the talks would be straightforward, because they must first sort out the financial bill for leaving, then the headache of the border with the Republic of Ireland.

Mr Muscat said: “It is only after those two areas have been resolved that the third negotiation will start - which is what type of new relationship there will be between the UK and the European Union.”"


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20 minutes ago, sandyf said:


Been a lot of talk about the cost of brexit in the autumn statement but their has been little said so far about how much the UK will have to pay the EU to leave.

"Furthermore, Britain was mistaken if it believed the talks would be straightforward, because they must first sort out the financial bill for leaving, then the headache of the border with the Republic of Ireland.

Mr Muscat said: “It is only after those two areas have been resolved that the third negotiation will start - which is what type of new relationship there will be between the UK and the European Union.”"



A galliant effort Sandy, to post something with an attempt at a corroborating source.


You should have took the advice of your fellow remainers over the past week, and not provided a source. They have decided that posts, without corroboration of any description are far more accurate than anything else.


The Maltese PM is not part of the Brexit team, so I will take what he says with a pinch of salt.


However, there may be good news on the horizon for the remoaners.



Britons could pay to retain the benefits of European Union citizenship after Brexit under plans being considered by MEPs.

The European parliament’s lead Brexit negotiator Guy Verhofstadt said he supported the principle of the idea, which would see UK citizens sending an annual fee to Brussels.




So stand by to sign up Sandy. Send your money to Brussels. Despite everything that is said, the 1 thing the EU needs is money. Plenty of it.


So desperate are the EU becoming, they are even contemplating allowing individuals to sign up to give them money. What a brilliant idea. How many of the remainers will be signing up to hand over their money ?


It is great and fun when it is taxpayers money being handed over. It will be a totally different story when it comes to handing over personal money. 16 Million waiting to sign up, for this once in a lifetime opportunity ?  Never going to happen in a million years.

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31 minutes ago, SgtRock said:



No answer RR


Here it is again, just for you



You got 1 correct. I do not do subtlety.




Let's just recap here...


You refuse to accept that the slogan on the big red bus of lies is actually a lie because the text is split across 2 lines and there is no coordinating conjunction used to tie line 1 with line 2? You therefore contend that there was no intention to fool voters into thinking that that the first line, "We send the EU 350 million a week" was related to the second line, "let's fund our NHS instead. Vote Leave" but, rather, they were two important but unrelated statements? Is that a correct assessment of your position on the bus slogan? ANSWER THE QUESTION (see, we can both do that).


Then, when I post a photo from the Getty news agency that shows the Brexit camp's biggest clown under a banner which contains a single sentence. "Let's give our NHS the 350 million the EU takes every week" you make a weak attempt to suggest that it is akin to Nontabury's plethora of Facebook memes, and therefore not worthy of consideration? Well, it was good enough for that bastion of brexit BS, the Daily Express, to use (having just spent at least 2 minutes on their website, I feel a bit queasy).


Not being present at that particular event, I cannot confirm where it took place. however you can search for yourself and find other shots of the same idiot under the same lie. You can also see Fox and him together - 2 liars for the price of one. Or you can carry on this farce and suggest that it is photoshopped.


Anyway, I applaude your perseverance in trying to defend the indefensible. Are you also a member of the Flat Earth Society?



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Britons who want to live and work in Europe after Brexit would have to pay for individual EU citizenship under proposals backed by the chief negotiator in the European Parliament.

The plans would mean British citizens sending an annual fee to Brussels to retain many of the benefits of EU membership.

Guy Verhofstadt, who was appointed lead Brexit negotiator at the European parliament in September, told The Times that he supported the idea in principle. An advocate of a “United States of Europe”, the former Belgian prime minister has vowed to fight for the “rights of the 48 per cent” of British voters who voted for Remain.




It's in the Times also, so it must be true.


Can any of the remainer remoaners declare their intentions to sign up for this great annual opportunity.


It also negates their need to constantly try to undermine Brexit.


Best of both worlds. What a Winner.


I suggested months ago, before the referendum that if the EU was so great for business's, those business's should be collectively paying the annual fee, not the taxpayer.




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2 hours ago, SgtRock said:


A galliant effort Sandy, to post something with an attempt at a corroborating source.


You should have took the advice of your fellow remainers over the past week, and not provided a source. They have decided that posts, without corroboration of any description are far more accurate than anything else.


The Maltese PM is not part of the Brexit team, so I will take what he says with a pinch of salt.


However, there may be good news on the horizon for the remoaners.





So stand by to sign up Sandy. Send your money to Brussels. Despite everything that is said, the 1 thing the EU needs is money. Plenty of it.


So desperate are the EU becoming, they are even contemplating allowing individuals to sign up to give them money. What a brilliant idea. How many of the remainers will be signing up to hand over their money ?


It is great and fun when it is taxpayers money being handed over. It will be a totally different story when it comes to handing over personal money. 16 Million waiting to sign up, for this once in a lifetime opportunity ?  Never going to happen in a million years.

No need to address the point in question, financial settlement with the EU, just continue to push that stream of distasteful rhetoric.

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11 minutes ago, sandyf said:

No need to address the point in question, financial settlement with the EU, just continue to push that stream of distasteful rhetoric.

"Financial settlement" makes it sound like some people believe that UK will have to *PAY* to leave the EU?  So the UK contributions count for nothing? How is this "bill" going to be made up?

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20 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Frankly, I've had a bellyfull of those "facts" that are forecasts from some think tank-or-other. They defy the law of averages, getting everything so hopelessly wrong these days.

You are not the only one getting confused between facts and forecasts.


Therefore, Mr Gove and the other signatories were wrong to say the refund – even if Britain achieves it in full, in the Brexit negotiations – would temper the OBR’s stark warnings.


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9 minutes ago, sandyf said:

No need to address the point in question, financial settlement with the EU, just continue to push that stream of distasteful rhetoric.


I already addressed it Sandy, when I posted it here on this thread when those same words were uttered by the German Finance Minister Herr Schauble.


But from your link



Furthermore, Britain was mistaken if it believed the talks would be straightforward, because they must first sort out the financial bill for leaving, then the headache of the border with the Republic of Ireland.


I will take a leaf out the remoaners handbook. Let us know what( you think ) the financial penalty will be and then we can discuss it.


No point in Non EU Politicians squawking about financial penalties when Brexit discussions will be between the UK and the EU.


As far as I am aware, financial commitments are done in 5 year blocks, the current block up to 2019 / 20, which the UK will continue its commitment. I do not actual know of any other UK commitments beyond this. Of course, feel free to enlighten me if you know different.


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2 minutes ago, jpinx said:

"Financial settlement" makes it sound like some people believe that UK will have to *PAY* to leave the EU?  So the UK contributions count for nothing? How is this "bill" going to be made up?

That is exactly the point, nobody knows. It has been mentioned a few times that the UK has committed to EU initiatives stretching over the next 15 years and one thing is for sure, the EU will be looking for assurances on how the UK will honour those committments. I suppose a bit like child care arrangements.


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1 minute ago, sandyf said:

It has been mentioned a few times that the UK has committed to EU initiatives stretching over the next 15 years and one thing is for sure,


But nobody knows what the are, for sure.


But just in case its true, they can take it out of the 55,500,000 that the UK currently has parked in the ECB.



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7 minutes ago, sandyf said:

That is exactly the point, nobody knows. It has been mentioned a few times that the UK has committed to EU initiatives stretching over the next 15 years and one thing is for sure, the EU will be looking for assurances on how the UK will honour those committments. I suppose a bit like child care arrangements.


As I understand it - - the current agreements are all up for grabs in 2020 anyway, so that might well be the target date for the final exit.  But I have not heard anything of substance about a "final bill".

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5 hours ago, SgtRock said:


No need honestly. There is no effort on my part, you make it so easy for me.


As you are 1 of the very first people to try and deride another poster ( Nontabury ) for doing exactly as you have done, you cannot be surprised when you get called out on doing the exact same thing.


So please provide the source of the picture you used. I think that this is fairly easy for anyone to understand.


Alternatively, you could leave this thread, as it is crystal clear that it is way beyond your capabilities. From your previous postings it is clear that you have still not grasped why the SNP, despite campaigning for nearly 80 years, could not deliver the Independence that you are craving for. If a small Country of just over 5 million is too much for you to understand, this thread is way over your head.


Perhaps that should be the focus of your attention,


Is the picture fake? Please provide your source that proves that?


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9 hours ago, jaidam said:

Interesting that polls are still being believed by some. Isn't the Trump juggernaut and the Brexit hammering proof enough that polls are made to echo the agenda of the poll-master and nothing more. Make no mistake, approval for the EU is not on the rise, you will see the evidence starting December 4th with the Austrian election - assuming they can't cancel it for a third time.


If the Brexit vote damages the UK over time this trend will only continue. 

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1 minute ago, AlexRich said:


Is the picture fake? Please provide your source that proves that?



Come back when you can read



No need honestly. There is no effort on my part, you make it so easy for me.


As you are 1 of the very first people to try and deride another poster ( Nontabury ) for doing exactly as you have done, you cannot be surprised when you get called out on doing the exact same thing.


So please provide the source of the picture you used. I think that this is fairly easy for anyone to understand.


Alternatively, you could leave this thread, as it is crystal clear that it is way beyond your capabilities. From your previous postings it is clear that you have still not grasped why the SNP, despite campaigning for nearly 80 years, could not deliver the Independence that you are craving for. If a small Country of just over 5 million is too much for you to understand, this thread is way over your head.


Perhaps that should be the focus of your attention,


Can you see the word fake in my post ?


Do not attribute words to me that I do not use.



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4 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


If the Brexit vote damages the UK over time this trend will only continue. 


I think you should read the post again and extract foot from mouth.



Interesting that polls are still being believed by some. Isn't the Trump juggernaut and the Brexit hammering proof enough that polls are made to echo the agenda of the poll-master and nothing more. Make no mistake, approval for the EU is not on the rise, you will see the evidence starting December 4th with the Austrian election - assuming they can't cancel it for a third time.


Paying particular attention to this part



Make no mistake, approval for the EU is not on the rise



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5 hours ago, SgtRock said:


Can I just point out to the Mods, this is not my doing, and for some reason I do not have the facility to adjust text size.


When you copy n paste oversize font, the forum software should offer to "remove formatting". Click the "yes" tab. :thumbsup:

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4 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


When you copy n paste oversize font, the forum software should offer to "remove formatting". Click the "yes" tab. :thumbsup:




I used to have a tab where I could resize text, but it has disappeared.


I will try that next time.


Thank you

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The intellectual dishonesty by some of the remainers on here is astonishing, Rock. They've spent several pages trying to villify you over the brexit NHS connection, when, for months, the same posters were arguing that the only important factor in the vote to leave was immigration.

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6 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

The intellectual dishonesty by some of the remainers on here is astonishing, Rock. They've spent several pages trying to villify you over the brexit NHS connection, when, for months, the same posters were arguing that the only important factor in the vote to leave was immigration.

Well that statement is so untrue it is even "intellectual".

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1 hour ago, SgtRock said:


But nobody knows what the are, for sure.


But just in case its true, they can take it out of the 55,500,000 that the UK currently has parked in the ECB.



Paid up capital held by the Bank of England as non transferable shares that cannot be used as collateral, just what Phillip Hammond needs.

It is very unlikely that share redemption has been written into the ECB constitution so very likely we will all be pushing up daisies before that one gets resolved, if ever.

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19 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Paid up capital held by the Bank of England as non transferable shares that cannot be used as collateral, just what Phillip Hammond needs.

It is very unlikely that share redemption has been written into the ECB constitution so very likely we will all be pushing up daisies before that one gets resolved, if ever.


My point was twofold, and you appear to have missed them both.


1. If some sort of payoff is required by the EU, it is already parked in the ECB. Problem solved. Have it, we are walking away. Want anymore, then we will have a problem.


2. The 2nd reason was to highlight that the UK's membership, despite all white noise, does not cost £12 Billion a year less rebate. It costs a lot more, due to the hidden factors that were not, and never will be made public.


Funds to the ECB and the IMF being only 2 of them.


I would hate to have a true figure of what is actually paid out to the EU and subsidiary funds.

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4 hours ago, SgtRock said:




It's in the Times also, so it must be true.


Can any of the remainer remoaners declare their intentions to sign up for this great annual opportunity.


It also negates their need to constantly try to undermine Brexit.


Best of both worlds. What a Winner.


I suggested months ago, before the referendum that if the EU was so great for business's, those business's should be collectively paying the annual fee, not the taxpayer.




Re. the last para. - that's not a bad idea!


Good for those business whose hate the brexit result, and good too for the EU who still receive some money :smile:.


Obviously a flippant idea, but there's a grain of truth there.

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11 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Re. the last para. - that's not a bad idea!


Good for those business whose hate the brexit result, and good too for the EU who still receive some money :smile:.


Obviously a flippant idea, but there's a grain of truth there.


Actually it wasn't a flippant idea.


I said it at the time when in - out was focused on how good the EU was for business. No problem, let business cough up the 12 Billion a year, if the EU is so good for them.

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3 hours ago, cumgranosalum said:

Brexitprop - we laugh at Nazi propaganda now but we forget that it worked

Comparing the brexit vote to the nazis is just propaganda overdrive - and seriously depressing that some are happy to compare the genocide (plus their other atrocities) of the nazis to the brexit vote :sad:.

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4 hours ago, SgtRock said:


Come back when you can read



Can you see the word fake in my post ?


Do not attribute words to me that I do not use.




Well if it is not fake, why do you need a 'source'? Boris Johnson is a smart enough politico to know that when he makes a statement with that poster in the background he is making a promise to the voters. The only get-out would be if it were faked ... and we know it isn't.


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