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At Least 107 Killed In Thailand Gunbattles


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I agree with dkstoney. Good observations Squire.

A few questions,

Q: Why is it we hear more of the extreme Voice of the Islam faith?

Q: To be fair I wonder who is governing the views of the Muslim faith?

Q: Is there a possibility a group of interests that want the Islam faith to be seen in a negative light?

back to Muslim bashing.......

Q: Why don't we get to hear what actions and or precautions our brothers are taking to cease such mindless copying of the larger terror perpetrators?


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very sad indeed, what ever nationality or religion these guys were, they deserved to die, weed out the rotten apples quickly and correctly...

I hope this International story does not affect Tourism for Phuket as the hospitality industry is struggling already.

Bit of a simplistic posting from you eh, Gent? For someone who so vehemently attacks GWB, USof A and the justification for the War in Iraq, I'm surprised that you jump to conclusions so quickly about this one. "Same, same but different", is my simplistic slant on the southern problem, which has after all been simmering for years and years. But why does it only boil over in such a volatile fashion now, when country's are so hasty about joining up to Georgie's "War on Terror"? As as has been so often said in the past, but still flies over most people's noddle, the flawed logic in declaring war on a subjective concept is to put it bluntly, mind-boggling. Saying someone "deseves to die" for actions for which no-one yet fully understands the reasons behind, is rather drastic and ungentlemanly don't you think?

yes mate very simplistic in this case, I would like to know what you actually know about the problems in the south?, who is behind it and what is it all about?

What I know is that it hasnt been simmering for years in this case (this is recent), it has nothing to do with Budhists against Muslims - that is a fact!

What it has to do with is a "handfull" of antagonists from both sides of the border, to do with a gas pipeline, which Toxin is a 50% partner in and 50% is the Malaysian "kings family" - yet to make the international press I may add!

Toxin is looking after a partnership, that is major amounts of money and very good for him and Thailand....... If you read what is happening down there, you wll also find that the 5 "lost" Malaysian military personnel are also in the region to protect this area from "terrorist" type activity - these guys are terrorists in a non political way - this is why Toxin has ruled with a rifle on this occasion and for once I support him in doing it.

Wait a few more months and it will all come out in the press!

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Well, Thaimee, thanks. I wish it were so easy as a conspiracy and in the greater scheme of the present conflict (which is just the continuation of a much older one) I'm sure there are a multitude of conspiracies each trying to cast a negative light on their targets, but I think on the whole it's just a conflict of faith. That's really the core. After that, then comes all the hatred for every little misunderstanding and every blatant affront. Faith affords a mask behind which to hide, whether it's human origins or the paths to Heaven or ###### (if there are such things) or who said what first. I once read a book called The Trial of Socrates and I couldn't get my head around what the author was saying about one of the charges by Meletus against Socrates. He implied that because Greece was this fairy tale land of happiness and equality that the charge of impiety was ridiculous. (Socrates was saying things like "thunder is not the clapping of hooves of the goats that are dragging Apollo's chariot [the sun] through the sky, it's the sound of the clouds bumping together). Well, I don't know about anyone here, but my own experience has taught me that when you start making statements that conflict with peoples' reality of why things are or why we are here they tend to get pretty darned upset. And that's what faith's job is: to protect the standard accepted notion of reality, which for most people of faith is absolutely ludicrous. Knowledge is the enemy of Faith. The universe revolves around the earth is a perfect example. Imagine how carefully Copernicus was forced to tread when telling the religious authorities of the time that the Earth may not, in fact, be the center of the universe. They'd have burned him alive for something like that if he didn't deliver the news in just the right way. For many years his perception of the mechanics of our solar system were suppressed, but are accepted today as one of the greatest achievements in the history of astronomy.

My point is this: The Christian says, "Jesus was the Saviour of the World." The Muslim says, "Mohammed is the true path to Allah and Jesus was a fake." The Jew says, "The true Messiah has not yet come." So they can't even get past these points, what makes anyone think they'll ever agree on social systems?

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Thanks for correcting me, Gent. What is the fact of this matter? I'm glad that was the only one. I'm not trying to spread lies about Islam, it's just my own ignorance and conceit that compels me to make unfounded statements such as this. Probably also a sense of being pressed for time as it's the end of the day. I'm all ears. What should I read? I read an awful lot, but I'm always willing to read more. Any sources you can recommend so that I may bring my education up to par with your own?

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Now, I'm really confused. Is it that they consider him one of many prophets, but that he was born of virgin birth? Christians believe that Jesus was God incarnate? Muslims believe he was sent by God to reaffirm His law? Apparently, they revere and admire Jesus quite a bit. Thanks, Gent.

P.S.--Sugar attracts more flies than salt. Constructive criticism is much better than calling someone a liar. Have you ever had a problem with me before now? Do you want one?

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Now, I'm really confused. Is it that they consider him one of many prophets, but that he was born of virgin birth? Christians believe that Jesus was God incarnate? Muslims believe he was sent by God to reaffirm His law? Apparently, they revere and admire Jesus quite a bit. Thanks, Gent.

P.S.--Sugar attracts more flies than salt. Constructive criticism is much better than calling someone a liar. Have you ever had a problem with me before now? Do you want one?

:o threat towards the gent - comical really, Good Luck! :D

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dkstoney, no harm done mate, I wasnt actually abusing you as such, just what was written :o , I didnt look at who wrote the post, I looked at what was written.

Thank you for coming up with the goods in the end.

Asking me for sources mate?, I got as far as page 3 on cat in the hat, thank god it came to DVD :D

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Come to think of it, geez, all they have to do is hop across the border no more than an hour away and they'd be in happy land.  They can live their peaceful Muslim existence to the grave without any problems, but NO, they gotta be here--where they're not wanted.  It's not like they're African-Americans and it would be a bit of a hardship to get back to Africa.  They could all go in minivans.  Heck, send 'em back in style on a doubledecker with free cocktails and ham sandwiches.  I'll even help foot part of the bill.  Anyone interested in taking up a collection to help our lost and wayward Muslim brothers to find their way back home to Malaysia?
free cocktails and ham sandwiches.

Feeding ham sandwiches to Muslims! :D

Bon appetit fellow pork eaters! :o

Isn't ethnic cleansing an atrocity and a crime against humanity? :D


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very sad indeed, what ever nationality or religion these guys were, they deserved to die, weed out the rotten apples quickly and correctly...

I hope this International story does not affect Tourism for Phuket as the hospitality industry is struggling already.

Bit of a simplistic posting from you eh, Gent? For someone who so vehemently attacks GWB, USof A and the justification for the War in Iraq, I'm surprised that you jump to conclusions so quickly about this one. "Same, same but different", is my simplistic slant on the southern problem, which has after all been simmering for years and years. But why does it only boil over in such a volatile fashion now, when country's are so hasty about joining up to Georgie's "War on Terror"? As as has been so often said in the past, but still flies over most people's noddle, the flawed logic in declaring war on a subjective concept is to put it bluntly, mind-boggling. Saying someone "deseves to die" for actions for which no-one yet fully understands the reasons behind, is rather drastic and ungentlemanly don't you think?

yes mate very simplistic in this case, I would like to know what you actually know about the problems in the south?, who is behind it and what is it all about?

What I know is that it hasnt been simmering for years in this case (this is recent), it has nothing to do with Budhists against Muslims - that is a fact!

What it has to do with is a "handfull" of antagonists from both sides of the border, to do with a gas pipeline, which Toxin is a 50% partner in and 50% is the Malaysian "kings family" - yet to make the international press I may add!

Toxin is looking after a partnership, that is major amounts of money and very good for him and Thailand....... If you read what is happening down there, you wll also find that the 5 "lost" Malaysian military personnel are also in the region to protect this area from "terrorist" type activity - these guys are terrorists in a non political way - this is why Toxin has ruled with a rifle on this occasion and for once I support him in doing it.

Wait a few more months and it will all come out in the press!

Only that the situation is far more complex than the politicians and armchair experts are making out, Gent. Apart from that, what little I know about the deep South comes from over a decade of reading about problems simmering (yes, I stick with this term) away, and a few visits over the years. The underlying problems of poverty, disenfranchised youth and blatant discrimination have been exploited by many interests and badly handled by all past administrations, bar none. However, being the heartland of the Democrats, the Chuan govt., was far more in tune with how to deal with a wider cross-section of southerners than the present one. Having said that, there is also a rival business group of ex-New Asps supporters down there, who by default and Gen Chav's manoueverings became TRT's. But of course, the kids who were duped into jumpiing on their bikes, high on something, with machetes in hand and sailed straight into an ambush were not politically savvy enough to understand the games going on for higher stakes.

You throw an interesting new factor into the complex brew, the veracity of which I've no knowledge of one way or the other. But then why if you say it's nothing more than a personal business dispute by the PM, why are you so supportive of the PM's disproportionate response? I don't get that for one who slags off GWB et al., War for Oil, as not being a double standard?

Will be interesting to see if your predictions of media getting wind of this in a few months time is right or not.

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Whatever your views on the Muslim community please remember that it is a VERY small minority who actively support terrorism.

I don't for a second believe anyone in the west understands how they realy think, just as they do not understand us.The difference is they have not continuously meddled in our culture/country, until now.

Terrorism may seem extreme and it is, but what about their point of view ? is the USA as an example a terrorist state? not by the defination of the word no.

Is it oppressive and aggressive to others ? definately. So whats the difference ? one uses bombs and bullets the other uses it's economy, politicical pressure, trade embargoes support of coos, asassinations,occupation, bullets and military might but at a low profile media level.

It sounds like terrorism to me and i'm sure they see it that way but of course I don't expect many to agree.

I also don't believe the reaction of the hard line muslims is correct either but it's not a big surprise that something is happening on a big scale. Thailand should be careful in how they handle their internal problems as they are playing on an international stage.

You reap what you sow, and kharma comes to mind. Your argument will be the terror inflicted in the south over the past months. Correct, but where does the killing stop?

Until the last couple of decades things have not been so high profile. This modern age brings information and with the net it's a huge amount. Anything you want to know you can find and it seems there are a lot more people dieing lately. This is simply just not true, it's just more publicised and reported. Outrage is massive when tradgedy hit's your own family/culture.

The world has always been a very violent place and governments have, and will continue to make problems for others and themselves. The current incidents are horrifying yes. It is however no different to other countries/cultures experience in the past.

Hate begets hate, but love begets love. Have a thought for all the good people out there and you will come to realise they are the large majority of the world. Take comfort in that and promote it as much as possible. Love will prevail

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