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British girl groped by Qatari on plane as his wife sat next to him


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15 hours ago, Grouse said:

Put him in prison for a very long time. These Muslims need to be taught how to behave if they are fortunate to visit the civilised world!


The general Muslim attitudes toward women is something I just find unacceptable.

Grouse for once, I whole heartedly agree with you. The sad fact is that In the Middle East/Some African countries women, girls and men are groped on a daily basis and much worse. They do not see it as anything wrong and it is encouraged in many quarters.


I know and have seen it and experienced it and believe this to be a major problem, that is coming to the UK with the recent influx of migrants. Germany, Sweden and Norway are experiencing it now, having to have 'training sessions' on cultural diversity to try and curb these attacks. Personally I don not think it will change over night and possibly will take a couple of generations, if ever.


I am all for multiculturalism, I live here in Thailand but I respect the culture here and no the difference from morally right and wrong.

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3 hours ago, Donutz said:

Nationality, religion and such all are irrelevant. All that matters is that scum that gropes or assaults other people need to be taught a lesson and punished, hopefully getting it in their tick skulls that such behaviour is unacceptable. Doesn't matter if the person is born in country A or B, is a follower of religion A, B or nothing at all,  or even what gender the offender has. Only garbage does this sort of thing. 

Whilst I see your point and it shouldn't, the fact is, in many Middle Eastern countries the girl would have been punished and hounded for making an accusation. Possibly beaten and even stoned. But the sad fact is nationality, religion and culture do come into it.

I also agree they are garbage.

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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Whilst I see your point and it shouldn't, the fact is, in many Middle Eastern countries the girl would have been punished and hounded for making an accusation. Possibly beaten and even stoned. But the sad fact is nationality, religion and culture do come into it.

I also agree they are garbage.

In a lot of those countries a girl would not travel alone and would not be seated next to an unrelated male.  

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5 minutes ago, Scott said:

In a lot of those countries a girl would not travel alone and would not be seated next to an unrelated male.  


And that may represent a realistic, practical approach to prevailing conditions and perceptions (apart from religious and cultural aspects).

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5 minutes ago, Scott said:

In a lot of those countries a girl would not travel alone and would not be seated next to an unrelated male.  

Whilst I agree it doesn't excuse the behavior wouldn't you agree.

Also on commercial flights they are often full to capacity and I have experienced it myself, having minors with me, that they couldn't sit next to me.  They had to move out of my sight which made me very nervous indeed, especially as I was flying to Doha. I see this all the time.

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The problem in some of the ME is that you basically have peasants with money.   They have little concept of anything outside of their tribal region and certainly even less about the values of other cultures.   That isn't a condemnation of any particular religion, it's about the culture.  


Years ago, I was once bumped up on an Emirates flight.   Some wealthy and important Saudi Sheik and what I can only imagine was his 4 wives and numerous adolescent children (interestingly all were girls) boarded.   I was moved several times, so that no males were seated next to any of the females.   I have no idea if this was the airlines or the Sheik that demanded it.  It was a little like a rubics cube trying to get everyone moved to accommodate the cultural differences.


I was tempted to really mess up their day and tell them I was gay and then watch them trying to accommodate that!


 On buses it was very strict, men sat on one side and women on the other.  


Airline passengers are usually a little bit better educated and worldly, especially those traveling to foreign countries. 


Cultural differences aside, this guy basically sounds like a run-of-the mill pervert, the kind that wouldn't hesitate to cop a feel anywhere, anytime.  

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18 hours ago, Scott said:

The problem in some of the ME is that you basically have peasants with money.   They have little concept of anything outside of their tribal region and certainly even less about the values of other cultures.   That isn't a condemnation of any particular religion, it's about the culture.  


Years ago, I was once bumped up on an Emirates flight.   Some wealthy and important Saudi Sheik and what I can only imagine was his 4 wives and numerous adolescent children (interestingly all were girls) boarded.   I was moved several times, so that no males were seated next to any of the females.   I have no idea if this was the airlines or the Sheik that demanded it.  It was a little like a rubics cube trying to get everyone moved to accommodate the cultural differences.


I was tempted to really mess up their day and tell them I was gay and then watch them trying to accommodate that!


 On buses it was very strict, men sat on one side and women on the other.  


Airline passengers are usually a little bit better educated and worldly, especially those traveling to foreign countries. 


Cultural differences aside, this guy basically sounds like a run-of-the mill pervert, the kind that wouldn't hesitate to cop a feel anywhere, anytime.  

Similar thing happened to me on an Etihad flight from Riyadh to Bangkok via Abu Dhabi. I dutifully if sullenly complied and went further back, where the new seat they assigned me to was occupied, and the occupant was none to happy. That's when I lost it a bit. I didn't yell but complained to the two flight attendants there. "You know what?" I said, "Next time I'll fly with two wives and six or eight babies and then I'll get to sit where I want!" That was the Riyadh-Abu Dhabi leg, so they upgraded me to Business from AD to BKK. That's Etihad SOP, though, whenever you get moved from your assigned seat.

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In Jeddah one time, for some reason my pregnant wife, a Malaysian Chinese, was in a supermarket or some shop while I was at work. Maybe she was with some other women; I don't recall. It was a long time ago. Anyway she got her tummy rubbed by some local Groperboy. I think with their cultural and religious obsession with treating women as breed mares, they get turned on by pregnancy.

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7 minutes ago, Dustdevil said:

Similar thing happened to me on an Etihad flight from Riyadh to Bangkok via Abu Dhabi. I dutifully if sullenly complied and went further back, where the new seat they assigned me to was occupied, and the occupant was none to happy. That's when I lost it a bit. I didn't yell but complained to the two flight attendants there. "You know what?" I said, "Next time I'll fly with two wives and six or eight babies and then I'll get to sit where I want!" That was the Riyadh-Abu Dhabi leg, so they upgraded me to Business from AD to BKK. That's Etihad SOP, though, whenever you get moved from your assigned seat.


Groups of ultra-Orthodox Jewish men keep delaying flights by refusing to sit next to women



Another airline groping: Man charged with sexually abusing sleeping woman on a Virgin America flight



Not just a ME thing...

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7 minutes ago, Dustdevil said:

In Jeddah one time, for some reason my pregnant wife, a Malaysian Chinese, was in a supermarket or some shop while I was at work. Maybe she was with some other women; I don't recall. It was a long time ago. Anyway she got her tummy rubbed by some local Groperboy. I think with their cultural and religious obsession with treating women as breed mares, they get turned on by pregnancy.


After spending some time in India and the ME, Mrs. Morch learned that it's ok to go postal in public when such things happen. Then again, she says Thailand was pretty much the same when she was younger (without the benefit of expressing herself).

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20 hours ago, Grouse said:

Put him in prison for a very long time. These Muslims need to be taught how to behave if they are fortunate to visit the civilised world!


The general Muslim attitudes toward women is something I just find unacceptable.

Another bigot and Muslim hater. Judge him by his actions not his religion, gender or race...Some people should shut their bloody mouth.

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5 hours ago, SheungWan said:


I do so sincerely hope it wasn't long-haul. :licklips:


It was. Fortunately the crew knew I was there so I still managed to get the bubbly. That and a few vodkas and I was in the land of nod. A nice Thai couple next to me who were as quiet as mice.



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53 minutes ago, Raymonddiaz said:

Another bigot and Muslim hater. Judge him by his actions not his religion, gender or race...Some people should shut their bloody mouth.


As I explain above, I was turned against Muslims the more I learnt about their customs and social mores (actions as you put it). I am particularly appalled by their typical treatment of women. I don't hate Muslims. I would like them to behave in a more enlightened, civilised way. 

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I traveled around India for 3 months alone but was very aware of the male attitudes towards women ...luckily for me.  I also wore only Salwar Kameez clothing, or versions of that and took a lot of precautions.  But it leads to a lot of restrictions on what you can do and enjoy and a bit of stress.


I just love these quotes from the Indian guys who get busted on flights like this one:


A woman on an overnight Virgin America flight from Los Angeles to Newark, N.J., over the weekend woke up to find the stranger in the next seat massaging her genitals with his hand and rubbing his bare feet against hers, authorities said. Alarmed, she switched seats with her male friend, who was seated by the window.

But the man tried to smooth things over with the two, telling the woman’s male friend that “he wanted everyone to forget about the incident,” according to the complaint filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Newark.

Then, to make amends, he offered to buy drinks. There were no takers.



They always have this same dismissive attitude and you can picture them flicking their hands in the air ...like just "get away with this memory of yours."

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21 hours ago, Chicog said:

Just a small point, but the reports actually say he is "from Qatar". With a name like that he is more likely to be from the subcontinent. It doesn't actually say what his passport is.


A cabin crew friend of mine on vacation awoke on a flight to London with some British passport-holding Indian bloke grabbing her tits.

He picked the wrong person. Apart from the smack in the gob she gave him, he was arrested at Heathrow, and the airline flew her back a few weeks later to testify against him.



Is  there a link between his being an Indian 'bloke', and holding a British passport. Do you assume the passport is a clue?

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I wish people would be honest and or do some reading before apologising for the animals from prehistoric cultures.


Islam views western women as sluts to be impregnated and as useful carriers of the next generation of Islamic warriors preferably born in the west.


The endgame being total dismantlement and dominance of and over western civilisation. It has always been this way and until the west shakes off white guilt and wakes from it's slumber it will continue.


This is part of the Jihad. Its in writing (not just old parts of the Quran) by muslim scholars/religious jihad leaders and in film for all to see.


Pay attention to their words, not mine.

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19 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

You mean it's only Muslims who engage in this kind of behavior? Or if the perpetrator is a Christian he gets just a slap on the wrist? 

Looks like you are a paid up member of the PC brigade. What's wrong with the muslim tag for a creature from Qatar?

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23 hours ago, Grouse said:

Put him in prison for a very long time. These Muslims need to be taught how to behave if they are fortunate to visit the civilised world!


The general Muslim attitudes toward women is something I just find unacceptable.

Is Sumon Das a Muslim name? Sounds Hindu to me.

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27 minutes ago, sandemara said:

Did I miss something? Did Grouse suggest Donald trump is a Muslim, based on his behaviour patterns? Is this how police crime profilers work?  I never knew sexual perversion was a race/religion-based thing before today.

Now you know. We who have worked in th Sandpits of theworld have known for decades.

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32 minutes ago, RawboneFunksta said:

I wish people would be honest and or do some reading before apologising for the animals from prehistoric cultures.


Islam views western women as sluts to be impregnated and as useful carriers of the next generation of Islamic warriors preferably born in the west.


The endgame being total dismantlement and dominance of and over western civilisation. It has always been this way and until the west shakes off white guilt and wakes from it's slumber it will continue.


This is part of the Jihad. Its in writing (not just old parts of the Quran) by muslim scholars/religious jihad leaders and in film for all to see.


Pay attention to their words, not mine.

Too true mate.

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16 hours ago, Slip said:


It is essential that we find out the true nationality, religious beliefs, and ethnic background of this reprobate, so that in future we can properly discriminate against all his countrymen and those who share his religious views.


This is so unfair! I think we deserve credit for attempting targetted bigotry instead of just lazily painting all humans with the same broad brush. 



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17 hours ago, sanemax said:

Where ever he comes from, all people from there should be sent back to there


There are a number of British citizens in prison in Thailand for a range of offences; including drug smuggling, murder and child rape.


Are you suggesting that Thailand should expel all Brits living there?

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17 hours ago, Slip said:


It is essential that we find out the true nationality, religious beliefs, and ethnic background of this reprobate, so that in future we can properly discriminate against all his countrymen and those who share his religious views.

 Same question.


I'd also like to see it answered by all those who liked  those two posts.

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12 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


There are a number of British citizens in prison in Thailand for a range of offences; including drug smuggling, murder and child rape.


Are you suggesting that Thailand should expel all Brits living there?


   I wasnt being serious .

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22 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 Same question.


I'd also like to see it answered by all those who liked  those two posts.

 Can you really not see the sarcasm in my post?  Wow.  I suggest you take a course in reading between the lines.  

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1 minute ago, 7by7 said:

Ok, you two were being sarcastic; but looking at those who liked your posts I am not the only one who took you seriously!


However, I apologise for my misinterpretation.


   Maybe the people who liked the posts, did actually realise they were meant as sarcasm  ?

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