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FBI reopens probe into Hillary Clinton's emails


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Email (maybe) found on Anthony Weiner's computer that was erased from Huma's:




To: Vladimir P.

From: Huma A.
Hey Vladie baby -- forget that loud-mouth Trump guy -- We've got out hands on some classified super-secret Docs that you'd love to see RIGHT NOW! So can you get me and AW great seats to the Bolshoi?? Love, H.


This is about what it would take for HClinton to totally run off the tracks.

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38 minutes ago, thaihome said:

As a non-American you are of course allowed your opinion. it would be much more creditable if it was an informed opinion and not one based on hyperbole and demogugary. 



What a witty reply.


However, this is not my opinion, but the opinion of almost 50% of your own voting population.


Perhaps if media or yourself weren't so arrogant in dismissing and making fun of trump you would have had some real candidates instead of reality TV drama. As my posting buddy has put it, most people probably want to see trump elected for the lolz.


A middle finger to thieving elitists. No one else showed up, so it's Trump.



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8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Hard to believe that Comey was a liberal hero - a short time ago - when he ruled the way you wanted him to. :whistling:


Comey had no business doing a public press conference when he announced his recommendation in the emails thingy that had been precipitated by superpatriot rightwingers that dominate and control CIA, NSA, and all of the secret information gathering apparatus of the Government, to include also FBI.


In my own mind I let the public press presentation slide however because of the high profile and political nature of it all. Now however, Comey has only become politically emboldened, to the point of carrying the political and partisan ideological campaign sword forward into the election of Potus -- by placing his thumb on the scale in favor of the Republican nominee.


The overnight data show Comey is swinging a slight majority of hereto undecided Independent voters. The long history of Independent voters however proved long ago that too many of 'em over time and through many elections of Potus are almost as ignorant as the guy some of 'em have been swung to in this one at this time.


The vital factor however is that each side's base is fired up by this, which is what matters from a strictly electoral standpoint. Elections of Potus occur during the leap year of 366 dayze, which continues solidly to look like a good number for HRC in the Electoral College Vote. (330 will be fine, thx.)


Comey is not only toast, he's shit on a shingle of toast. Comey's serious mistake is to have injected himself in to a political election campaign process and system he hasn't any experience in. HRC's massive and extensive national field operation -- in the key 'battleground' states in particular -- has gone to warp drive and speed. The complacency is gone, the smugness is purged. The direct consequence is that Comey's foot is coming down on a steel rake and he has no clue of it while we over here are behind the bushes watching him with an eager anticipation.


Comey is way in far over his head in trying to tip the election. Republicans in the House have suckered this political babe in the woods right in to it. And coming soon, Comey will pay dearly for it. 

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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Noone besides the FBI agents investigating the charges against Anthony Weiner and whoever they informed about what they discovered. 



The particular FBI agents must know then what is in what's reported to be a quantity of 650,000 emails. 


Let 'em produce the material ones now. 


In the meantime...




This leap year has 366 dayze while in the Electoral College 270 is the magic number.


Or your new fix of emails would need to contain something like the following statement, "I finally killed Vince Foster and made it look 100% like a natural death. I'm just so evil, wicked, clever."


Otherwise youse guyz are still going under hard and fast.

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10 hours ago, Linzz said:


Maybe he is" insecure" about wikileaks revealing facts before he does. This way at least he has uncovered his own evidence supposedly. Don't think you could successfully build a case on evidence from wikileaks. Obama would just cancel the election citing interference by a foreign power. 


If OB could in fact do that, then what could Trump do as Potus.



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11 hours ago, Linzz said:


Because Comey concluded there was no case to answer previously so now with fortuitous new revelations he is compelled to announce the investigation is obliged to continue. When does he tell that? Before or after the election? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Comey is screwed period.

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10 hours ago, dcutman said:

Thats a very interesting poll you have uncovered.

Here is several more polls that is a bit more relevant.


 Notice a trend going on here from early last week to the most recent? I find the ABC poll with the most interesting trend.

BTW before you call me a Trumpeteer again I am a registered democrat that is undecided but hates criminals and do all I can to keep them out of public service. I know its impossible in todays world and sometime you have to pick the best of the worst based on history and conscience.


again I am a registered democrat that is undecided but hates criminals and do all I can to keep them out of public service.


Interesting it is that you state this in almost every post. Hey, I too am a registered Democrat, however, I don't see what you as a fellow registered Democrat see.


So how long have you been a right winger?


One's party politics are one's nominal politics. One's ideological politics are one's real politics.


Reality matters.

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3 hours ago, Publicus said:


Youse guyz are cute when you're at your nuttiest, as youse is now that your long anticipated October Surprise came in as the email fix all of you'd been needing during your recent political DDTs.


Confused, but cute. Specifically, this one had nothing to do with the impotent Vladimir Putin or his Wikileaks propaganda arm.


Rather, you'll find this radical Coup d'etat Central located in the office of the late J. Edgar Hoover at the DoJ Building, where sits his contemporary incarnation, J. Brien Comey. 


Enjoy these bizarre final dayze because the madcap lunatic right is currently undertaking its Last Hurrah. And do keep posting about the Coup. The Comey Coup -- the coup that is real.


Putin and his Wikileaks have been relegated to becoming bewildered onlookers. Your red white and blue guy Comey the Republican gumshoe flatfoot found a way Putin the old hand KGB Chekist couldn't and never could.


FBI directors have it all over KGB and its successors in Putin's Russia. Comey is the guy writing the new and definitive book. One suspects Comey will finish it from behind bars.


Desperate conclusions.

The confusion is not mine. I never said this situation had anything to do with Russia. I said alternatively if Trump wins that this was a course open to Obama since I believe the Dems will do anything it takes to save their party.  (Still unlikely even if Trump does better in a national poll because everything  is cooked in by now.)


But I am amused that intelligent people can boil their brains so hard in partisan dogma that reasoned thought is incapacitated and replaced by fanatical tendencies when their overarching political philosophy is challenged by reality. They can only meet it with exaggerated hysterical melodrama. Comey is not a politician, he's a cop and he should do his duty according to his set agenda, not the agenda of politicians of either side, but protest or praise they will when it suits. Unfortunate timing. But Trump last July calling Weiner a sleazebag who has access to Hillary's emails through Uma was prescient indeed.  


There is only one real culprit here and that is the person who set up her rogue email server in the first place ignoring advice and instruction and even the law.


The sold out left without a drop of impartiality remaining can wilfully ignore the lies, the destruction of evidence, destruction of devices, the obstruction of justice while under subpoena and the pleading of the 5th and still think that Clinton is innocent, still has nothing to hide and it's all Comey's fault. Objectivity is lost. Clinton will play the victim and "youze guys" over there on the luna left will still swallow it like goldfish when she plays the victim. You guys have fried your brains because you must at all costs cling to your lifelong socialist ideological religion. 


The FBI may well have it over former KGB and Putin I'm not sure but it's sure as hell Hillary has it well over "youze". Keep dreaming your LW utopian doctrinaire fantasies because if you wake up you will rue the day you have to accept that you've been mistaken when you finally understand the people you believe in are not who you first thought.



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It is not news that the Comey Election Coup collapsed before it got posted and emailed.


The Final Days...



Trump Campaign Has A Nervous Breakdown After Comey Letter Fails To Swing The Election


Robert Costa of The Washington Post tweeted a view from inside the Trump campaign: 



My read of Trumpland tonight: They know the path is very narrow. They see the polls, pub and priv. But they're scrambling map post-Comey...

Many of them describe the way to 270 not as a direct shot but a series of upsets and bank shots, of strong R showing + depressed D turnout


But list of hurdles goes on and on. HRC and Dems highly organized. Early vote. Top Ds hitting trail. FBI news also enthusing D voters...


What you're seeing is a small group of aides who truly believe Trump's populism/non-trad pitch can put new things in play, in spite of data.

These are the final days that all losing campaigns go through when the nominee refuses to accept the likelihood of their defeat. The Comey letter didn’t move the needle for Trump. It didn’t give him a surge of national momentum or make the majority of voters rethink their support for Hillary Clinton.                http://www.politicususa.com/2016/10/30/trump-campaign-nervous-breakdown-clinton-emails-fail-swing-election.html 
Edited by Publicus
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FBI’s Clinton probe is the black swan that could throw election off course, Citi says


The unexpected announcement Friday that the FBI would review further emails from Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in connection with its investigation into her use of a private email server is the "October surprise" that could throw the electoral race off course, according to a team of Citi analysts led by Chief Global Political Analyst, Tina Fordham.


"In our view, these developments do constitute an 'October surprise' that could have a meaningful impact on the race," according to the new research note published on Monday.

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Official: FBI obtains warrant to search newly found emails

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI has obtained a warrant to begin reviewing newly discovered emails that may be relevant to the Hillary Clinton email server investigation, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Sunday.

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1 minute ago, Anthony5 said:



FBI’s Clinton probe is the black swan that could throw election off course, Citi says


The unexpected announcement Friday that the FBI would review further emails from Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in connection with its investigation into her use of a private email server is the "October surprise" that could throw the electoral race off course, according to a team of Citi analysts led by Chief Global Political Analyst, Tina Fordham.


"In our view, these developments do constitute an 'October surprise' that could have a meaningful impact on the race," according to the new research note published on Monday.


I'll meet your team of analysts and raise you a Robert Costa at Trump campaign headquarters on this Monday an hour ago (New York time).


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13 minutes ago, Publicus said:


I'll meet your team of analysts and raise you a Robert Costa at Trump campaign headquarters on this Monday an hour ago (New York time).



So you raise me a lefty journalist against a team of Wall street analysts, who Clinton is supposed to have in her pocket?


That's what I call bluffing.

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11 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:


So you raise me a lefty journalist against a team of Wall street analysts, who Clinton is supposed to have in her pocket?


That's what I call bluffing.


Think you may mean Biff in the 3rd Back to the Future movie. Your guy Trump was supposedly more or less the inspiration for the character.


It's also possible you're confounded by the excellent posting (regularly) of the word Buffoon in reference to Donald Trump.


Then there's baboon but that one might be neither here nor there. 


The Party's over.

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


It is not news that the Comey Election Coup collapsed before it got posted and emailed.



Baloney. The FBI announcement just happened - not enough time to register in the polls. However, thanks for keeping us informed of the latest latest false propoganda eminating from the Hillary campaign. You are great at that.

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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Baloney. The FBI announcement just happened - not enough time to register in the polls. However, thanks for keeping us informed of the latest latest false propoganda eminating from the Hillary campaign. You are great at that.

Not quite getting it right. You are great at that.


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From the Politico link thanks...

There's at least one overwhelming emotion about the election: Most everyone wishes it was over. Seventy-one percent of respondents said they strongly agree that they wish the election were finished already.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/clinton-emails-comey-poll-politico-morning-consult-230519#ixzz4OfmS2PVC 


At least we know now that Comey's Coup which is presently flat on its face was the last desperate act of the American right to try to salvage the 2016 Great Republican Train Wreck.


The Great 2016 Republican Party Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Bar-B-Q Cookout.


The sentiment in the poll finding indicates inter alia that the campaign is absent any suspense. Almost everyone knows what's coming next week.


That's almost everyone guyz...yes, youse over there...

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19 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Not quite getting it right. You are great at that.



Not getting it right seems to be YOUR forte'.






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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

except those are tracking polls and bounce up and down from day to day. The Politico Morning consult poll was taken entirely on saturday and sunday.


When most people were still ignorant of what has transpired. This will not affect polls until midweek.

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Because it really wasn't all over the papers and the tv and the internet? How exactly could you avoid being aware of it?


Normal people are not following this day to day. It takes time for them to pay attention and form an opinion.

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If Secretary Clinton were running against a normal candidate/human being and not Trump, this would be a devastating blow to her campaign.  However,  the fact remains that she's running against Trump and most voters will still be able to hold their nose and vote for her because they know he's wholly unqualified as a candidate and repugnant as a person. 


Republicans could have won this year.  But instead we got stuck with Trump; who despite all the negative baggage that Secretary Clinton carries is still going to lose badly.

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19 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

This has become one of those my link is better than your link threads. 


I have no doubt that crooked is going down when her biggest mouthpiece here is panic posting....he has almost 5 posts per page. 


Trying here to get to 40,000 before inauguration day.

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3 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Even Joe Walsh, whom I am not a particular fan of, stated that Comey's actions were wrong and unfair.


Former Rep. Joe Walsh, a Trump supporter, admonishes FBI director James Comey



Pardon me; I though you meant Joe Walsh of the Eagles.  My bad.  By the way, have you ever heard "Hotel California" in Thailand?  555

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