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Clinton, Trump warn of dire consequences if rival wins


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37 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

The facts as they are.  If Clinton wins then it's pretty much more of the same.  If Trump wins then it is completely unknown as to which way he will jump.  The other aspect is just what effect would a Trump win have on the wider world. The moment Trump was shown with a lead the Asian stock market dropped by 2% as a consequence of that.  I think it is fair to say that the world is holding it's breath.




Of course, they're holding their breath. Crony capitalism is scared shitless right now.

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Your description of the Clintons is completely wrong. If your narrative was about Donald Trump- it would be accurate. Both Bill and Hillary come from middle class families and never gained riches until much later in their life. Donald Trump on the other hand comes from a very wealthy family and was handed a million dollars from his father to go into the real estate business. Trump has never worked for the downtrodden as Hillary Clinton has when she championed the rights of the indigent and unrepresented as a young lawyer.

Trump has never known or experienced poverty and never mixed with the common man or woman. This would be below his status. He is a narcissistic meglomaniac who will do nothing for America.

Hillary and Bill Clinton got wealthy doing legitimate business and being very popular on the speaking circuit which is lucrative if you are a former President or Secretary of State.

Thee are many things wrong with America and the way Presidents are elected. I doubt either Trump or Clinton can or will fix it. I voted for Clinton because she has a plan while Trump has neither a plan, the temperament or the intelligence to move America forward. He is exposed now for what he is and when he loses the election- his business will suffer because most people don't like the way he does business.

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Reality check.


Two from the Cook Political Report, Amy Walter in the first blurb, then Charlie Cook in the third one. In between is Stu Rothenberg the longtime objective and cool headed Republican pollster and analyst....




Amy Walter: “However, despite the recent tightening, Trump remains behind in the polls. And, his path to 270 electoral votes remains decidedly and almost impossibly narrow. Polling taken over the weekend suggests that voters are reacting to the FBI story in a typically partisan manner. But, it hasn’t upended the normal pattern/trajectory of the campaign.”


“The most recent polls suggest that Trump’s best chances to flip a state Obama carried in 2012 are Iowa, Ohio and Florida. Even so, North Carolina — a state Romney carried in 2012 — is looking tougher and tougher for Trump. Pennsylvania, Virginia and Colorado also look out of reach. Without North Carolina or Pennsylvania, it is almost impossible for him to hit 270.



The Senate....


Stu Rothenberg: “About half of the 11 races that have been watched at some point over the last year are still too-close-to-call. But Republicans remain on the defensive, and Democrats have many routes to gaining the four seats they need. The Republicans’ problem is that, unless they win the Nevada Senate race, they’ll need to win at least four of the five tightest contests


“Comey’s letter gives GOP strategists reason for hope, and a race-by-race assessment … suggests that anything from a Democratic gain of as few as three to as many as eight seats is possible. But given the much greater Republican vulnerability, Democrat gains of four to seven seats now looks most likely. And that would flip the Senate.”




Senate Democrats Poised to Pick Up 5-7 Seats


History shows that races in the Toss Up column never split down the middle; one party tends to win the lion’s share of them. Since 1998, no party has won less than 67 percent of the seats in Toss Up. While the 2016 election has broken every political science rule and trend, we’d be surprised if this becomes one of them. 

As such, we are increasing the range of expected Democratic pick ups to five to seven seats. This means that we feel that the prospect that Democrats will have at least 51 seats is greater than the odds of a tied Senate, or of Republicans somehow holding their majority. 



So all this rightwhinge blather about impeachment, investigations, prosecutions is nasty mouth extremist talk to try to depress Democratic voter turnout and participation in the election. Democrats however are not falling for it. And the HRC massive and extensive field operation will tilt virtually every close contest for the Senate and for almost any given uncertain state. 

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fear.... that always works and is just as good in the USA as anywhere or anytime else..... but what is new and getting a bit over the top is the celebrity stuff.  whether it's just another billionaire but one with a TV show running for "POTUS"..... or on the other side of the planet.... a "businesswoman" driving a high speed BMW surrounded by Guchi bags and pills. 

Edited by maewang99
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13 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Hillary and Bill Clinton got wealthy doing legitimate business and being very popular on the speaking circuit which is lucrative if you are a former President or Secretary of State.

Being under FBI investigation for their business practices for near 30 years, I think would actually fall into the organized crime column.

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On ‎2‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 4:31 PM, Publicus said:



If Potus has this authority, or if Potus usurped the authority, then imagine a President Donald Trump and His Army of Deplorables seizing on both the authority and securing absolute state power...to for instance deport 11 million people they don't like and to arrest under martial law any American citizens who act or speak in opposition to it.


When a 21st century American right extremist speaks like this, one has to think of their hero a President Donald Trump with a Martial Law Declaration being pronounced and declared from the Oval Office. Media facilities seized throughout the nation and nice music on all the channels instead.


And so forth.     135px-Fascist_symbol.svg.png





I think people should be much more worried about the candidate who uses the term "Stronger Together"  which is what Mussolini's Fascist party used as a slogan.


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3 hours ago, Asiantravel said:




I think people should be much more worried about the candidate who uses the term "Stronger Together"  which is what Mussolini's Fascist party used as a slogan.



Let's take a quick look at who's on which side in this...


“Among the small number of American newspapers that have embraced Donald Trump’s campaign, there is one, in particular, that stands out. It is called the Crusader — and it is the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan,” the  Washington Post reports


“Under the banner ‘Make America Great Again,’ the paper’s current issue devoted its entire front page to a lengthy defense of Trump’s message — an embrace some have labeled a de facto endorsement."



The right either shares these views or the right regularly employ the useful idiots of the redneck sector of the society to their political ends, goals, means, methods, purposes. Election day polling station watchers for instance.


It is indeed impossible to picture in one's mind a mellow, or even happy, Donald rump. Rather, Donald Trump is spewing and angry all of the time. He shouts; he fumes; we expect smoke to come out of his wherever at any moment. Maybe it does and his pants are just absorbent. 


Yer in the wrong forest dude.

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9 hours ago, Publicus said:


Let's take a quick look at who's on which side in this...


“Among the small number of American newspapers that have embraced Donald Trump’s campaign, there is one, in particular, that stands out. It is called the Crusader — and it is the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan,” the  Washington Post reports


“Under the banner ‘Make America Great Again,’ the paper’s current issue devoted its entire front page to a lengthy defense of Trump’s message — an embrace some have labeled a de facto endorsement."



The right either shares these views or the right regularly employ the useful idiots of the redneck sector of the society to their political ends, goals, means, methods, purposes. Election day polling station watchers for instance.


It is indeed impossible to picture in one's mind a mellow, or even happy, Donald rump. Rather, Donald Trump is spewing and angry all of the time. He shouts; he fumes; we expect smoke to come out of his wherever at any moment. Maybe it does and his pants are just absorbent. 


Yer in the wrong forest dude.




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