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Six Thais Arrested Over $560,000 Fraud

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Banteay Meanchey provincial military police arrested nine people, six of them Thai nationals, over accusations they cheated more than 400 Cambodians out of $560,000 in a fraudulent business venture. Provincial penal military officer Major San Bunthan told Khmer Times that all nine were arrested at the Paradise Hotel in Poipet City’s Kbal Spean I village on Sunday evening.

“They were arrested in accordance with the complaints of at least 400 Cambodians,” he told Khmer Times yesterday. “They were accused of fraud. They were sent to the provincial court for questioning yesterday afternoon,” he added.  

According to a military police officer to asked to remain anonymous, more than 400 Cambodians filed a complaint with provincial police as of yesterday and claimed the nine accused fled with their money, which they had given to the suspects as an investment to open a casino in Poipet City. “According to the victims’ complaints, they said they paid more than $560,000 as shares to be part of a joint venture business to open a casino with these Thai suspects.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/31538/nine-arrested-over--560-000-fraud/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 02/11

You got to be joking me. Those people. They look like BIG C box stackers.  I would slap the taste out of all of them..I would not invest a car park voucher with them. Maybe a quick boom boom. But still free.

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