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Buriram school seizes student's colorful winter jackets


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43 minutes ago, TEFLKrabi said:

Easy to criticize someone you don't know. He's done a lot for this school and community and works harder than most of you. 

Really but lets children shiver whilst he accumulates personal accolades.  Thats the community spirit.  Sounds a right self centered piece to me.

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51 minutes ago, TEFLKrabi said:

Easy to criticize someone you don't know. He's done a lot for this school and community and works harder than most of you. 

Oh that makes his stupidity okay, I guess!

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This has been going on for some time now: I am sader than you- my shirt is blackerer than yours- I am mourning more and better...

On facebook it was an arms- race from minute zero: you can post the sader profile picture!

So the "mourning police" in this school is taking it out on the weakest members of society: the children!

You reap what you sow!

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“We’re not forcing them,” Somsak said when reached for comment. “We’re just asking for cooperation from students. There weren’t many children breaking the rules anyway.”


When you force a child to turn over his coat/sweater to a school official then itglad is forcing them. Years from now the youngster will only remember being cold and having a grownup take his/her coat off their back.

The school director should have bought black/gray/white coats for the children. I am  he didn't have them beaten with a stick; the parents too.

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3 hours ago, poohy said:

School director my bottom !


He could not direct traffic, he and his precious staff are sulking because they have to wear black for a whole year, so they take it out on the kids.

The parents should have a quiet word with him to put up and shut up, but we know it wont happen as everyone is brain washed.




You cut the sentence short. He could not direct traffic on a desert island.

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...how about that blinding shirt he is wearing.....???


...and what is so funny...???


...another psycho with a title and power to wield over others....???




...should have made the announcement beforehand....


...and what if the students have no money to buy new ones....???

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

This has been going on for some time now: I am sader than you- my shirt is blackerer than yours- I am mourning more and better...

On facebook it was an arms- race from minute zero: you can post the sader profile picture!

So the "mourning police" in this school is taking it out on the weakest members of society: the children!

You reap what you sow!


Yeah, the poor kids are sown onto the barren infertile field of the Thai education system.

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1 hour ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

This Government and its officials do seem to want to control everything.............. even the mourning.  

Over many years I've heard the saying ' we all grieve in our own way ' but not applicable here as it's by the laid down numbers.

A very delicate subject so I'll say no more but I'm sure many posters can imagine.

This school director was certainly imposing his will on others like it or not but I'd think he believed he was just doing what was wanted from on high and looking good at the same time with the fact that children were suffering was an incidental.

Edited by Caveat Emptor
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7 minutes ago, Caveat Emptor said:

Just think, govt employees have their dress code for a year laid out for them.

One of my Thai friends is a real conservative Yellow Shirt, junta-supporting government officer and totally naive  (if the Government said the moon is made of mozarella cheese - he would believe it). Yet even he said to me the other day that he is sick of being forced to wear black all the time for a year and that this whole thing is 'ridiculous'. 


Wow! Coming from a real conservative junta supporter - that is quite something. Imagine what millions (and I mean millions) of Thais are thinking and feeling but are not allowed publicly to express ...!

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4 minutes ago, Eligius said:

One of my Thai friends is a real conservative Yellow Shirt, junta-supporting government officer and totally naive  (if the Government said the moon is made of mozarella cheese - he would believe it). Yet even he said to me the other day that he is sick of being forced to wear black all the time for a year and that this whole thing is 'ridiculous'. 


Wow! Coming from a real conservative junta supporter - that is quite something. Imagine what millions (and I mean millions) of Thais are thinking and feeling but are not allowed publicly to express ...!

Thinking is allowed well barely. I think the government is working on a thought reader. It was good to hear that the soccer fans were finally allowed to cheer out loud. Is cheering out loud freedom of speech?? Well back to Dr. Who the Dyleks are attacking and Dr. Who is going to hit them with his new disruptor ray. Sometimes I think when the government speaks here its their version of a disruptor ray. 

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Before making judgment it's always advisable to get a second opinion. Try a little research and you will find the full story:-


I'd like to re-write this post. I was going to post also a negative reply but thought I'd search the school on the internet. I found the link and posted what I wrote earlier. Which was not very nice to previous posters who didn't know the full story. So I apologize for being a pr##k.

Secondly children's jackets are not in the uniform code and shouldn't be judged by there colour. Clothes that protect you from the elements should be excluded from the rules on mourning.

Thirdly and most importantly, safety is first, last night I nearly hit a cyclist who had no lights and was dressed fully in black. A bright yellow top or orange top should be allowed when riding a bicycle or motorcycle day or night.

Fourthly, children who walk home from school on the road should also wear bright colors so they don't get hit by a vehicle because they can't see them.

Fifthly, doesn't, wearing black attract more mosquitoes therefore you are putting your child in danger of getting malaria, zika virus or dengue fever.

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Thailand is so full of 'little chiefs', who, in turn, are so full of themselves, IMO the most sad bunch, working hard to keep the perverted 'system' in place, as it is only that 'system' which is giving them that, fake, sense of 'importance' they thrive on! ...And the un-educated masses will go on giving deep wais and respect, fear is a better word, those despicable aggressive baboons, until, maybe, one day... But then, all hell will break lose on them, ...and on others, higher-up! When one refuses, rejects, evolution for sooo long, one risks to be made to, painfully, face it, ...with an 'r' in front.

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