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Some Republicans are discussing their plans for President Clinton — starting with impeachment


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2 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:


The filibuster, or the voluntary, non-constitutional requirement of a super-majority to pass major legislation or appointments is not an accident.  It's an expression of the basic conservatism embodied in the the structure of US government.  This includes the Senate itself that gives disproportional weight to voters in states with small populations, the Electoral College, which is an artifact of slavery designed to translate the over-representation of the South in the Congress to the presidential election,, the winner-take-all counting of electoral votes in nearly all the states, the requirement of Senate approval of Cabinet and other officers, and so on. 


It's a national disgrace that the Democrats have so far acquiesced in the perpetuation of the filibuster which has mostly been used by the reactionary Republicans against progress. 


Racist Democratic Party Senators used the filibuster against civil rights legislation during the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s.


Presently racism is the almost exclusive property of the Republican Party. Republican Senators are presently using the filibuster against judicial nominees to Scotus. Republicans want to keep the Court short of its membership indefinitely.


The one single thing a new Democratic Party majority control of the Senate can do without having to change the Constitution is to abolish the filibuster. The new Democratic Party leader of the Senate come January, Sen. Chuck "Bruiser" Schumer needs to get on with it.


Meanwhile all this talk of impeachment is right wing political masturbation. Impeachment is for high crimes or misdemeanors committed in office only. Right wingnuts haven't been able to litigate anything for 30 years nor will they have anything during any Clinton presidency.

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10 minutes ago, Publicus said:


The Republican Party base to include severely and long term alienated Right Sector extremists have adopted this burn it down attitude and posture, which has become irreversible.


The Democratic Party base which outnumbers the Republican base and which continues to expand, to include the great majority of Millennials, has never considered such alien notions or desires, i.e., burn down what needs changing within the parameters of the Constitution.


The Mad Max charging head down mindset of smash it up is not viable in any respect, especially when it comes to the stability and security of a nation. It is the age of nuclear weapons, not of the flintlock musket. The Russian Revolution of 1917 and Mao's 1949 takeover of China were the last events of their kind, anywhere, any time, under any circumstances.


The Second Amendment is the opposite of what the extremist Right Sector insists and asserts it to be.

You had time to think up all that and STILL haven't been able to give me ONE substantial piece of legislation or State Department policy that Hillary has sponsored or enacted that's been anything near a success...telling. It's like Trump has said, she has loads of experience...ALL BAD.

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2 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

What all the Crooked Hillary Bootlickers don't seem to recognize is that for some crazy reason she does gain the White House, she'll be impeached shortly afterwards for all her crimes.

That's a done-deal my friends. :smile:

What you don't seem to understand is that impeachment doesn't mean removal from office. But what it does mean, as the case of Bill Clinton showed, is disaster for the Republicans at the midterm elections.

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1 minute ago, Boon Mee said:

What all the Crooked Hillary Bootlickers don't seem to recognize is that for some crazy reason she does gain the White House, she'll be impeached shortly afterwards for all her crimes.

That's a done-deal my friends. :smile:

Can't wait to see Comey frog-marched her out of the White House in cuffs  :w00t:

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Just now, OMGImInPattaya said:

You had time to think up all that and STILL haven't been able to give me ONE substantial piece of legislation or State Department policy that Hillary has sponsored or enacted that's been anything near a success...telling. It's like Trump has said, she has loads of experience...ALL BAD.


Hillary Clinton has always been a day in and day out reliable and highly competent person. We see it presently and cumulatively and in the aggregate of her public record.


The only big thing about her public life is the vast rightwing conspicuously.


Normal voters want and seek stability, change by parliamentary and Constitutional means, no wild possession and brandishing of guns, no destruction or mayhem bursting constantly out of the Oval Office etc.


The bottom line for the voter is that Donald Trump is a radical wildman crackpot ignoramus. Putin's "useful idiot" also -- or maybe just useful to Putin period.

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7 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

What all the Crooked Hillary Bootlickers don't seem to recognize is that for some crazy reason she does gain the White House, she'll be impeached shortly afterwards for all her crimes.

That's a done-deal my friends. :smile:


Impeachment is for high crimes or misdemeanors that may be committed while the person is in office.




The impeachment bugs don't know any more about the Constitution than Trump The Ignoramus knows. The more youse guyz talk impeachment of a Potus Clinton after January 20th the more you're enjoying political masturbation.

Edited by Publicus
Revise and a typo.
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Just now, Publicus said:


Hillary Clinton has always been a day in and day out reliable and highly competent person. We see it presently and cumulatively and in the aggregate of her public record.


The only big thing about her public life is the vast rightwing conspicuously.


Normal voters want and seek stability, change by parliamentary and Constitutional means, no wild possession and brandishing of guns, no destruction or mayhem bursting constantly out of the Oval Office etc.


The bottom line for the voter is that Donald Trump is a radical wildman crackpot ignoramus. Putin's "useful idiot" also -- or maybe just useful to Putin period.

Still waiting for a single piece of legislation or State Dept. policy...guess I'll go out for coffee and maybe by the time I'm back you'll have thought of something  :sleepy:

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On 11/4/2016 at 10:35 PM, Basil B said:

Is this news???


The Republicans are like a broken record... impeach/ impeach/ impeach/ impeach/ impeach/ impeach/ impeach/ impeach/ impeach/ impeach/ impeach/ impeach/ impeach/ impeach/...


They certainly haven't learned their lesson.  Trump is the voters' punishment for the Repubs' politics of obstruction.  


I wonder who will run in 2020 to let the voters punish the Repubs for another 4 years of obstructionism?  


8 years of denying the party faithful minions of their rightful turn to be the Republican candidate may just get us to a whole new generation of Repubs who aren't so slow to learn. God, I hope so.  But I'm not optimistic.  


Can you imagine the sting of sucking party butt for your entire career, then seeing the brass ring grabbed by an outsider when it's supposed to be your turn?  At least they have the consolation prize of retiring uber wealthy without ever doing anything constructive.

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47 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Still waiting for a single piece of legislation or State Dept. policy...guess I'll go out for coffee and maybe by the time I'm back you'll have thought of something  :sleepy:


Go for it cowboy  :cowboy:


Twenty-five bucks and a Trump for President sign will get you a mocha coffee at any Starbucks in New York City. No place outside however to tie up yer horse.


Best get it to go btw ('take-out' for you Brits and Down Under folk).

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4 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Go for it cowboy  :cowboy:


Twenty-five bucks and a Trump for President sign will get you a mocha coffee at any Starbucks in New York City. No place outside however to tie up yer horse.


Best get it to go btw ('take-out' for you Brits and Down Under folk).

Still nothing to recommend Hillary...why am I not surprised. A campaign for President premised on nothing more than she's "Hillary."  :blink:

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3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Still nothing to recommend Hillary...why am I not surprised. A campaign for President premised on nothing more than she's "Hillary."  :blink:


Youse guyz say she's got 30-years of public service (you don't like) and now you say she's got nothing.


HRC is a workhorse day in and day out. Even Trump quit on the no stamina and at death's door stuff.





If that one isn't enough for you, then read this one too. They add up to a dozen major achievements and accomplishments.





Youse guyz is boring.

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


Youse guyz say she's got 30-years of public service (you don't like) and now you say she's got nothing.


HRC is a workhorse day in and day out. Even Trump quit on the no stamina and at death's door stuff.





If that one isn't enough for you, then read this one too. They add up to a dozen major achievements and accomplishments.





Youse guyz is boring.

Yep, she's so qualified and popular (by your lights) after 30 years in the public eye (most of it for crimes and misdemeanors) that she's in a dead-heat in a race for President with a non-politician with no experience in government the weekend before the election...that's some candidate you got there  :w00t:

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19 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Yep, she's so qualified and popular (by your lights) after 30 years in the public eye (most of it for crimes and misdemeanors) that she's in a dead-heat in a race for President with a non-politician with no experience in government the weekend before the election...that's some candidate you got there  :w00t:


Impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors while in office.


All this rightwhinge jibberish about impeachment of a Potus Clinton after January 20th is political masturbation over an image.

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


Youse guyz say she's got 30-years of public service (you don't like) and now you say she's got nothing.




Lots of people have 30 years or more in the public service and have done zip, zero, nadda. Look at some of the Thai politicians just for an example.

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Just now, coma said:


Lots of people have 30 years or more in the public service and have done zip, zero, nadda. Look at some of the Thai politicians just for an example.


The election is in the United States.


Do try to keep up over there ln the dictator worshiping Right Sector.

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3 hours ago, Publicus said:


Hillary Clinton has always been a day in and day out reliable and highly competent person. We see it presently and cumulatively and in the aggregate of her public record.


Just yer average, dependable white collar criminal who thinks shes above the law. 


Dunt she know only steven seagal is

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1 minute ago, Publicus said:


The election is in the United States.


Do try to keep up over there ln the dictator worshiping Right Sector.


What ??? It was a blatant "EXAMPLE" to show your argument is flawed. That people can, have been and are in the public service ALL over the world for most of their lives and achieve nothing.


And yes. The election is in the USA but this is THAIVISA!!!  


As for the dictator worshipping. :spamsign:

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Rotsa ruck guyz...


Hillary Clinton poses for selfies




From today's Mirror  USA election explainer...


Famous republicans


Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and, of course both presidents Bush were members of the Republican party - as is former California governor and unstoppable cyborg assassin Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Arnold Schwarzenegger


Arnold had endorsed Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who was eventually terminated by Republican party primary voters. Arnold as far as we know has fallen quiet. No one knows if he'll be back.

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Trump isn't really Republican either. He ain't even a politician. He is just using the Republican party as an apparatus to become president.

I guess that's what draws people to him. That he isn't a two faced lying politician. Loads of us have had it up to the eyeballs with that lot. Go D. Trump

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

In one Scandal after another for > 30 years!

Time to close the history book on the Clintons! :smile:

I think you made a mistake reaction on this post. It's Trump with one scandal after the other. But than, you realy don't care. Woof woof, master Trump.

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18 minutes ago, coma said:

Trump isn't really Republican either. He ain't even a politician. He is just using the Republican party as an apparatus to become president.

I guess that's what draws people to him. That he isn't a two faced lying politician. Loads of us have had it up to the eyeballs with that lot. Go D. Trump


DT never really wanted to be Prez. He sees this election as a way to bandy about his name and image. He isn't serious about winning. He never was. He is just having the time of his life going around spewing whatever nonsense comes to mind. He has everyone fooled into believing he wants to be a serious candidate. DT is pulling his greatest con ever and all his supporters are falling for it hook, line and sinker. He is truly enjoying his moments in the sun. Just look at the way he draws in power from his audience. He thrives off of it. Just a big rock star entertainer looking for his attention fix.

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9 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Win or loose, she'll be in handcuffs and doing the perp-walk within a year ?


Delusional wingnut taking solace in a little make believe. Hey, whatever gets you through the night, man...or Tuesday night when HRC is elected in a landslide. The things that rattle around the wingnut brain. 


4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

What all the Crooked Hillary Bootlickers don't seem to recognize is that for some crazy reason she does gain the White House, she'll be impeached shortly afterwards for all her crimes.

That's a done-deal my friends. :smile:


Boon - always good for the delusional wingnut quote of the day. Doesn't it ever bother you that you're never right about anything? I'd be discouraged. That's just me I guess. 


4 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Can't wait to see Comey frog-marched her out of the White House in cuffs  :w00t:


Comey should be fired next Wednesday. Obama should have done it the day the idiot announced the email investigation was open again, but has too much class. Next Wednesday should be perfect as the icing on the HRC victory. Comey is toast. Now he may be rehired after Rudy Giuliani is appointed Attorney General :cheesy:


4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

In one Scandal after another for > 30 years!

Time to close the history book on the Clintons! :smile:


What proven lies and where are the convictions? Nothing. Nada. Ever. Just accusations from the wingnuts that never amount to anything. They're so sure she's about to be indicted. Same ole shit as the last eight years with Obama. Never anything. Nada. She's a liar. She's a criminal. You need a new script. We've heard it all before. You've got nothing. 


The end of all the wingnut dreams is so close. The good guys...the normal people are about to win BIG time, a disaster for Republicans. 


Carry on. :coffee1:

Edited by Pinot
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6 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

You had time to think up all that and STILL haven't been able to give me ONE substantial piece of legislation or State Department policy that Hillary has sponsored or enacted that's been anything near a success...telling. It's like Trump has said, she has loads of experience...ALL BAD.


After 9-11, she proposed and got passed legislation which gave tangible assistance to first responders, and was commended by NYC Fire Dept heads for doing so.   She also got added money for coal workers whose benefits weren't sufficient.   During that time, Trump was grabbing married women's pussies.


6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

What all the Crooked Hillary Bootlickers don't seem to recognize is that for some crazy reason she does gain the White House, she'll be impeached shortly afterwards for all her crimes.

That's a done-deal my friends. :smile:


You're further proving what poor losers Republicans are.

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The Congressional Republicans have demonstrated that they are impotent puzzyfarts. They aren't going to Impeach anybody...especially a President with a media who constantly have their wagons circled around her to protect her legacy. If the media doesn't report it, then it effectively didn't happen.  Perception is reality.

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4 minutes ago, NovaBlue05 said:

The Congressional Republicans have demonstrated that they are impotent puzzyfarts. They aren't going to Impeach anybody...especially a President with a media who constantly have their wagons circled around her to protect her legacy. If the media doesn't report it, then it effectively didn't happen.  Perception is reality.


What about the perception that HRC is a criminal? The wingnuts are absolutely delusional at this point. 


The wingnuts think the MSM protects HRC! No really, after two years of campaigning against the worst candidate in history, the MSM is protecting Hillary. That's delusional. 


The media is frothing at the mouth trying to report the latest lie. FBI agents gone rogue. Russia manufacturing fake email. Fox and Breitbart make up new stuff hourly.  Alex Jones throws a crying shit fit that no one gets what Democrats are doing to America. Whhhhhhaaaaaaaa...


And the MSM protects her...? What the...


I think MSM is sick of the bullshit and it's about time. All these investigations. All the accusations. The money blown on these investigations and....nothing. Wagons are circled around bullshit mountain. No one believes anything coming from Trump land anymore. 


I think she's become an heroic figure with the bullshit that's been thrown at her. She's got everybody on her side at this point. Beyonce for chrissakes! Everyone realizes that electing Trump would be a tragic mistake, except of course the wingnuts. Trump lies constantly and the MSM and EVERBODY ELSE knows it. 


The poor Trumpeteers. Nobody likes them. Everybody hates them. The fix is in. Boo-hoo :sad: 


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