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Animal Cruelty

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Some Advice PLEASE


We are living in a central Thai village about 280 kilometres from BKK. Lived here about 18 months and love the village and most of it’s people.


About 5 doors down from us lives a single woman with a kid in the mid 20’s – the kid will leave home next year.


She has three dogs, All have been tied up for the 18 months we have been here. One is locked in a small room and tied on a 1 metre "choker" chain. It has clearly gone mad as it no longer makes any sound. A large stick is near the door, she says it bites so in order to feed it, she needs to use the stick.


The other two are chained half inside and half outside. The cruelty is unbelievable and when asked why? - she lies and says she releases them at night. She not only does NOT release them, but, NEVER has, EVER.


One other villager is (has) questioned her treatment of the animals, but she is a very old lady in her late 70’s or early eighties. She has frightened this old lady off (So my wife says).


I am finding the two outside ones to be very disturbing, they “cry” for hours. The sound is sickening.


Asking my Thai wife what to do, she said if I was found to have spoken to anyone I will have to leave the village and our house will need to be sold – I am the only non Thai in the village. Plus it would seem we are the newest village members. This seems extreme to me, BUT, my wife is adamant that this WILL be the case??


My search reveals no Government Animal Welfare agency in Thailand (Unless I am wrong) Plus disclosing my exact location “could” destroy our lives – if my wife is to be believed.


We have considered putting an offer in to buy the three dogs. We are itinerant to some extent and last time we went wandering, we did not return for a year or so. Our house was not disturbed in any way and our neighbours, kept it clean & the grounds tidy (For a small donation on our return) we never asked them but was grateful they took the initiative.


Constructive ideas very welcome.

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Usually in place like this the old crones have more say, maybe you could get together and she might have connections, well certainly more than this evil woman (also buying the dogs is a good idea money alway talks in Thailand)


However after 16 years in Thailand i(we) live in a remote location in a solitary house, it avoids Thai neighbours, who are sadly inconsiderate at best........... as well as having abysmal ideas about animals and their welfare.

PS we have 3 big dogs as guard dogs inside our property they do make a noise and go through the motions although to be honest you would get licked to death BUT they scare the local Thais  ****less

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In the 90’s we visited Sumatra, on our way to Lake Toba – a very beautiful part of the world. We visited an Orang-outang colony living in the forest.


Back to our room in the village, one evening after watching this monkey (Not sure the type) doing everything in it’s power to release itself from a chain it was tied to UNDER the house.


To cut a long story short, we arranged to pay for the monkey to be released in such a way, that everyone saves face and the “owner” felt s/he was the most compassionate person on earth.


Two years later we visited, five monkeys were tied up in terrible conditions. A sign to the “tourists” said (words to the effect) they could be released for a fee.


To this day I feel responsible for causing untold animal suffering.


I NEVER pay to release wild birds at temples – they will simply put more birds through the trauma… As they catch & cage more to be released for a fee.


THERE IS NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER, if I buy these dogs, she will acquire more and these too will be tortured.


We ARE working on the “old Lady” angle with all the persuasion at our disposal.


I thank you sincerely for your "input(s).


Edited by BB1958
spelling mistake
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Asking my Thai wife what to do, she said if I was found to have spoken to anyone I will have to leave the village and our house will need to be sold – I am the only non Thai in the village. Plus it would seem we are the newest village members. This seems extreme to me, BUT, my wife is adamant that this WILL be the case??


    If you talk to anybody you have to leave the village and the house will need to be sold?


           Many foreigners are the only Non- Thais in a village, but it shouldn't matter if you're the newest village members. 


        Please forgive me this question, but what's wrong with your wife? Is she on your side, or not?


         It doesn't look like it. 


      A woman in her mid twenty's is hardly a kid, what has she to do with the three dogs?


      "   Plus disclosing my exact location “could” destroy our lives – if my wife is to be believed. "


               How can you live under those circumstances, not even knowing if your wife can be believed, or better said trusted?


            If I were you I'd be more concerned about your relationship with your wife and your marriage in general, than the three dogs who live under such horrible circumstances. 


       What does the Phoojaybaan say to it? Or are you not allowed to talk to others? 





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Got the same situation next door to me.  The family collects dogs.. animal hoarders.  When we moved here 2 years ago they only have one well cared for big black dog.  Then the daughter kept buying puppies, one or 2 at a time.  The puppies where treated very well, washed, petted, fed and carried around. 


But once they get bigger they are then sentenced to life on a short rope behind the house... 24 / 7.  Never allowed off the less than one meter rope.  Left to walk of rusty sheet metal and other junk.  No shelter from rain or sun.  The ones with log fur hare all matted and dirty. 


She now has about 9 dogs now.. and just got a new fully white puppy.


2 of the dogs are mad.  Screaming and yapping frantically for 1 or 2 hours each evening when the owners come home and start to cook food.  How they can just sit about in the house eating and the noise and howling, screaming and baring dogs in so loud.  Even with all my windows and door closed, and the TV on loud volume I can still here them.  Sometimes its so bad I have leave the house.


At first I started to be nice to the people.. taking dog food, smiling and chatting.  They just took the food and fed the dogs.  But the problem still remained.  I told them the dogs were noisy.. the woman just smiled and said yes they are.


Then I bought an anti bark thing I ordered from America.  It was useless.  Eventually I got angry and kept going around there every few days when the dogs were very bad... telling her to feed them.  Her response was to beat them with a stick till they stopped... only to start up again a few minutes later.


I have now given up.  There is nothing I can do... I offered to buy them... but she said no.  I can't steal them and release them to some far away temple... as they will know it was me.  The other neighbors just think there is no problem.  The don't care about the animals suffering... or the noise.  They are immune to any noise, many too busy partying and playing loud music themselves to care anyway. 





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38 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

I have now given up.  There is nothing I can do... I offered to buy them... but she said no.  I can't steal them and release them to some far away temple... as they will know it was me.  The other neighbors just think there is no problem.  The don't care about the animals suffering... or the noise.  They are immune to any noise, many too busy partying and playing loud music themselves to care anyway. 


Hi Jak.......

It is difficult to understand, debase human behaviour of this standard. As far as I can tell (re the dogs) it is not about money either - which makes it more difficult to understand. It is also against Buddhist principals. 


"Our" Monks went to the offending home today, they asked the owner if she could give them two chickens, as "pets" for the temple - so she went to where the chickens she breeds are kept, and took two out of the cage they are crammed into. She will NOT allow her chickens to roam, they are literally crammed into cages - less movement more meat (Money) I can understand that.


"We Think" that it is part of a "process" my Wife is sure the Monks were on a mission, as (apparently) they have not been on her property before - her treatment of animals is so bad, other villagers are now complaining. I do not know the dynamics of Thai society to know if this will have an affect? We need to wait and see.

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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

Got the same situation next door to me.  The family collects dogs.. animal hoarders.  When we moved here 2 years ago they only have one well cared for big black dog.  Then the daughter kept buying puppies, one or 2 at a time.  The puppies where treated very well, washed, petted, fed and carried around. 


But once they get bigger they are then sentenced to life on a short rope behind the house... 24 / 7.  Never allowed off the less than one meter rope.  Left to walk of rusty sheet metal and other junk.  No shelter from rain or sun.  The ones with log fur hare all matted and dirty. 


She now has about 9 dogs now.. and just got a new fully white puppy.


2 of the dogs are mad.  Screaming and yapping frantically for 1 or 2 hours each evening when the owners come home and start to cook food.  How they can just sit about in the house eating and the noise and howling, screaming and baring dogs in so loud.  Even with all my windows and door closed, and the TV on loud volume I can still here them.  Sometimes its so bad I have leave the house.


At first I started to be nice to the people.. taking dog food, smiling and chatting.  They just took the food and fed the dogs.  But the problem still remained.  I told them the dogs were noisy.. the woman just smiled and said yes they are.


Then I bought an anti bark thing I ordered from America.  It was useless.  Eventually I got angry and kept going around there every few days when the dogs were very bad... telling her to feed them.  Her response was to beat them with a stick till they stopped... only to start up again a few minutes later.


I have now given up.  There is nothing I can do... I offered to buy them... but she said no.  I can't steal them and release them to some far away temple... as they will know it was me.  The other neighbors just think there is no problem.  The don't care about the animals suffering... or the noise.  They are immune to any noise, many too busy partying and playing loud music themselves to care anyway. 





I had the misfortune to live (for a short period of time) close to a Westerner who also thought that his dogs should be kept on a short chain - and barking meant they needed to be beat with a stick :sad:.


My ex-husband saw him doing this one day and told him exactly what he thought.  We moved shortly thereafter, so I've no idea whether my husband losing his temper at the cruelty worked.


I doubt it, as those with no empathy about the suffering of other creatures are unlikely to change.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Hi Dick,


Fully agree, animal cruelty is a human failing, not a racial failing, the factory farms of Europe, America and elsewhere are equally sickening.


I cannot "fix" anything, my wife & I are sickened. We both share a love for animals, our neighbour has become quite sick, she is 62 and lives alone - scrapes a living at the bottom of the "societal food chain". We are vegans, but, it has not stopped us buying about 70kg of chicken food, to maintain her animals, whilst she is in hospital recovering. The chickens are free to roam and she takes good care of them. So will we!! We know they are to be killed for food. Our neighbour needs to live too and without that income, it would be terribly hard.


Thanks for your post Dick 


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I do not understand why you have posted a video of an overweight person with questionable mental issues.  Or how this is remotely connected to the sickening torture of three dogs??


Clearly there is something I am missing here.


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18 hours ago, katana said:

Maybe in the past they were a problem in the village, running round biting people and causing a nuisance. If they were released, it would be back to square one again.

Did not reply to you, until I checked.


No one we have spoken with, can recall ever seeing them roaming. It was a good point, worth checking out.


Thanks for your input.



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Yeah, I don't understand why some people can treat their dogs so cruelly. I once witnessed a neighbor chain up a beautiful full blood Golden Retriever to a wall, about a two metre chain, and left it there for many weeks; I saw the dog everyday, throughout each day. Eventually its legs went real wobbly, it got mange and her fur fell off and she just lay there. One day it was gone. I will never understand why he did that. I didn't ask; didn't want to intervene.

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  • 3 months later...


We managed to get the dog from her - it now lives with us. 


HISTORY: The dog is about 10 yrs old, it was her son's dog as a puppy, it had a litter of pups about 9 years ago. It has been chained as described in my original post for about 8.5 - 9 YEARS.



We took her to the vet, had her ears cleaned huge toenails clipped, & much more. We have walked it a few metres to begin with - now it can walk a couple of hundred metres, before it sits and refuses to walk. She is VERY loving, does not bite, is tolerant of other dogs & humans. 


All being well it can live out the rest of it's days here - it literally is improving almost daily, except for the paws - they have atrophied so much that the muscle may never grow back?


She has now purchased a new puppy for her daughter - horrifying 

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5 minutes ago, BB1958 said:


We managed to get the dog from her - it now lives with us. 


HISTORY: The dog is about 10 yrs old, it was her son's dog as a puppy, it had a litter of pups about 9 years ago. It has been chained as described in my original post for about 8.5 - 9 YEARS.



We took her to the vet, had her ears cleaned huge toenails clipped, & much more. We have walked it a few metres to begin with - now it can walk a couple of hundred metres, before it sits and refuses to walk. She is VERY loving, does not bite, is tolerant of other dogs & humans. 


All being well it can live out the rest of it's days here - it literally is improving almost daily, except for the paws - they have atrophied so much that the muscle may never grow back?


She has now purchased a new puppy for her daughter - horrifying 

Was following this thread, good to see you found a solution, what about the other dogs?

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2 minutes ago, MalandLee said:

Was following this thread, good to see you found a solution, what about the other dogs?

The other dogs are on about 3+ metres of chain, they are never let off this chain, however, their situation is not as bad as the dog we rescued, They both have learned not to wrap the chain around the post and are able to shelter from both sun & rain.


We have won a battle, but the war still needs to be fought....


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Today (Date & Time of this post) we learned that the "new" dog, has been poisoned and is now dead...


At the moment lost for words, but my missus is currently talking with the owner.


Possible reason??? - when confined (They were starting tie it up already) it barks it's lungs out and we (both dog lovers) were getting "tested" by the noise too, being a pup, it is let off its chain and then it is quiet & playful - even playing with the cats - it sleeps with them too "or should I say "did".



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