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Australian Senate rejects public vote on gay marriage


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Most people are pro LGBT rights - especially the younger generations. It's just a matter of time before all the ignorant older buggers die off and gay people everywhere can have full acceptance and rights without it being an issue.  Most Australians I meet are fairly enlightened so I can't see this being an issue even if they did vote. Let's hope and pray that they eventually accept Gay Marriage in Thailand.

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Why don't they just call it something else ? Like a union between man/man or women/women. With all the same legal rights [ except IVF treatment for lesbian couples] as normal couples have. Like get divorced and dragged through the court process. Also need to drop the discrimination card against religious individuals and groups that refuse to take part in said ceremony, as it is against their own belief.

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So most of Australia has already allowed gay adoption rights before allowing gay marriages? How bizarre. The former is a much significant issue. Where is the clear, dispassionate thinking on this? I'm worried that the evolutionary perspective is being bulldozed by a PC-fuelled sentimentalist one. I must be one of those traditionalists who are now, allegedly, in the minority.

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4 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


That is not the way Government is supposed to work. They have forgotten who their paymasters are. Whether you like the idea or not, if the majority of people in a nation vote for something or somebody, that is it, the people have spoken, end of Government fights.  They are there to Govern for the people!

and please do not mention Brexit.......

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