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US presidential election likely to have affect on ASEAN and Thailand


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US presidential election likely to have affect on ASEAN and Thailand


BANGKOK, 8 November 2016 (NNT) - The US presidential election will have various affects on ASEAN and Thailand, whoever comes out as the winner, according economists. 

Director of the Center for ASEAN Studies at Thammasat University, Praphat Thepchatree said this week that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s policies are different from those of the current administration and could create conditions that would bring risks to global economic growth. 

Mr. Praphat cited Mr. Trump’s tax cut policy to encourage US companies not to move their production facilities to other countries, possibly being a challenge to Thailand’s attempt to promote its exports. 

For Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Mr. Praphat said that her policies may be more beneficial as they would be a continuation of the economic, trade and investment policies of President Barack Obama. 

Meanwhile, CIMB Thai Bank’s Head of Research Amonthep Chawla said on Monday that both candidates’ policies share similarities, especially in the area of public debt, which both are aiming to boost from the current level of 77 percent of GDP — which poses risks to the global financial market from 2017.

-- nnt 2016-11-08
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Economic expert says if Trump wins, Thailand will be affected


BANGKOK, 8th November 2016 (NNT)-The Asia Plus Group Holdings Public Company Limited (ASP) CEO Kongkiat Opaswongkarn said today that if Donald Trump wins the U.S. presidential election, stock markets worldwide, as well as U.S. trade with Thailand will be affected. 

The ASP CEO said investors’ concerns over the U.S. presidential election had caused stocks worldwide to fall while gold prices have increased. He indicated that the U.S. is certain to impose trade barriers with China and the rest of Asia, it Trump wins. However, stock markets will return to normal if Hilary Clinton wins the election. 

Everyone is now waiting for the election outcome as the popularity of Trump is comparable to that of Clinton. Mr. Kongkiat has advised investors to keep their money in bonds or gold as the stock market will remain volatile until the result of the American Presidential election becomes clear. 

Meanwhile, CLSA Securities Managing Director Panitchpakdi says investor confidence worldwide will be restored if Hillary Clinton wins the presidential race. Gold prices will decline and the U.S. dollar will become stronger. 

-- nnt 2016-11-08
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11 minutes ago, Caveat Emptor said:

Might even add a few million to the Minister's ' figures ' !

For tourism as long as the banks are on board with almost free money let the good times roll. Even a slight tightening of credit would be a disaster. Then we would have to bring forth helicopter money to shore things up. Helicopter money which more than likely would be the savings the thrifty people like myself have accrued. We are already in the rob Peter to pay Paul stage its just a matter of when this central bank contrived contraption comes tumbling down. 

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28 minutes ago, DM07 said:

...but tourism will not be affected!

It will be if they stay with the incoming yes and outgoing no mentality. The herds of tourists are hard on the environment and tourist facilities. Money must be spent to make money. Herein lies the fault line.  

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3 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

For tourism as long as the banks are on board with almost free money let the good times roll. Even a slight tightening of credit would be a disaster. Then we would have to bring forth helicopter money to shore things up. Helicopter money which more than likely would be the savings the thrifty people like myself have accrued. We are already in the rob Peter to pay Paul stage its just a matter of when this central bank contrived contraption comes tumbling down. 

They can and will pay it all. They just print a few trillion dollars and devalue its worth by a bunch and hand it over, Its a bad idea to lone dollars to those who make them. Just kidding, or I hope I am.

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8 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

For tourism as long as the banks are on board with almost free money let the good times roll. Even a slight tightening of credit would be a disaster. Then we would have to bring forth helicopter money to shore things up. Helicopter money which more than likely would be the savings the thrifty people like myself have accrued. We are already in the rob Peter to pay Paul stage its just a matter of when this central bank contrived contraption comes tumbling down. 

Same as the UK and Europe then.

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15 hours ago, Grubster said:

They can and will pay it all. They just print a few trillion dollars and devalue its worth by a bunch and hand it over, Its a bad idea to lone dollars to those who make them. Just kidding, or I hope I am.

You may be kidding but its true. The velocity of money goes around and around in the government circles only and does nothing for the economy but boost big company buy backs and the stock market. Its fraud plain and simple.

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On ‎8‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 4:10 PM, heybruce said:

An export dependent economy affected by a protectionist, isolationist US President?  Who would have guessed that?


James Rickard has been saying that gold will rise and stock prices fall for weeks now.

It will all settle down after they have made fortunes.

The big punters will have made a fortune on wall St.

The money boys are scarring the hell out of the UK by collapsing the Pound ,just as they terrorised Greece by boarding up shops before the referendum on leaving the EU.


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1 hour ago, kiwikeith said:


James Rickard has been saying that gold will rise and stock prices fall for weeks now.

It will all settle down after they have made fortunes.

The big punters will have made a fortune on wall St.

The money boys are scarring the hell out of the UK by collapsing the Pound ,just as they terrorised Greece by boarding up shops before the referendum on leaving the EU.


I follow James Rickard as well along with Casey, Bonner and to get the opposite effect Harry Dent. They say a lot of interesting things but in the end they are sellers of  product. They should be taken with a grain of salt. I scratched my head following the roller coaster market when futures were -750 and gold shot up $60 an ounce. When all was said and done the Dow was up over 100 points and gold was in the minus column strange to say the least. I think the big boys stepped in and shorted gold and went against the Dow futures. The whole thing smelled of manipulation how? well that is beyond my humble understanding of the market. 

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