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Clinton calls for a united America ahead of vote


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20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

... she's popular enough.



I doubt it. She's being elected with a low confidence rating and there's already talk of impeachment. Besides being the first women, there's a good chance she'll have one of the shortest terms too. 

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1 minute ago, Rob13 said:



I doubt it. She's being elected with a low confidence rating and there's already talk of impeachment. Besides being the first women, there's a good chance she'll have one of the shortest terms too. 

Talk of impeachment by right wing fanatics. I meant she's popular enough to beat trump, who is less popular than she is. Nobody is denying they're both unusually unpopular. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Talk of impeachment by right wing fanatics. I meant she's popular enough to beat trump, who is less popular than she is. Nobody is denying they're both unusually unpopular. 


I understood your post, thing is though, her real fight's just startimg. I don't think she has what it takes to hold on to the presidency though. Her best hope is that the GOP disintegrates . Of course she hasn't won yet. Cubs won the series, this might be a year of upsets.

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It's right that Clinton is calling for unity. Both candidates should. While there's been much talk of the existential dangers if Trump wins, a Clinton win is not without its dangers.


I don't mean to be alarmist, but forewarned is forearmed, so I think people should read this. The prospect seems distant, but not entirely unlikely:


Over the last few weeks a growing number of people have started wondering, "Is it possible the United States is heading for a new civil war?" Granted, most of those people are writers for sites like Russia Today or the Huffington Post, and thus slightly less credible than a handful of Bazooka Joe gum wrapper comics. But Donald Trump has made a few tinpot dictator-ish statements recently.

And we did just see an anti-government militia get off scot-free for occupying a federal building and pooping just, everywhere.

The reporter, Robert Evans, then post a number of chilling headlines and interviews a number of  experts on militia groups, former government employees, and educators.

One expert on insurgencies had this to say: 

Colonel David Couvillon, a Marine Reserve officer who governed the Wasit province of Iraq after the start of the occupation, pointed out that insurgents can win without convincing anyone that they're "right." It'd be enough to push most Americans into the "both sides are evil" camp, which ... isn't an unfamiliar place for most of us to be.

"If you undermine the moral authority that the government or the military or the police forces have, you win. Then they become the enemy to everybody ... it may not goad you into armed insurgency, but it will goad you into a certain acceptance. And once the guerrillas reach acceptance, they have a path to win."



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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Talk of impeachment by right wing fanatics. I meant she's popular enough to beat trump, who is less popular than she is. Nobody is denying they're both unusually unpopular. 


you been watching sam bee man? just keeps reminding you that the reason the GOP hates her so much is simply because she's a she. she isn't the devil, she isn't the crooked witch they paint her as. i've no massive love for her but christ it will be good to have a woman president in the US, finally.




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Oops someone's already posted the Samantha Bee rundown of Hillary's transformation.


so I deleted mine

Edited by Thakkar
Oops someone's already posted the Samantha Bee rundown of Hillary's transformation
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Well talk is cheap as they say. You can't "call for unity" but you can take actions to create it.  I don't think most of the Trump supporter bought in to a lot of his fiery rhetoric. I think they just know that "something's wrong here in America" and following the same course isn't likely to make things better.


The fact is, America's long history of economic and social mobility is in rapid decline. No one wants to talk about it because the media and other elites are doing just fine and are not served by addressing the elephant in the room. Better to foment other antagonistic issues about race and gender and "identity". Because that doesn't cost the elites anything.


If the government, any government, any party really wanted unity they would pass laws that put everyone in the same boat and not allow for some to bypass the system that the majority must suffer with. I've got some ideas. Reinstitute the draft and lets see how many foreign adventures we want to take on then. Have mandatory national service that leads to college tuition grants. Institute a Universal healthcare scheme. Ban PACs and pass laws that get the money out of politics. Pass a law that stops the revolving door between regulatory agencies and those they regulate. End the stupid IRA and 401K plans that stupidly align some people's security to that of multinational corporations. Stop selecting Central Bankers that think money should return nothing and foment bubbles. You see, it really is a stacked deck and everyone is beginning to see it.. People are going to continue to vote for whomever they think can change that, even possibly to their own detriment..



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22 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Oops someone's already posted the Samantha Bee rundown of Hillary's transformation.


so I deleted mine


i love how terrified so much of america is of a woman president. just had a black guy, next a woman? dear god what's happened to the world?

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3 minutes ago, StevieH said:


i love how terrified so much of america is of a woman president. just had a black guy, next a woman? dear god what's happened to the world?


Thinking with a dick is far superior to thinking with a vagina. It's just science, man. Do the research.



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6 minutes ago, StevieH said:


i love how terrified so much of america is of a woman president. just had a black guy, next a woman? dear god what's happened to the world?


Very little of America is terrified of either. They're terrified that the middle class is disappearing but the media doesn't want to talk about that.

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18 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Very little of America is terrified of either. They're terrified that the middle class is disappearing but the media doesn't want to talk about that.


nah, loads of republican voters are terrified of mom. it's much simpler than a change in social strata. they can't handle being told what to do by a woman. 80 nations around the world have had a female leader, it's about time the US did.

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4 minutes ago, StevieH said:


nah, loads of republican voters are terrified of mom. it's much simpler than a change in social strata. they can't handle being told what to do by a woman. 80 nations around the world have had a female leader, it's about time the US did.


I can't think of a time when a politician, any politician, has told me what to do. You know representative democracy is about the people telling politicians what to do, right? Well, roughly speaking anyway.

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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

"If you undermine the moral authority that the government or the military or the police forces have, you win. Then they become the enemy to everybody ... it may not goad you into armed insurgency, but it will goad you into a certain acceptance. And once the guerrillas reach acceptance, they have a path to win."



and also: "Anyone who read the newspapers last year knows that 2015 saw some horrific political violence. "




"For Whites Sensing Decline, Donald Trump Unleashes Words of Resistance"

" In a country where the wealthiest and most influential citizens are still mostly white, Mr. Trump is voicing the bewilderment and anger of whites who do not feel at all powerful or privileged."

For many Americans, President Obama’s election, made possible in part by the rising strength of nonwhite voters, signaled a transcendent moment in the country’s knotty racial history. But for some whites, the election of the country’s first black president was also a powerful symbol of their declining pre-eminence in American society.




('NYT on line free on november 8th) 




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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I can't think of a time when a politician, any politician, has told me what to do. You know representative democracy is about the people telling politicians what to do, right? Well, roughly speaking anyway.


Nice idea but a bit off the mark.  You vote for a politician who you feel reflects your views and you trust they will represent you the way you want them to.  They then follow their own agenda which may, or may not be what you expect.  They do not directly tell you what to do but they are instrumental in establishing the laws that you abide by.

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14 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


Nice idea but a bit off the mark.  You vote for a politician who you feel reflects your views and you trust they will represent you the way you want them to.  They then follow their own agenda which may, or may not be what you expect.  They do not directly tell you what to do but they are instrumental in establishing the laws that you abide by.


I have never voted for anyone who I thought would act as I would even 50% of the time. And that's a good thing.. It is not that important to me that a politician reflect my views exactly.. My ego isn't that big. It's important to me that they not be corrupt and that they work for all of their constituents and not just some and that they work with good intention when confronted with a sea of not the most desirable outcomes  Frankly, I would be most pleased if the presidency swung between a Rep and a Dem every four years and they could work with Congress to forge acceptable legislation that moved the country forward.

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6 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I have never voted for anyone who I thought would act as I would even 50% of the time. And that's a good thing.. It is not that important to me that a politician reflect my views exactly.. My ego isn't that big. It's important to me that they not be corrupt and that they work for all of their constituents and not just some and that they work with good intention when confronted with a sea of not the most desirable outcomes  Frankly, I would be most pleased if the presidency swung between a Rep and a Dem every four years and they could work with Congress to forge acceptable legislation that moved the country forward.


I agree that would be the ideal but few politicians live up to the job.  Balance is always healthy and a viable opposition is essential for that.  Something that is badly missing on both sides of the pond

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Definitely a divided nation with an election campaign based on negatives and dirt digging. Not easy to mend whoever gets in. But will be a first; either a first woman president or a businessman outsider who has never held office.

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4 hours ago, StevieH said:

i've no massive love for her but christ it will be good to have a woman president in the US, finally


Not sure if I understand this. If you have no massive love for her you mean it doesn't matter who has the job as long as it is a woman? I have no problem with a woman president but I don't care for Hillary because she comes with too much baggage. But some automatically assume that means I am misogynistic or gender biased.

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1 hour ago, Linzz said:

Definitely a divided nation with an election campaign based on negatives and dirt digging. Not easy to mend whoever gets in. But will be a first; either a first woman president or a businessman outsider who has never held office.

But trump is so much more than that ...:sick:



Decision Day for America’s Family Feud: The Strongman vs. Stronger Together

A Trump victory tonight would be the greatest upset—and greatest shock to the system—in American history.

To get a sense of just how unprecedented Trump’s candidacy is, consider this: We have never in 227 years chosen a president who had not served as an elected official, a Cabinet officer, or a general. In a nation of immigrants, we have never elected a president who ran as a “Know-Nothing” xenophobe, nor one who so nakedly exploited fear for votes. And we have never come close to electing a president who was so uncouth and publicly disrespectful to women.


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