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Finally, it's Clinton or Trump: Long race ends, voters pick


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This is no surprise!





SAN FRANCISCO (AP) --  California voters approved a proposition to allow the recreational use of marijuana Tuesday as other states, including Florida, expanded legal access to the drug.

California voters passed a ballot measure to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, giving a big boost to the campaign to end the drug's national prohibition.  A preliminary exit poll conducted for The Associated Press and television networks by Edison Research found Proposition 64 passing by a wide margin. 


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Hopefully President Obama and Secretary Clinton will come out and support Mr. Trump as the new president and respect the choice of the American people.  We have had enough of the bad mouthing on all sides.  What these two have said about Trump in the last two weeks was despicable, at a time that Trump stayed on message.

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1 minute ago, bassman said:

Hopefully President Obama and Secretary Clinton will come out and support Mr. Trump as the new president and respect the choice of the American people.  We have had enough of the bad mouthing on all sides.  What these two have said about Trump in the last two weeks was despicable, at a time that Trump stayed on message.


I think, rather, that Trump as new President, should put a new foot forward, and get out the long list of Twitter insults and lies that is well documented, and start to apologize to everyone he has wronged ...how about that for setting an example?

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2 minutes ago, bassman said:

Hopefully President Obama and Secretary Clinton will come out and support Mr. Trump as the new president and respect the choice of the American people.  We have had enough of the bad mouthing on all sides.  What these two have said about Trump in the last two weeks was despicable, at a time that Trump stayed on message.

Looking forward to Attorney General Guliani's prosecution of Hillary Clinton!

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5 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Looking forward to Attorney General Guliani's prosecution of Hillary Clinton!


What, you don't think Trump will honor the deal between Bill, Barry and Hillary to keep Lorretta Wench as AG?  Thought that was all decided on a runway in Phoenix!


Hope your right on the prosecution, but Barrack has "fast ink".  As I said back in July, Obama's support of Hillary and the cover up of her crimes will destroy his legacy.  Will be interesting to see how much the vain president will go to save her from a fair trail.  If he pardons her he will go down in history with Nixon and Johnson (from 1865) as the three most corrupt presidents ever.


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Just now, OMGImInPattaya said:

Any word from Hillary, or is she on a plane to Canada?

She'll be abusing the secret service guys, throwing things around the house and crying a lot.

I hesitate to be too hopeful as the fat lady has yet to sing, but if she loses it couldn't happen to a candidate more deserving of humiliation.

The BBC were saying that the Clinton camp went into the evening thinking it was all wrapped up for them. Now they're crying boo hoo.


We have yet to see if all those promising to move to Canada will do so, or take after their leader and be liars.

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7 minutes ago, bassman said:


What, you don't think Trump will honor the deal between Bill, Barry and Hillary to keep Lorretta Wench as AG?  Thought that was all decided on a runway in Phoenix!


Hope your right on the prosecution, but Barrack has "fast ink".  As I said back in July, Obama's support of Hillary and the cover up of her crimes will destroy his legacy.  Will be interesting to see how much the vain president will go to save her from a fair trail.  If he pardons her he will go down in history with Nixon and Johnson (from 1865) as the three most corrupt presidents ever.


How can he pardon her when Comey has let her off? Far as I know you have to be actually convicted to be pardoned.

However, if the GOP is wise, they will wait till Trump is president to charge her.

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Just heard john podesta is headed over to crooked's congregation to address the crowd ….i wouldn't be surprised if she's be too distraught to speak to anyone.


what a slap in da face.


if true….so much for "win or lose, hillary will say the right thing"…another random pronouncement

Edited by JHolmesJr
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It's the end of issue-based political campaigns really.

At least for the next election we can expect another 15 months of insults and populist nonsense.

At least it's over and all we can really do is hope Trump isn't as much of a disaster as Bush was.


Gold is looking like a solid long term investment.


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Even Kelly over on Fox seems happy enough.


Sooooo even Hillary's tame billionaires, tame media, tame celebs and pop stars couldn't get her over the line. It's soooooo amusing.

I wonder what Clooney is doing right now? He was a pretty big Obama supporter, though he hasn't been out there for her, that I have seen.


Fox is almost calling it for Pennsylvania. Conway has called it.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Even Kelly over on Fox seems happy enough.


Sooooo even Hillary's tame billionaires, tame media, tame celebs and pop stars couldn't get her over the line. It's soooooo amusing.

I wonder what Clooney is doing right now? He was a pretty big Obama supporter, though he hasn't been out there for her, that I have seen.


Fox is almost calling it for Pennsylvania. Conway has called it.

AP and NY Times are calling Pennsylvania for Trump .

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2 minutes ago, Chicog said:

It's the end of issue-based political campaigns really.

At least for the next election we can expect another 15 months of insults and populist nonsense.

At least it's over and all we can really do is hope Trump isn't as much of a disaster as Bush was.


Gold is looking like a solid long term investment.


I'd like to agree that it's over, but I think the next election campaign starts tomorrow.

This campaign has been so disgusting that sanity might happen and they might legislate to ban all campaigning till 6 months before the election ( I'm not holding my breath ).


Hard questions will be asked about the pollsters and their methods. Remember the guy that predicted a Romney win? He vanished off Fox after that.


Podesta is saying they have nothing to say tonight. HRC is not showing.

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