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Yingluck to stage another pack rice sale


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3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

I hope Khun Warong is looking at the photos. Those are no brand 20 kg plastic bags; not 50 kg bags. Available at every talaat and held together by a rubber band. What are you going to spin today, Khun Warong?  


3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

I hope Khun Warong is looking at the photos. Those are no brand 20 kg plastic bags; not 50 kg bags. Available at every talaat and held together by a rubber band. What are you going to spin today, Khun Warong?  



Not surprised you jump to 'spin' el, spin and twist your best (only) capabilities.

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1 hour ago, Crash999 said:



Didn't see her selling rubber when rubber farmers were struggling during her brother's tenure as PM. 


Exactly. She could have repackaged generic brand condoms into single packs and sold them for 20 baht each, or 5 for 90 baht with free short time hotel room thrown in.

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

Yingluck is only doing this to upset the General.

Not to help the rice farmers, just to enrage the man.

Just a self centered stunt like her govt's actions, no real reform or forward looking policies. 

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Oh please c'mon the only person she's trying to help is herself, why didn't she help them when she was in power instead of letting them swing from the end of a rope, 10,000 tonnes of rice is like taking a couple grains of the the stock pile.

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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

Yingluck is only doing this to upset the General.

Not to help the rice farmers, just to enrage the man.

At least she does it !

The General only speaks to the press , spends tax payers money on another rice scam and in fact he does nothing.

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13 minutes ago, kevc said:

Oh please c'mon the only person she's trying to help is herself, why didn't she help them when she was in power instead of letting them swing from the end of a rope, 10,000 tonnes of rice is like taking a couple grains of the the stock pile.

Are you an alien ?

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

It is..she hopes it will get her re elected and then she can use he power to either cancel her big rice fine or find ways to get a similar amount or more back from the state the Thaksin way. 

   2 hours ago,  Crash999 said: 

What's the point of selling a small amount of rice at high prices. Only reason people are buying is because it's sold by a celebrity. 


Looks like a clear clear act of self promotion. 


Didn't see her selling rubber when rubber farmers were struggling during her brother's tenure as PM. 


Birds of a feather, black crows, flock together.    Love Yingluck and the Thai spirit.  Stick a fork in Prayut, he's done!

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I once walked on a beach full with starfish. A small boy was going from one starfish to the next throwing them back into the ocean.
I asked him, why he was doing this; there are so many starfish, impossible to save them all and the few he rescues make no difference.
He looked at me and slowly walked to the next starfish throwing him into the water. Then he said: Well, that sure made a difference to this one.
Same with the rice farmers. Every little helps.

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5 hours ago, waldroj said:

"...Last Saturday, Yingluck sold 10 tonnes of jasmine rice bought from farmers within an hour..."




"...She added that the rice sale at 20 baht per kg was intended to give moral support to farmers..."


Just shows, whether it's a media stunt or not, when it comes to rice, she can still pack em in.


Not the kind of news Prayut was wanting to hear !!!


When asked to comment about her next pack rice sale, the normally outspoken "leader" seems to be surprisingly lost for words.



Looks like he's just sucked a lemon.


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"stage" the rice sale is a good use for this publicity stunt.  She probably should set up a charitable foundation to do this for her.  It would have been nice if she had used her personal assets to help the farmers when she was PM, rather than having it assessed as a budget outlay without parliamentary approval.

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5 hours ago, waldroj said:

"...Last Saturday, Yingluck sold 10 tonnes of jasmine rice bought from farmers within an hour..."




"...She added that the rice sale at 20 baht per kg was intended to give moral support to farmers..."


Just shows, whether it's a media stunt or not, when it comes to rice, she can still pack em in.


Not the kind of news Prayut was wanting to hear !!!


When asked to comment about her next pack rice sale, the normally outspoken "leader" seems to be surprisingly lost for words.



Make peace not war. As an ex-military leader he does not understand the words "love in" or "flower power" He should maybe go watch a copy of "Woodstock" to get the true flavor. 

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...this is a slap in the face of the government and the whole country...not to mention the farmers whose lives she ruined...


....the fact that they allow this to go on.....is not a good sign.....it makes no sense.....


...who is running the country....???


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BANGKOK: -- Former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra will stage another round of short time dates at the Imperial World Samrong shopping mall on Friday in her effort to help farmers who are suffering from sharp price drop.   


Thumbs of for such great help. :passifier:

Edited by lostinisaan
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 I see the shin kickers are out in force. 


 Cut the girl some slack. She's got the knack. And the people love her. 


 As gestures go it may be on the small scale but at least she's doing something concrete,  putting some baht in a farmers pocket. 


 More power to her.

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5 minutes ago, Lex Talionis said:

 I see the shin kickers are out in force. 


 Cut the girl some slack. She's got the knack. And the people love her. 


 As gestures go it may be on the small scale but at least she's doing something concrete,  putting some baht in a farmers pocket. 


 More power to her.


Jeez, how naive can you be. She's being manipulated by her brother and his well-orchestrated PR wonks, and she's happy to go along with it because she knows no different. She hasn't got any "knack" at all, other than to look good and smile for the cameras. She has no history of having any connection to the poor and disadvantaged before being dragged into the political arena, and she most certainly has no history of social, political, economic or international policy engagement. Sorry, but she's not doing anything concrete to help farmers - she's simply reacting to a policy of the government, jumping on the bandwagon. As soon as the wonks decide she's milked this little publicity stunt for as much as they can get out of it, she will be put back into her cage until the next appropriate moment. Wait and see.

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Yingluck is only doing this to upset the General.

Not to help the rice farmers, just to enrage the man.

I'd have a lot more respect for her if that was true. That would take courage.


This is nothing more than a PR stunt.


Once more she and her master are exploiting the farmer's troubles for their own selfish ends.




Edited by Bluespunk
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If yingluck does this daily 1 month straight, I'll give her credit. But its just stunt to boost her image and get more support for her rice scheme case. If Prayuth did this for even a day, people will be calling him out on it as a publicly stunt. So why the double standards in the judgement of politicians? Both are total failures and has done nothing to help these farmers in the long term.


Quite frankly, CP  Thailands largest conglomerate should be called out on not helping the farmers. The owner once said it himself when campaigning for Thaksin during the election that if Thailand can't sell its rice, he would personally buy it all. After Thaksins failed Rice Scheme, he stayed pretty silent.


But back to YS, if she is really sincere at helping, why not buy milling machines and donate it to the local district offices. Farmers can get their rice process for free and sell it on their own on the market. That would be a better gesture, than act all celebrity.





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33 minutes ago, Dexlowe said:


Jeez, how naive can you be. She's being manipulated by her brother and his well-orchestrated PR wonks, and she's happy to go along with it because she knows no different. She hasn't got any "knack" at all, other than to look good and smile for the cameras. She has no history of having any connection to the poor and disadvantaged before being dragged into the political arena, and she most certainly has no history of social, political, economic or international policy engagement. Sorry, but she's not doing anything concrete to help farmers - she's simply reacting to a policy of the government, jumping on the bandwagon. As soon as the wonks decide she's milked this little publicity stunt for as much as they can get out of it, she will be put back into her cage until the next appropriate moment. Wait and see.


I agree the shinawatra has continue their PR stunt. For those that want some proof head to

 http://disclosures.house.gov/ld/ldsearch.aspx under search field select "client name", criteria enter "shinawatra".


Thaksin has continue to hire lobby firms for his own family's interest and to influence how they are being viewed around the world.

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