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Yingluck to stage another pack rice sale


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3 hours ago, yellowboat said:

As much as they are hated by some, Shins are hard workers.

Yep, exploiting others for personal gain sure works up a sweat.


Wonder how many bags she actually packed when the cameras weren't there.


I'd guess it's a number between zero and 'don't you know who I am?'.

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45 minutes ago, mike324 said:

If yingluck does this daily 1 month straight, I'll give her credit. But its just stunt to boost her image and get more support for her rice scheme case. If Prayuth did this for even a day, people will be calling him out on it as a publicly stunt. So why the double standards in the judgement of politicians? Both are total failures and has done nothing to help these farmers in the long term.


Quite frankly, CP  Thailands largest conglomerate should be called out on not helping the farmers. The owner once said it himself when campaigning for Thaksin during the election that if Thailand can't sell its rice, he would personally buy it all. After Thaksins failed Rice Scheme, he stayed pretty silent.


But back to YS, if she is really sincere at helping, why not buy milling machines and donate it to the local district offices. Farmers can get their rice process for free and sell it on their own on the market. That would be a better gesture, than act all celebrity.





Actually that is happening,in my village anyway.

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Too little too late. Sell the rice and give the proceeds to the families of the farmers

who hung themselves in despair when her rice pledging scheme went off the rails.


Nothing but a publicity stunt, to piss off the general and make it seem she isn't afraid

of the huge fine levied on her for ;

squandering the nations money,

tanking the rice market for Thai rice,

so her brother and minions can buy votes. 


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4 hours ago, SOTIRIOS said:

...this is a slap in the face of the government and the whole country...not to mention the farmers whose lives she ruined...


....the fact that they allow this to go on.....is not a good sign.....it makes no sense.....


...who is running the country....???


The current bunch has already been made ridiculous by their reactions to jam jars, calendars and water bowls. Maybe they are starting to learn by experience... :)

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10 hours ago, Crash999 said:

What's the point of selling a small amount of rice at high prices. Only reason people are buying is because it's sold by a celebrity. 


Looks like a clear clear act of self promotion. 


Didn't see her selling rubber when rubber farmers were struggling during her brother's tenure as PM. 

"Looks like a clear act of self promotion."  Agreed, but the Oscar for shameless self-promotion has to go to Prayuth, with best supporting self-promoter to Prawit Wongsuwon. 

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10 hours ago, robblok said:

Of course she is.. well played.. 


But she is certainly not helping the farmers with those amounts she buys. 


Now if the PM gets creative and makes her pay her big fine and use that to buy rice.. now that would be poetic justice. 

Hasn't he already done that?

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7 hours ago, Dexlowe said:


Jeez, how naive can you be. She's being manipulated by her brother and his well-orchestrated PR wonks, and she's happy to go along with it because she knows no different. She hasn't got any "knack" at all, other than to look good and smile for the cameras. She has no history of having any connection to the poor and disadvantaged before being dragged into the political arena, and she most certainly has no history of social, political, economic or international policy engagement. Sorry, but she's not doing anything concrete to help farmers - she's simply reacting to a policy of the government, jumping on the bandwagon. As soon as the wonks decide she's milked this little publicity stunt for as much as they can get out of it, she will be put back into her cage until the next appropriate moment. Wait and see.

"She has no history of having any connection to the poor and disadvantaged before being dragged into the political arena, and she most certainly has no history of social, political, economic or international policy engagement."


Maybe not but neither does Prayuth.

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why is this Globalist sack of sh. *t still allowed t walk around a free person.  if her family had their way they would have sold the country out to the IMF long ago.  the world is changing.  we have Putin, Trump, and the good Thai General.  There are also many rumblings in the EU.  The age of the liberal retards is over.  The silent and tolerant majority have woken up.   It will no longer be wrong to voice an opinion on the sick liberal agenda of mass immigration (white genocide) and promotion of sexual deviance by normalising homosexuality to the young and vulnerable.   The light will always shine through. Evil always destroys itself -eventually!

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17 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

They laughed when Donald Trump entered the Presedential race back in 2014. They laughed at Brexit and Nigel Farage. Now will Thailand take Yingluck seriously? Or will she rekindle a comeback?


99% of Thais love and adore Prayuth, according to his polls 12 months ago, this must be the 1% still waiting for Attitude adjustment.

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8 minutes ago, jonesthebaker said:

why is this Globalist sack of sh. *t still allowed t walk around a free person.  if her family had their way they would have sold the country out to the IMF long ago.  the world is changing.  we have Putin, Trump, and the good Thai General.  There are also many rumblings in the EU.  The age of the liberal retards is over.  The silent and tolerant majority have woken up.   It will no longer be wrong to voice an opinion on the sick liberal agenda of mass immigration (white genocide) and promotion of sexual deviance by normalising homosexuality to the young and vulnerable.   The light will always shine through. Evil always destroys itself -eventually!

Uh! Heartburn Today?  

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11 minutes ago, jonesthebaker said:

why is this Globalist sack of sh. *t still allowed t walk around a free person.  if her family had their way they would have sold the country out to the IMF long ago.  the world is changing.  we have Putin, Trump, and the good Thai General.  There are also many rumblings in the EU.  The age of the liberal retards is over.  The silent and tolerant majority have woken up.   It will no longer be wrong to voice an opinion on the sick liberal agenda of mass immigration (white genocide) and promotion of sexual deviance by normalising homosexuality to the young and vulnerable.   The light will always shine through. Evil always destroys itself -eventually!

Wow you hate everyone, politicians, lefties, whites, homosexual,  bet you even squish kittens under your feet.

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of course I hate politicians.  only a retard or libtard (same thing I guess) could ever like a politician.   and of course I don't hate whites.  read my post. I am white.  read what I wrote about mass immigration and white genocide.  I do not hate homo's but I am totally against this vulgar and disgusting practice being normalized.   I think any normal person would agree.  the world is changing my liberal friend.  back to normality. 


PS  in the new world we will arrest any man that uses words such as 'squish'.  

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15 hours ago, colinneil said:

Yingluck is only doing this to upset the General.

Not to help the rice farmers, just to enrage the man.


I don't think she's trying the upset the PM, but rather keeping herself in the public eye and to give the impression she's on their side. If she gets sentenced to jail time at a later date, she might be able to call on the people to demonstrate on her behalf. That might lead to a pardon by you-know-who when he takes office.

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You don't see so many close-ups now, she has to be showing her age, or is what you like, saggy?
Sent from my Skipbatanddoody 4.7 using Tapatalk

Asians don't sagg much, you need breasts and a butt for that

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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