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Furious Thai wife pulls MACHETE on boozy husband who went out on all night drinking session


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8 minutes ago, FlorC said:

I never get 403 errors , and it isn't the new blocking screen from the boyz in Bangkok.

No Sir you are wrong.


THAILAND is blocking like crazy....


I'm back in the UK now, and the internet seems 'free' again.


I did notice how many articles were blocked in Thailand, it is nothing to do with your computer.


DNS queries phucked with, IP adds not allowed.


I speak as a network engineer.



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So far this guy is lucky

I saw 1 pissed off woman who was sick of hubby bashing her

She pulled a knife out in the bar and sliced and diced him very neatly

As she left with his wallet  he was sitting on the floor holding his intestines literally

Lovely lass she was  :smile:

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A great Thai social short movie with a furious wife, drunk husband, salaphao cart, street vendor selling hot soups,7-11, a Monk, a street cleaner, a dog, and chaos traffic. But she still managed to bring him and load her husband to the pickup. Very responsible wife picks him up at 7-11 store, and her possible guess of where husband would be after drunk.


Very classic Thai social short movie, only missing part are some cats and a mia-noi.   :post-4641-1156694572:

Edited by NextStationBangkok
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It's clear to me why he drinks!


He probably found that angry gal in the wrong place.


It would be best if he has a friend go pick up his personal property, find another nest and rent the next friend!


She should probably head to anger managment class and find another blok for additional cash flow and threaten.



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I was drinking, not much, not often but I was drinking about once a week.

My wife, a well educated Thai, also from Isaan, made me an offer, I could not decline...


She said, she will make me happier every day I do not drink a single beer.

Wow, she keeps her word. But it has a side effect.... I do not sleep enough 



But still a better way. 

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I think it was very negligent of her to let 'her property' walk out of the gate in the first place.


He's a good pet, provider of things, it's just that he has this propensity to spend 'her money' with people not of her choosing.


Change country in the dead of night and don't look back buddy.  I mean seriously, what Thai would wield a machete in the presence of a monk?  Shaolin or nay?

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20 minutes ago, SuwadeeS said:

I was drinking, not much, not often but I was drinking about once a week.

My wife, a well educated Thai, also from Isaan, made me an offer, I could not decline...


She said, she will make me happier every day I do not drink a single beer.

Wow, she keeps her word. But it has a side effect.... I do not sleep enough 



But still a better way. 

So it's OK if you have more than one beer?

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We all know that Thai males are allowed to do anything they want as kids, and they simply continue that way as adults as they have never been disciplined. And women such as this will continue to raise their sons in exactly the same way with exactly the same results. You can't fix stupid.

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