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Trump names Priebus, Bannon to senior White House roles


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Even more on 'squeakie clean' Bannon. Seems like Bannon and Donald like to create charities to benefit themselves.


"Bannon actually created this “nonpartisan charitable institute” for the express purpose of paying himself and other writers at the extremely partisan, and absolutely for profit, Breitbart News."


Steve Bannon created a 'nonpartisan charity' to funnel money from billionaires to Breitbart





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52 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Even more on 'squeakie clean' Bannon. Seems like Bannon and Donald like to create charities to benefit themselves.


"Bannon actually created this “nonpartisan charitable institute” for the express purpose of paying himself and other writers at the extremely partisan, and absolutely for profit, Breitbart News."


Steve Bannon created a 'nonpartisan charity' to funnel money from billionaires to Breitbart






Thank you for sharing this link. , a must read!

" Donald Trump and Steve Bannon have more in common than just denying their connection to white supremacists: they both broke charity laws for their own benefit...


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Some straight up information about the alt-right which directly relates to Bannon and trump (trump elevated him to high power now).

Just snippets, if you want to respond to the article, please read the entire article. 





Burying racist and anti-Semitic ideas in fancy language is nothing new, of course. David Duke, the former KKK grand wizard, shed his Klan robe for a suit and now calls himself a “human rights activist .” This is clearly about presenting a more salable front for the persuadable public. But if it salutes like a Nazi, you can safely call it one.



Until recently, Steve Bannon was the chairman of Breitbart News, which he once proudly called “the platform of the alt-right.”




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Harvard classmates barely recognize the Bannon of today

 As one classmate put it, “He didn’t strike me as out of the mainstream.” Minorities in the class said he didn’t make them feel uncomfortable. A Jewish classmate said he never heard him say anything anti-Semitic.






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