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Gen. Prayut Plays Down Trump Comparisons


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1 hour ago, Chris Lawrence said:

In Australia we say that a man who thinks like that has his hand on it! Just flogging it as it feels better, with maybe a picture of Mr Trumps wife for guidance. Its like saying he is making Chinese eyes again.



Not to worry when Trump goes to Thump Mr. Xi Melania in a tight dress will be his secret weapon. He does not need his finger on the nuclear trigger. 

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6 hours ago, colinneil said:

The PM is living in la-la land, comparing himself to Trump.

Trump was elected by the people, Prayut stole his position by force of arms, Big difference.

Ah the PM is now at stage devcon 2. He has forsaken the true arms he started out with and now just wants to give you a hug. Does he not come across as a big teddy bear wanting a hug. 

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9 hours ago, seahorse said:

Donald Trump is far from a straight shooter. He is a psychopath (all of whom are liars) who uses his money and position to abuse women. I hope Prayut is not the same.


Please explain what leads to your clinical classification that he is a psychopath?

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't comment on Thai politics these days, but it's better not compare yourself as similar to trump. The election of the demagogue trump is an embarrassment to most Americans. He's the most unpopular presidential candidate to win the presidency in U.S. history and he didn't even win the most votes. 


Most Americans chose not to vote for either him or crooked Hilary. 


The whole election and selection of candidates was one big embarrassment. What a circus America is becoming. 

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Prayuth compared to Trump?  There are more differences than similarities.  


Trump was elected by an electoral college.  Prayuth assumed power in a military coup without a free election of the people  

Trump is a brash outspoken businessman.  Prayuth is a dinosaur who dreams of turning back Thailand to a time when he most enjoyed it.


I will say this, both Trump and Prayuth dislike foreigners in their country.  Of course, the US is a much more heterogeneous country than Thailand.  They both have lousy hairstyles.  Hmmm....I guess they do have a little bit more in common than I thought. :saai:

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Aside from the thin skin they are pretty different people. 

Prayuth seized power unlawfully, and has used Article 44 to suppress the voice of the people. He's not dangerous to the world though, merely unfair to Thais. While Prayut may do what he can to suppress the voice of the people and press, he rarely makes extremely offensive statements publicly.


Love him or hate him, Trump was lawfully elected. Some of his policies are way out there and could result in danger to the world at large if he goes forward with them. He has made a habit of picking fights and attacking people on social media, in a very unprofessional manner.

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7 hours ago, kamahele said:

Trump has brains. Debatable. 

Trump is a business man. Yes, but often, not a good one.

Trump is elected. Yes, but by a minority vote and not the majority vote. Legal coup.

Trump speaks English. Not very well. Have you heard him?



Good post and I agree all your points.


But you spoil it by the reference to a legal coup.There are rules to elections which differ somewhat country by country.Trump won by the US rules (regrettably) and the fact he didn't have the majority vote is of interest but ultimately irrelevant.Democracies are almost always split down the middle and it isn't helpful to obsess about percentages  - as long as the rules have been followed.If the rules are unfair it's always possible to seek changes post facto.But it's important once the result is known for the loser to accept the fact - eg Al Gore who I think had greater reason to be aggrieved than Hilary (hanging chads etc)

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