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Udon Thani: Find this car - video shows Honda Civic flattening two motorcycles and fleeing the scene


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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I did, and I didn't see the indicator flashing. What I did see was a brief reflection on the indicator lens as the car turned left and the stop light briefly go off and on again.


Ohh ok, maybe you should get your eyes checked.

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4 minutes ago, Don Mega said:


Ohh ok, maybe you should get your eyes checked.


The vehicle at 1st didn't put on his indicator after almost taking out a different motorcycle, then he indicated twice, he nearly missed his turn, and I feel the reason he didn't turn because, apart from almost missing the turn, a motorcycle was coming out of that street, e.g. it was in his way, and the sun was on his face.


The motorcycles didn't see the car turning because they were probably at or the side of a higher vehicle, like a truck or a ute/pickup/4 wheel drive and if they have to use the inside lane on a busy road as they do, it should be at a slower speed, slowing down at streets on their left.


If a motorcycle rider ever learnt to ride properly, they would be behind the vehicle in front of them and at a safe distance that the driver of the motor vehicle in front of them can always see them in his revision mirror on the drivers side, although here, you have to have your wits about you when driving because they are coming at yah from everywhere, crazy and scary shit at times.

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4 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

As an experienced motorcycle rider (larger bikes) and the driver of a motor vehicle, I can only say and agree with most on TV members that riding up the inside of a vehicle is a major NO NO, as is not wearing a helmet that is tied up, or protective clothing, long jeans, a jacket and gloves at the very least is asking for flesh to leave body.


The whole problem her in my opinion is the Thai law or enforcing it, e.g. the government should force all motorcycle riders to wear helmets, I am talking of a major campaign, day in, day out, and all motorcycle outlets to include helmets with all sales of motorcycles, a demerit system on licences should also be applied with HEAVY fines.


The problem here is that most people riding motorcycles are unregistered, unlicensed and uninsured, but id the government and police are going to continue to allow these atrocities to keep occurring, then the hospitals will just have to keep trying to fix what will never be fixed, you would think people high up the chain in hospitals would be pushing for this.


As for the driver that took off, he should be serving time, as he was probably driving an unregistered, uninsured vehicle and was probably unlicensed, when will Thailand get its act together, probably not in our life time, being the 2nd highest country in the world for deaths on roads.


Safe driving :) 

I have a hard time believing that many of the posters have ever driven outside a city in Thailand.

Saying it is a no no to ride on a motorbike lane is clearly not facing the reality of Thailand.

Of the millions of motorbike/ scooter riders in Thailand, how many wear protective clothing ( other than helmets ) of any sort? Other than farangs and large bike riders I have seen none. Many do wear helmets, and the ratio is improving. When I first came to LOS I doubt any did. However, to see young men speeding without even helmets is somewhat disconcerting.

There is an ongoing campaign to make people wear helmets. In the town I lived in it took place every morning. However, many wore a helmet past the checkpoint and then took the helmet off.


Finally, to those saying laws should be introduced and enforced, are you for real? Have you lived in Thailand for longer than 3 weeks?

One of the pleasures I had driving in LOS was knowing that no cop was going to pull me over for going 5 kph over the speed limit or stop me standing on the back step of a speeding songtheaw.

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3 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


The vehiclin at 1st itidn't put on his indicator after almost taking out a different motorcycle, then he indicated twice, he nearly missed his turn, and I feel the reason he didn't turn because, apart from almost missing the turn, a motorcycle was coming out of that street, e.g. it was in his way, and the sun was on his face.


The motorcycles didn't see the car turning because they were probably at or the side of a higher vehicle, like a truck or a ute/pickup/4 wheel drive and if they have to use the inside lane on a busy road as they do, it should be at a slower speed, slowing down at streets on their left.


If a motorcycle rider ever learnt to ride properly, they would be behind the vehicle in front of them and at a safe distance that the driver of the motor vehicle in front of them can always see them in his revision mirror on the drivers side, although here, you have to have your wits about you when driving because they are coming at yah from everywhere, crazy and scary shit at times.

 You have a couple of wild assumptions In that post.  'I feel', and 'probably' don't cut It as proof of anything.

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4 hours ago, garywim said:

Again, my pet peeve, no helmets worn by either motorbike and they are undertaking on the left side and I presume the car driver isn't using mirrors or he should have seen the bikes (no excuse)

I understand that overtaking on the left is not on, but undertaking?

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I have a hard time believing that many of the posters have ever driven outside a city in Thailand.

Saying it is a no no to ride on a motorbike lane is clearly not facing the reality of Thailand.

Of the millions of motorbike/ scooter riders in Thailand, how many wear protective clothing ( other than helmets ) of any sort? Other than farangs and large bike riders I have seen none. Many do wear helmets, and the ratio is improving. When I first came to LOS I doubt any did. However, to see young men speeding without even helmets is somewhat disconcerting.

There is an ongoing campaign to make people wear helmets. In the town I lived in it took place every morning. However, many wore a helmet past the checkpoint and then took the helmet off.


Finally, to those saying laws should be introduced and enforced, are you for real? Have you lived in Thailand for longer than 3 weeks?

One of the pleasures I had driving in LOS was knowing that no cop was going to pull me over for going 5 kph over the speed limit or stop me standing on the back step of a speeding songtheaw.


I say its a NO NO, not only here in Thailand, anywhere in the world, because the inside lane is the biggest blind spot you can come across, if I don't turn my head when changing lanes, left or right, I guarantee you I will be taking someone out, as much as I keep an eye out not to have anyone in my blind spots.


I am fully aware of the reality of motorcycle riders in Thailand as much as how many people speed past the keystone traffic copes guiding the school children across the road safely every morning, but not giving a rats ass, what I thought I was trying to put out in my reply was that it has to change, but as the Thai's say, "up to you"......... for me, I know whenever I saddle up, its helmet, leathers, and gloves, I value my life, its the only one I have.

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9 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

 You have a couple of wild assumptions In that post.  'I feel', and 'probably' don't cut It as proof of anything.


It's pretty clear, when you look at it again, you will see, not only was there a motorcycle wanting to come out of that side street, but there was also a motor vehicle already stationary there, (sun in my eyes too) and with that idiot overshooting his lane to turn in, caused the accident by braking, (lastminute.com), it is what it is, i'm assuming ?

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32 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

As an experienced motorcycle rider (larger bikes) and the driver of a motor vehicle, I can only say and agree with most on TVF members, that riding up the inside of a vehicle is a major NO NO, as is not wearing a helmet that is tied up, and not wearing some kind of protective clothing, i.e. long jeans, a jacket, boots and gloves at the very least, as one would be sorry to be watching their flesh leave their body from the road.


The whole problem here in my opinion is the Thai law or enforcing it, e.g. the government should force all motorcycle riders to wear helmets, I am talking of a major campaign, day in, day out, and all motorcycle outlets to include helmets with all sales of motorcycles, a demerit system on licences should also be applied with HEAVY fines and loss of licence.


The problem here is that most people riding motorcycles are unregistered, unlicensed and uninsured, but if the government and police are going to continue to allow these atrocities to keep occurring, then the hospitals will just have to keep trying to fix up the incoming, you would think people high up the chain in hospitals would be pushing for this.


As for the driver that took off, he should be serving time, as he was probably driving an unregistered, uninsured vehicle and was probably unlicensed, when will Thailand get its act together on road safety, probably not in our life time, being ranked the 2nd highest country in the world for deaths on roads.


Safe driving people. 

In 20 years along with all the other things in Thailand 

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4 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Agreed, but I do get very miffed at the non use of indicators here, would have avoided this if used properly, like in giving plenty of notice, not when the driver is half way round the corner as in many cases even when they are used.


In this case, the driver came to a complete standstill before starting to turn left. The motorcycles had plenty of time to react. Perhaps they were busy texting on their cell phones.


I've had motorcyclists overtaking me on the right when I'm indicating to turn right at an intersection. Indicators may help, but it's hardly a guarantee. Always expect the unexpected on roads here - don't rely on indicators.



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39 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:
1 hour ago, DualSportBiker said:

For your viewing pleasure. Now, go ride a scooter in the left lane near a cop and see what happens. The law, and the enforcement of the law are two different things. If everyone knows that you get busted for riding in the proper lane, then the hard should becomes the bike lane. When signs like this are interpreted as 'bike lane' what do you think riders will do?



Thank you for pointing out that there ARE motorbike lanes in LOS, despite some posters disbelief in such. I can only assume they keep their driving to within city limits.

Every two or more lane each way highway I have travelled on has a motorbike lane, on which the vast majority of motorcyclists drive.


I am afraid that I have to call BS on your statement. First of all I'm sure I have travelled much further throughout the country as you ever will, as in the 2 decades I rode a big cruiser bike in Thailand I have crossed the country from north to south and from east to west several times. Have you?


Now secondly, closer to your previous home Pattaya. Highway #36 and Highway 3 ( Sukhumvit) are both multiple lane highways, so according to you they definitely have a bike lane.


Show me a picture of a single motorbike lane sign along those roads

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4 hours ago, Anthony5 said:

The Thai traffic law clearly states that motorbikes are not allowed on the hard shoulder of the road, where they were riding at high speed.

Thai traffic law interesting. I think here every man is a law unto himself. If you hear a bang outside of your vehicle you hit the gas and don't look back. If your dumb enough to stop the people involved will lie like a snake and ask for an exhorbitant amount of money to ease their loss of face and then the BIB will arrive and ask for a cut or you go to the hoosegow. You only have seconds to weigh your options. Oh deary me what do I do.

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4 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Thai traffic law interesting. I think here every man is a law unto himself. If you hear a bang outside of your vehicle you hit the gas and don't look back. If your dumb enough to stop the people involved will lie like a snake and ask for an exhorbitant amount of money to ease their loss of face and then the BIB will arrive and ask for a cut or you go to the hoosegow. You only have seconds to weigh your options. Oh deary me what do I do.


That's the benefit of the Thai police here.


There are much more written laws in Thailand than in any other country, though nobody knows them or respects them, so the police are always the winners if they enforce the law or make up a new one on the spot.

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Maybe they would have slowed down if he'd bothered to use his indicators to show he was turning (even though they were going far too fast as well).


There seems to be a huge urge here to save on bulb usage by not using lights or turning, THEN, applying them.


I've lost count of the number of people who have suddenly stopped and turned in front of me with no indication whatsoever.

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It would have been good to view the video clip a few seconds earlier. Looks to me like he was indicating left then saw a m/bike coming fast down the inside, hesitated, might be he swung steering wheel right thus cancelling the indicator. Tried to finish the left turn and those fast bikes drove into him. For sure he should not have driven off but who knows if he was illegally driving. To me he was not executing the left turn very well, the first bike should not have been undertaking and the following 2 bikes were inattentive and fast. Lots of blame to go round.


Every day while driving here in Thailand I see vehicles in the outside lane deciding to turn left, indicate left, swing across the inside lane endangering traffic in that lane.  It's just a fact of Thai driving that many drivers just do not know how to drive safely.

Edited by LivinginKata
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54 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


The vehicle at 1st didn't put on his indicator after almost taking out a different motorcycle, then he indicated twice, he nearly missed his turn, and I feel the reason he didn't turn because, apart from almost missing the turn, a motorcycle was coming out of that street, e.g. it was in his way, and the sun was on his face.


The motorcycles didn't see the car turning because they were probably at or the side of a higher vehicle, like a truck or a ute/pickup/4 wheel drive and if they have to use the inside lane on a busy road as they do, it should be at a slower speed, slowing down at streets on their left.


If a motorcycle rider ever learnt to ride properly, they would be behind the vehicle in front of them and at a safe distance that the driver of the motor vehicle in front of them can always see them in his revision mirror on the drivers side, although here, you have to have your wits about you when driving because they are coming at yah from everywhere, crazy and scary shit at times.



Ok so we have now established the indicator was used, thanks for that.


The rest of your post is just waffle.

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5 hours ago, seahorse said:

In my opinion the two motorcyclists are at fault for travelling too fast and overtaking on the wrong side.


    It would be great to know if they belonged to the two bike riders who made such a strange maneuver to take over the same car right before the crash. Two Wannabee Easy Riders without cash in the tank. 


     I always check ALL mirrors and if needed turn my head around to make sure that something like that can't happen.


    But absolutely nothing can surprise me anymore. I was on my way to lunch two days ago and stopped right in front of the local hospital to let two older women cross the road. One had a serious leg, or hip problem and the other woman helped her.


A weird freak behind me in a red pickup then used his horn to let me know how upset he was that I stopped, took over and almost hit the two older women. I understand why some people have a gun in their car and use it. ( A flat tire, not more)


The biggest problem with them might be that they are able to reproduce. Nobody slows down at my school, not ar the hospital which is right next to it. Even when the cops stand there in the morning a lot of them just do what they think is ok.





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6 hours ago, Don Mega said:



I thought the law is they must stay in the left lane.

Section 34 (500B)

[If the road is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction, the driver shall keep to the outermost left-hand side lane. If the outermost left-hand side lane is a bus lane, the driver shall keep close to the bus lane. Except following situations:

a. there is obstruction on the road

b. the road is prescribed as one-way

c. it is necessary to enter the correct lane upon approaching a junction

d. when overtaking another vehicle

e. when driving faster than vehicles in the left-hand side lane.

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rule of thumb ( at least in most sea countries ) : the bigger offender is always wrong .

bike hits car , car's wrong . car hits truck or bus , truck or bus is wrong 

couple of years back , I've had a similar case within my ( Thai ) wife's family . One night my brother in law , my wife's uncle and my wife were driving at night , stopping at an intersection when a motorbike driver ran not their rear end , catapulted through the rear window ( luckily not hitting anybody on the back seat ) and died from the impact ( no helmet ) . though clearly the motorbike drivers fault , my wife's family had to hide my brother in law for a couple of days until negotiations with the police and the victims family were finalized . we live were we live

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1 minute ago, Enoon said:

Section 34 (500B)

[If the road is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction, the driver shall keep to the outermost left-hand side lane. If the outermost left-hand side lane is a bus lane, the driver shall keep close to the bus lane. Except following situations:

a. there is obstruction on the road

b. the road is prescribed as one-way

c. it is necessary to enter the correct lane upon approaching a junction

d. when overtaking another vehicle

e. when driving faster than vehicles in the left-hand side lane.



Thanks Enoon, as I thought.


Nothing about riding on the hard shoulder.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The car had stopped already.

Did you watch the same video as I? The car was moving when the first bike drove into it, and only just stopped when the second crashed into it.


Watched again... sorry, but I think the car has stopped already and the two bikers came roughly 1-2 seconds later ..... maybe I am wrong, but the bikers hit the side of the car.... :smile:

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7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Another hit and run, getting quite popular thing to do in Thailand now.

regards worgeordie

but the car did not hit the bikes, the car was already turning when the motorbikes ran into it and the bikes hit the car, why weren't the bikers looking where they were going, as far as i can see the only thing the car driver did wrong was that didn't use indicators and that doesn't always help i was turning in to our street with indicators going when a motorbike tried to beat me going straight on, just clipped my bumper and kept going

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15 minutes ago, Watchout4 said:

rule of thumb ( at least in most sea countries ) : the bigger offender is always wrong .

bike hits car , car's wrong . car hits truck or bus , truck or bus is wrong 



That is nothing more than an urban myth perpetuated by nonsensical rule-of-thumb merchants.

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4 hours ago, Don Mega said:



Ok so we have now established the indicator was used, thanks for that.


The rest of your post is just waffle.


Then why bother reading it, its only for those interested, obviously your not !

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3 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


Then why bother read it, its only for those interested, obviously your not !


Am only interested in facts and once we established you did infact see the indicator flash, well from therethe rest of your post is your opinion, not fact.

Edited by Don Mega
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