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London thaiembassy touristvisa for london tourist

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If visiting London (eu citizen), is it possible to apply Thaitouristvisa while being there? Turnaround time?

Does visa/exempt history matter there?


Thanks if somebody knows. Their website looks pretty hopeless..:sleepy:

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You will need an address in the UK to do the application. Nothing specific on their website that you cannot get one.

You apply the morning of one day and pick-up the next morning at 11 am.

The don't consider visa exemptions when approving your application.

You can find the info you need by going to this page: http://www.thaiembassyuk.org.uk/?q=node/4

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Others will i think be able to advise you on whether you can pick up an SETV in London as an EU citizen. 


As a UK citizen i was at the London Embassy a few weeks back. For an SETV you submit your visa form, photos, passport and fee on day 1 between 0900 and 1200 and pick up your Visa on day 2 between 1100 and 1200.

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If you go to the London embassy to submit an application there is a ticketing sytem so you pick a ticket from the machine as you enter. However when i was there the Visa desk staff did not bother wth the numbering system. It is a very surly service.  As the lady arrived at the Visa desk (half an hour late) she demanded everyone get in a queue, had their passports, form, photos and cash in hand. She took all the documents from everyone in the queue with great haste and without any checking until all had been served.  Everyone must then wait for a receipt during which time the applications are clearly being checked in the back office. The receipts are then handed out to the Applicants in bulk.


I waffle but with this system there is no point getting to the Embassy early to queue as you will not be waiting any longer than the first person. However of most importance is to make sure you have got everything correct on the form, the right photos and fee (cash only) etc. 

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Thanks for replies. Let see how it goes. 
I did some googlework and it seems they have pretty bad reviews..


I am in Thailand at the moment using about 2 weeks SETV from Vientiane.
Something unexcepted happened and i have to pop in London for 2-3 days. Never been there before..
What if buy a re-entry permit for my current SETV, do airline personel understand that stamp with SETV, or should i have a onward ticket within 30 days when i came back to Thailand from London.?

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2 minutes ago, thaitero said:

What if buy a re-entry permit for my current SETV, do airline personel understand that stamp with SETV, or should i have a onward ticket within 30 days when came back to Thailand from London.?

If you get a re-entry permit for the remainder of your 60 day entry it is the same as having a valid visa for entry. No need for ticket out of the country.

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