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Getting ex-Girlfriend to leave the apartment


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16 hours ago, DrDweeb said:

Thanks for your input folks - I'm out of here.

I just read everything you wrote. You are very articulate, and it was a "good" read with a bad subject.


I just don't understand why you didn't end it 18 months ago when she started hurting you (or trying to) physically. That's when it became clear you were not thinking rationally, even though you come off as the most rational person on this forum. It would be an outright disaster, if you went back to her, and I can tell by your writing that you are entertaining the idea.


Go find yourself an educated girl with an upper middle class family who is normal :)

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I was brought up to tell the truth and stand up for yourself regardless of how it affects your life or others.

Tell her to pack her bags and leave give her a time scale. If she doesn't pack her bags for her and take them to the building door then do the same to her.

Life is about living not getting into a situation like yours.

I tell the truth some people don't like the truth and go off into a hiss fit reporting you here there and everywhere. Those people aren't worth the bother. Just kick her out and get on with your life.

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