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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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Pence Takes Steps to Build War Chest as White House Stumbles


"While President Donald Trump’s White House grapples with the fallout from his firing of the former FBI director, Vice President Mike Pence has taken steps to begin building his own political war chest."


"The political action committee’s registration was posted Wednesday on the Federal Election Commission website."


“Launching a leadership PAC sometimes signals an intent to run for higher office, which in Pence’s case, has been a topic of public interest ever since he was first nominated,” said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsible Politics, which studies money in politics."





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Trump praises Duterte for 'unbelievable job' cracking down on drugs in the Philippines


“I just wanted to congratulate you because I am hearing of the unbelievable job on the drug problem,” Trump told Duterte, according to the transcript: “Many countries have the problem, we have a problem, but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that.”


"According to the State Department’s 2016 Human Rights Report, which was last updated in March, police and vigilantes in the Philippines had killed more than 6,000 suspected drug dealers since July, the month after Duterte took office."


"An “apparent governmental disregard for human rights and due process” was among the State Department’s “most significant human rights problems” in the Philippines."


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He's the man with the SCAMS!


He'll keep most of his hard core base (35 percent?) except for the portion that dies off because of his draconian policies, but I don't see how he ever grows that.



The enormity of Trump’s scam is coming into view


I’d go further still: There are numerous Trump lies being forced out into the open right now. 



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2 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump Revealed Location Of U.S. Nuclear Subs In Call With Duterte


Can this man be trusted with state secrets?




Further evidence that an inept dangerous clown resides in the White House.

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Democrats Just Flipped Seats In 2 Districts That Voted For Donald Trump


Two districts that voted for Donald Trump in last year’s presidential election selected Democrats for state legislature seats in New York and New Hampshire on Tuesday night. 



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Anti-trump democrat Ossof leading the trumpist republican in nationally watched special Georgia election.:partytime2:



SurveyUSA Poll: Ossoff opens lead over Handel in 6th District runoff




This is normally an EASY republican district.



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I voted for Trump. Now he wants to cut the aid I need

Krista Shockey voted for President Trump in November. Now she's one of the people who might get hurt under his plan to cut safety net programs for the poor and disabled.



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The health-care bill that passed the House would leave 23 million more Americans uninsured by 2026, CBO concludes


The congressional analysts’ latest projection of the bill’s significant impact on coverage, as well as the federal deficit, could complicate efforts in the Senate to move forward on legislation.



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Fox News Poll: Trump approval down, voters support special counsel on Russia


"American voters disagree with President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey, think the dismissal was for self-serving reasons, and approve of a special counsel being appointed to investigate Russian government efforts to influence the election and the Trump campaign."


"In addition, a majority opposes the Republican plan to replace Obamacare."


"That’s according to a new Fox News Poll of registered voters nationwide."



What do ya think?

Fake news?


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Fox News sees biggest ratings slump in 17 years as Donald Trump contradictions go unreported

MSNBC is surging as it reports all the developments in the Trump-Comey saga (sub-title)


"While left-leaning news organisations have also been accused of distorting the truth when it comes to President Trump, it is Fox News currently taking the majority of the heat for completely ignoring aspects of the continually developing story in the White House."


"Fox News largely avoided covering Trump's revelation of classified information to Russian officials, along with his leaning on James Comey and his four-part, fundamentally contradictory change in explanation for the FBI director's firing."


"Perhaps the network's loyal viewers are becoming more aware of its extreme bias and that they need to look elsewhere for certain stories, or perhaps the departure of Bill O'Reilly has hurt it - but either way its ratings are falling."




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Trump Failing to Track Foreign Cash at His Hotels


"Just before taking office, President Donald Trump promised to donate all profits earned from foreign governments back to the U.S. Treasury."


"But MSNBC has learned the Trump Organization is not tracking all possible payments it receives from foreign governments, according to new admissions by Trump representatives."


"By failing to track foreign payments it receives, the company will be hard-pressed to meet Trump's pledge to donate foreign profits and could even increase its legal exposure."


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Poll: Americans don't think Trump is draining the swamp


"Less than a quarter of Americans surveyed in a new Monmouth University poll released Wednesday said President Donald Trump is making progress on his promise to “drain the swamp” of Washington corruption."


"Thirty-two percent of those polled said Trump is actually making the "swamp” worse, while just 24 percent said he is draining it."


"Thirty-five percent of respondents said the president has done nothing to change Washington’s culture."



I remember during the primaries, the Trumpeteers lauding the Monmouth University polls as one of the most unbiased.

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Even as a child Trump was a horror: Throwing stones at a toddler in a playpen. Boasting he gave his teacher a black eye. Think the president's a bully now? You should’ve seen him as a boy!





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23 hours ago, iReason said:

Trump praises Duterte for 'unbelievable job' cracking down on drugs in the Philippines


“I just wanted to congratulate you because I am hearing of the unbelievable job on the drug problem,” Trump told Duterte, according to the transcript: “Many countries have the problem, we have a problem, but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that.”


"According to the State Department’s 2016 Human Rights Report, which was last updated in March, police and vigilantes in the Philippines had killed more than 6,000 suspected drug dealers since July, the month after Duterte took office."


"An “apparent governmental disregard for human rights and due process” was among the State Department’s “most significant human rights problems” in the Philippines."





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Yes trump is atrocious.





"When you do that, without prejudice or Fox News blaring in the background or the tinted glasses of the Republican leadership, it’s clear what’s wrong with Donald Trump and his young, upheaval of a presidency: Donald Trump does not believe in American values. I mean that literally. He doesn’t even really pay lip service to even the foggiest conception of American values. Donald Trump does not believe in fairness; he does not believe in due process; he does not believe in democracy; he does not believe in human rights; and on and on."



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Donald Trump’s dying hotel in New York begins layoffs


Donald Trump’s controversial and divisive foray into politics may have gained him the White House – for now – but it’s costing him in other ways. For instance a number of his hotel properties are now being avoided and boycotted as Trump increasingly viewed as an extremist and a Russian traitor. That trend is hitting Trump’s hotel in New York so severely that it’s essentially dying, and it’s begun layoffs.



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Trump and Pence hit new lows in Fox poll.



President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are facing the lowest approval ratings since the inauguration, according to a new Fox News poll.


More than half of voters, 53 percent, disapprove of the job Trump is doing, compared to just 40 percent who approve. Pence's numbers are slightly higher, with a 42 percent approval rating and 43 percent disapproving.



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Cruel donald.

Lying donald.

Promise breaker donald.


As trump has proven to be the lying CON MAN that so many of us knew from the start, I wonder about the core base that remains, that voted for him actually believing him? Is that like a CULT?




Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Tuesday blasted President Trump's proposed cuts to Medicaid as "just cruel," casting his budget plan as a campaign promise broken by the president.

"Trump promised during the campaign that he would not cut Medicaid. Now he's trying to slash it in half. That is just cruel," Sanders wrote on Twitter.




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