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:o confussion ..for sure is my middle name.

been looking at this site for a while now but still my head spinns aroand trying to figer out what to do. .......SO PLEASE FOLKS HELP ME WITH THIS ONE.

I want to go back to thailand..I used to live there for 8 years..been in london since the last 2 years...beacause of family mamber has been vary ill...

any way off we go back to my secon home ....thailand..

WHAT VISA DO I TRY TO GET???( I want to stay a minimum off 6 months)is this possible??

CAN I GET A NON IMIGRANT VISA? in that case witch one??

LOOKING AT BUYING A HOUSE IN THAILAND... what do you think aboat that??GOOD IDEA OR BAD??I know you can own a house but not the land the house is on is this corecct??please help me with any tips ..(would be great to get some help) :D

THOUGHT OFF HEADING OFF TO CHUMPON to chill for a while..then hua hin ..want to look at north pattaya....

please tell me guys/girls what you think need as mutch help as possible ...is it a good idea??or not??will i be wasting my money on buying a house??do i do it by setting up a company??

thank you for reading this and thank you so so mutch is you can help ..

take care you all


:o confussion ..for sure is my middle name.

been looking at this site for a while now but still my head spinns aroand trying to figer out what to do. .......SO PLEASE FOLKS HELP ME WITH THIS ONE.

I want to go back to thailand..I used to live there for 8 years..been in london since the last 2 years...beacause of family mamber has been vary ill...

any way off we go back to my secon home ....thailand..

WHAT VISA DO I TRY TO GET???( I want to stay a minimum off 6 months)is this possible??

CAN I GET A NON IMIGRANT VISA? in that case witch one??

Non-B or Non-O

LOOKING AT BUYING A HOUSE IN THAILAND... what do you think aboat that??GOOD IDEA OR BAD??I know you can own a house but not the land the house is on is this corecct??please help me with any tips ..(would be great to get some help) :D

Do a lifetime usufruct or 30 year lease registered in your name on the land, and a freehold registered in your name on the house.

Only if you will have a Thai partner and it will be an active company, should you form a company to own the house.




is there any thing binding in the contract that the 30 year lease will continue??is it safe?is it thrue that the thai partners dont even know eachother?if you form a company?never get to meet?

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