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3 California mosques receive letters threatening Muslims


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3 California mosques receive letters threatening Muslims


LOS ANGELES (AP) — A civil rights group has called for more police protection of mosques after several in California received letters that praised President-elect Donald Trump and threatened Muslim genocide.


The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, said the same handwritten, photocopied letter was sent last week to the Islamic Center of Long Beach, the Islamic Center of Claremont and the Evergreen Islamic Center in San Jose, the Los Angeles Times reportedSaturday.


The letter was addressed to "the children of Satan" and it was signed by "American for A Better Way." The L.A. area mosques received it Wednesday and the San Jose mosque on Thursday.


"There's a new sheriff in town — President Donald Trump. He's going to cleanse America and make it shine again. And, he's going to start with you Muslims," the letter states, according to CAIR. "And, he's going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the jews (sic)." 


Hussam Ayloush, executive director of CAIR-LA, said people at the L.A. County mosques were disheartened by the hateful letters and added that the "irresponsible, hateful rhetoric" of the Trump campaign has fueled "a level of vulgarity, vile hatred and anger among many self-proclaimed Trump supporters."


"I'm not saying (Trump) created racist people," he said. "He normalized it. While he might say he's not responsible, and I respect that, I remind President-elect Trump that he has a responsibility to act as a president for all Americans."


San Jose Police Department spokesman Sgt. Enrique Garcia said police have opened an investigation and are treating it as a "hate-motivated incident."

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-28
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3 hours ago, webfact said:

"I'm not saying (Trump) created racist people," he said. "He normalized it. While he might say he's not responsible, and I respect that, I remind President-elect Trump that he has a responsibility to act as a president for all Americans."


Bit of a bold statement since Clinton took California with 62% of the vote.


There might be a bit more credibility if it was a State where Trump had the majority vote.


Unless of course, California is where the majority of American Muslims are centred.

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All of a sudden the anti Islam 'sleepers' feel emboldened by the election of Mr Trump. Quite cowardly actually.


Either way the Islamic community needs to eat a big bowl of harden the f... up. Their brethren and the actual actions they commit, have had the world on edge for well over a decade. They get one measly letter, which seems to be from one individual, and everybody is supposed to care ?? 

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1 hour ago, Strange said:

Big woop.  A letter. 


It ain't a "big woop". The letter contained a death threat, so police will look to trace the author/s to ascertain if sufficient cause for prosecution, as I'm sure they would if aimed at any other group.


The letter, signed only by “Americans for a Better Way,” said Trump was “going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the jews [sic].”



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38 minutes ago, simple1 said:


It ain't a "big woop". The letter contained a death threat, so police will look to trace the author/s to ascertain if sufficient cause for prosecution, as I'm sure they would if aimed at any other group.


The letter, signed only by “Americans for a Better Way,” said Trump was “going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the jews [sic].”




I know what it says its just a dumb letter. Big whoop. They need to harden up. Police will look into it. 


Yeah yeah Trumps fault. Yeah yeah 'republicans'. 

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1 hour ago, SgtRock said:


Bit of a bold statement since Clinton took California with 62% of the vote.


There might be a bit more credibility if it was a State where Trump had the majority vote.


Unless of course, California is where the majority of American Muslims are centred.

Majority or not is totally irrelevant.

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1 hour ago, coma said:

All of a sudden the anti Islam 'sleepers' feel emboldened by the election of Mr Trump. Quite cowardly actually.


Either way the Islamic community needs to eat a big bowl of harden the f... up. Their brethren and the actual actions they commit, have had the world on edge for well over a decade. They get one measly letter, which seems to be from one individual, and everybody is supposed to care ?? 


It isn't just a one off letter either in California or elsewhere in the US. Unfortunately, especially Muslim women, have been subjected to a number of physical and verbal assaults and increasingly so. A number of the oh so righteous right of centre followers are cowards by assaulting Muslim women in the street, not only in the US, but in other Western countries. To use a cliche, two wrongs do not make a right










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3 hours ago, simple1 said:


It isn't just a one off letter either in California or elsewhere in the US. Unfortunately, especially Muslim women, have been subjected to a number of physical and verbal assaults and increasingly so. A number of the oh so righteous right of centre followers are cowards by assaulting Muslim women in the street, not only in the US, but in other Western countries. To use a cliche, two wrongs do not make a right












Yes. I agree with you. To a certain extent. Two wrongs defiantly don't make a right but i understand people's frustration with this lot. It may sound harsh but a lot of them bring it upon themselves too. If the Muslim community were as vocal against Islamic terrorism and their own racial bigots, as they are about getting 'racially vilified' themselves, then I am sure that would go a long way to them gaining more respect in the community.

Also, they need to try to assimilate more. As it is they stick out like the proverbial sore thumb because of their religion. They definitely don't go about their business trying to be the 'grey man". In fact it is just the opposite. Dressed to show all that the are Muslims, driving around in expensive, hotted up cars with windows down and music blaring, giving evil eyes to those who's eye may cross their paths, not attending relevant national holiday and sporting events etc etc. They bring the life that they say they wanted to escape with them to their new country.

Where I come from, if I happen to wonder into an Arab owned shop [buying supplies to make my favourite food, Arab Cuisine] that isn't already familiar with me, then I get looks like, what the <deleted> are you doing here? They make me feel like a second rate citizen. If only they knew.

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4 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

as usual you miss the point. 

I got your point.

Here's my point. 

American Muslims shouldn't be demonized based on their ethnicity or religion. 

Criminals / terrorists of all kinds, yes, demonize all you want.

trump has whipped up this hatred and now his most obnoxious racist supporters thinks it's open season on all kinds of MINORITIES in the USA.

Well, guess what, people are organizing to RESIST that madness. 

We're not going to take it sitting down. trump may be president elect, but MOST Americans think he's unfit to be president (including, bizarrely, the majority of trump voters), didn't support him, and didn't vote for him. Take that in your burrito and chew on it. 

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Only 3, just goes to show how tolerant we are in the west. In some Muslim countries 3 churches would have been burned down or a few killed for insulting the so called prophet. Western civilization is certainly more advanced.

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:


It isn't just a one off letter either in California or elsewhere in the US. Unfortunately, especially Muslim women, have been subjected to a number of physical and verbal assaults and increasingly so. A number of the oh so righteous right of centre followers are cowards by assaulting Muslim women in the street, not only in the US, but in other Western countries. To use a cliche, two wrongs do not make a right










Yes, why aren't we nice to muslim women like those muslim men are?


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I reckon you mean electing that horror show divisive man baby, d.j. "Bait and Switch" trump. Yes, Americans and the world will be paying for that massive mistake for a long time. 

Twos up on your crystal ball please, wanna check next weeks footy results.

I do hate sore losers and they don't lose much sorer than lefties.

Bet you ask for your money back if you get hammered at cards.

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20 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I suspect these are false-flag operations...like many of the other reports of harassment since the election.


Could well be the "Anti-Trump" resistance. If it is them they may well do more than just topple the Trump administration with their careless, self centered tactics.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I got your point.

Here's my point. 

American Muslims shouldn't be demonized based on their ethnicity or religion. 

Criminals / terrorists of all kinds, yes, demonize all you want.

trump has whipped up this hatred and now his most obnoxious racist supporters thinks it's open season on all kinds of MINORITIES in the USA.

Well, guess what, people are organizing to RESIST that madness. 

We're not going to take it sitting down. trump may be president elect, but MOST Americans think he's unfit to be president (including, bizarrely, the majority of trump voters), didn't support him, and didn't vote for him. Take that in your burrito and chew on it. 



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5 minutes ago, smudger1951 said:

When muslims are in the minority they are the victim

When they are in the majority there are no other minorities. 

I get your point. Google dhimmi. 

However in the USA context Muslims are a relatively small minority group and that isn't likely to change from that in anything close to the foreseeable future.

If they become Americans, they're Americans. They deserve the exact same civil rights as ALL citizens.


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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I got your point.

Here's my point. 

American Muslims shouldn't be demonized based on their ethnicity or religion. 

Criminals / terrorists of all kinds, yes, demonize all you want.

trump has whipped up this hatred and now his most obnoxious racist supporters thinks it's open season on all kinds of MINORITIES in the USA.

Well, guess what, people are organizing to RESIST that madness. 

We're not going to take it sitting down. trump may be president elect, but MOST Americans think he's unfit to be president (including, bizarrely, the majority of trump voters), didn't support him, and didn't vote for him. Take that in your burrito and chew on it. 


Well i guess you figured out i was Mexican some how and that comment is a bit racist....

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2 hours ago, thai3 said:

Only 3, just goes to show how tolerant we are in the west. In some Muslim countries 3 churches would have been burned down or a few killed for insulting the so called prophet. Western civilization is certainly more advanced.


Now, don't set that bar too high....

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