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Unions Remain Unhappy After Wage Meeting

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A draft law on the minimum wage was discussed by relevant parties in a meeting yesterday with the union side walking away dissatisfied with the law and the government side claiming it would be approved early next year. The tripartite meeting, which was attended by more than 60 government representatives, unions and employers at the Labor Ministry yesterday, was held to gather input to further revise the draft, of which there are six chapters and 33 articles.

Fa Saly, president of the National Trade Union Confederation, told Khmer Times yesterday after the meeting that the draft law was no different from the Trade Union Law with the goals and objectives written to prevent protests over wage demands and other benefits. He said that many articles were unsatisfactory, especially chapter five, which lays out the punishment for people who act in opposition to some articles of the law. He added that the law was for appearance only and seemed to force workers to accept the minimum wage.

“This law was made to restrict unions, such as article 26 of chapter five, which warns people who incite or inspire others to act against the declaration on the setting of minimum wages that they will be fined with punishment of no more than 10 million riel [about $2,500]” said Mr. Saly. “So if someone is not satisfied with the wages and they begin doing something to protest or some other expression, they will be fined, which seems to force acceptance [of the minimum wage].”


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/32529/unions-remain-unhappy-after-wage-meeting/


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