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Cambodian Government cannot find cases of brick factory slaves, child labour

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By South-East Asia correspondent Liam Cochrane

The Cambodian Government says it cannot find any cases of debt bondage or child labour in brick factories, despite media stories and a major report from a local rights group.

Key points:

  • Tens of thousands enslaved by debt bondage to make cheap bricks, human rights organisation estimates
  • Cambodia's Ministry of Labour fails to find any labour abuses
  • Cambodia's labour law prohibits people under 18 years old from doing hazardous work


Cambodia-based organisation League for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights (LICADHO) estimated tens of thousands of people across the country are enslaved by debt bondage to make cheap bricks, and provided case studies from factories just north of Phnom Penh.

The ABC also observed child labour in a brick factory and interviewed a family that had fled slave-like conditions.


Specifically, the ABC saw children unloading bricks from conveyor belts and climbing across rows of bricks drying in the sun to turn them over.


read more http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-12-05/cambodian-government-cannot-find-cases-of-child-labour/8093914


I remember when my wife worked in a nursing home in the US, She and others had to take all the prisoners/ patients out of their rooms into the hallway at 1:00 am to clean all the piss soaked beds and filthy rooms as there was a surprise government inspection in the morning. Not a new trick at all. Just normal procedure.


" The Cambodian Government says it cannot find any cases of debt bondage or child labour  "


sounds a bit familiar - Cambodia must be catching up with Thailand on the world stage .....

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