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"All my customers have gone" -  Chonburi shop owner points to his problem!

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one of the 1st things I noticed when I returned to Thailand was the proliferation of these coax cables. I only have a thought process I'm using here, so...no actual knowledge.....but Udonthani is my permanent home  retired I am!  So here goes;

Over the years I would get news about Thailand, and it was, often enough, stories of guys getting rich overnight in the cable/communication business.

(I was an independent cable/line installer and salesman of the service. We got dedicated positions on the poles. Responsible for the coax, I was!)

I surmise that the cable/satellite business had had a real wild west flavor to it. The greatest cost in providing the service is the hardware, and being responsible for the upkeep and removal of cables, if required. Doing a business cost/benefits analysis and you can plainly see flying under the radar regarding cables is a gold mine! Several round trips to/from Thailand from Florida in the last 3 years and, I was truly stupefied seeing all these cable strung up. As is so often the case, a belated effort to do the cable business the right way, (ie NOT making the general public pay a major cost of doing business in Thailand) is just too little too late. And these telecommunications Billionaire Behemoths just laugh in the publics face when the whining reaches a crescendo!  And they are off to surf the latest business wave,  skimming money from the supposed operating costs.  Boom--- instant millionaire------and every time there is left a big fat sloppy mess that is be tended to, these guys have paid themselves first .....and...like magic .....NO FUNDING LEFT TO TIDY UP AFTERWARDS!  freaking great freaking work if you can freaking  get it. So you will continue to see these coils of cable wound up and left hanging on the poles......leaves crap so confusing.....FIRE UP FOR ANOTHER HIT ON THE BONG!!


Just wondering if anyone can explain to me why the cable situation is like this? Wouldn't it just be easier to tap into one cable? Seems like a lot more work to run a new cable every time? Are they are all low voltage cables? Why not high voltage? 


I've always wondered about this.

19 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Start cutting them....let the owners lose business also.. Action will follow very quickly!

They're all comms. cables...maybe no big voltages issues......just how stupid can things get in this country.....are all the authorities people blind..and stupid?

Sadly he could then be sued or arrested for criminal damage. Many more people would lose services than customers he is losing. Ineptitude, lack of service and the fact that no one authority is responsible for all the cables (60 % of which probably are not needed now).

22 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Start cutting them....let the owners lose business also.. Action will follow very quickly!

They're all comms. cables...maybe no big voltages issues......just how stupid can things get in this country.....are all the authorities people blind..and stupid?


Unfortunately, yes. Most of them are quite idiotic.

20 hours ago, Basil B said:

Just to think one Fibre Glass cable could replace all them cables...

One thinks that Optic Fibre is a better description, ke? :wai:

11 hours ago, jonbsails said:

one of the 1st things I noticed when I returned to Thailand was the proliferation of these coax cables. I only have a thought process I'm using here, so...no actual knowledge.....but Udonthani is my permanent home  retired I am!  So here goes;

Over the years I would get news about Thailand, and it was, often enough, stories of guys getting rich overnight in the cable/communication business.

(I was an independent cable/line installer and salesman of the service. We got dedicated positions on the poles. Responsible for the coax, I was!)

I surmise that the cable/satellite business had had a real wild west flavor to it. The greatest cost in providing the service is the hardware, and being responsible for the upkeep and removal of cables, if required. Doing a business cost/benefits analysis and you can plainly see flying under the radar regarding cables is a gold mine! Several round trips to/from Thailand from Florida in the last 3 years and, I was truly stupefied seeing all these cable strung up. As is so often the case, a belated effort to do the cable business the right way, (ie NOT making the general public pay a major cost of doing business in Thailand) is just too little too late. And these telecommunications Billionaire Behemoths just laugh in the publics face when the whining reaches a crescendo!  And they are off to surf the latest business wave,  skimming money from the supposed operating costs.  Boom--- instant millionaire------and every time there is left a big fat sloppy mess that is be tended to, these guys have paid themselves first .....and...like magic .....NO FUNDING LEFT TO TIDY UP AFTERWARDS!  freaking great freaking work if you can freaking  get it. So you will continue to see these coils of cable wound up and left hanging on the poles......leaves crap so confusing.....FIRE UP FOR ANOTHER HIT ON THE BONG!!

You're not wrong, when the people responsible for the overseeing of the contract are so biddable who is going to complain? They're paid to run cable, they've run the cable.....what's the problem?? :smile::wai:

22 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Turn the CCTV off first. I'd think lighter fluid and a match would be confused with a short circuit, cutting is probably dangerouser.

I thought the same exact thing...A little naptha and a match....


If it were me and since I am not sure of the voltage in the wires I would use a rope to tie around some of the cables and then to the back of my pickup and go for a drive.  If no results then repeat using some more wires.  I am not into cutting cables that I have no idea if they are hot or how many volts they carry.

On 12/9/2016 at 10:03 AM, pentae said:

Just wondering if anyone can explain to me why the cable situation is like this? Wouldn't it just be easier to tap into one cable? Seems like a lot more work to run a new cable every time? Are they are all low voltage cables? Why not high voltage? 


I've always wondered about this.

Just wander around any part of Thailand and you will see similar bundles of cabling.  Basically the place historically has been pretty un regulated utilities wise.  Poor service records, no installation standards.  Nobody knows what currently exists so instead of risking disconnecting something they just add the new stuff.


You know, sometimes I think the Military should order 10,000 bulldozers and level all of Thailand and just start over.


But the bulldozers would get stuck in customs. 

14 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

You know, sometimes I think the Military should order 10,000 bulldozers and level all of Thailand and just start over.


But the bulldozers would get stuck in customs. 

Yeah, parked next to the busses while they sort out just who to try and collect tea money from


The answer is simple as to why they wont fix cables.

The Poles belong to the electric company they are responsible for the electric wires poles. Full stop.


Then along come the TV, Internet, peeps and put up their wires on the electric poles. Company turn a blind eye as to what's happening.

 Until the electric company have to sort out a small problem. As they don't own the other cables it's tough luck what happens in that direction. Joe soap then has what's seen in the picture only way out is D.I.Y Cut the things.  

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