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Land company owner

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i am a director of company that is owner of land under my house. We are moving to Thailand and I'm going to apply for retirement visa. Is it legal? As I know under this visa I can not work. I don't have salary as company is for land ownership and no activity. 

Any suggestions or experience?


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21 hours ago, blackcab said:

You will have no problem with your visa/extension because you are the director of a Thai company.

I'm still not sure. 

So I don't need work permit to be a director of Thai company, correct?

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I'm still not sure. 

So I don't need work permit to be a director of Thai company, correct?

I'm guessing you're a Director (in name only) of a nominee company used (as a loophole) to buy land, if so then the less you say about that probably the better (if not then I apologise).

No problem getting a retirement visa as long as you meet the criteria (over 50, 800k in a bank or 65k income or combination).

No need for a work permit (you won't get one anyway without a Non B Visa & employing the required number of Thais)

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2 hours ago, ST11 said:

I'm still not sure. 

So I don't need work permit to be a director of Thai company, correct?


You need a work permit if you work in Thailand. If all you do is attend the annual meeting and sign the minutes, you don't need a work permit. 


If you do other work in Thailand for the company, for example you are the Managing Director, you need a work permit.


You will not be asked about being a company director during your application for a visa/extension.

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