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Scanning your luggage coming back into Thailand, so you have to pay duties/taxes?

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Just wondering if anyone knows if there is now a scanner at Suvanabhumi Airport scanning your luggage when leaving back into Thailand?

In Don Meung, last time we were there, they had a new scanner even though we had "nothing to declare".  

Everyone's luggage was scanned anyhow and they made us pay duties on gifts we bought in Bali, even though it was large amounts we were not selling it in Thailand we told them.

They said they would confiscate all of our goods if we did not pay the customs agent.  He then walked me to an ATM and I paid $100 in duties/taxes.

It was very weird and this was a new machine/scanner put there that we had not seen before...in 12 years of Travelling to and from Thailand.

Is this scanner at Suvanabumi Airport also? AND is the scanner still at Don Meung Airport?

I don't feel like paying duties on gifts coming into Thailand now, and then again in Canada when I claim them.

Thanks, any updated info or tips on this would be greatly appreciated!

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