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Five women airport workers gunned down in Afghanistan


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Five women airport workers gunned down in Afghanistan




Five female airport guards have been killed in a gun attack in Afghanistan.



They were attacked on their way to work at Kandahar airport.


The driver of their minibus has also been killed.


What happened?

A spokesman for the governor of Kandahar says the women were in charge of searching female travellers at Kandahar airport.


They had been hired by a private security company.


“Two gunmen on a motorbike followed their van and opened fire,” Samim Khpulwak told reporters.


Has anyone admitted carrying out the attack?



Not at the time of writing.


However, it is known that Taliban fighters engaged in an insurgency to topple the foreign-backed government of President Ashraf Ghani oppose women working outside their homes.


Women’s rights in Afghanistan


From bomb attacks, targeted or so-called “honour” killings and domestic abuse, Afghan women have borne the brunt of the 15 years of conflict during the Taliban-led insurgency.


Security has deteriorated adn violence has increased across most of the country.


Although Afghan women had made hard-fought rights gains in education and work since the collapse of the Taliban in 2001, there are growing fears that these could reverse with the deterioration of security and increase in violence.


Despite years of pressure by women’s groups and foreign donors, Afghanistan remains one of the most difficult places to be a woman.


Restoring fundamental women’s rights was one of the main objectives of the international community in Afghanistan.


When they were in power from 1996-2001, the Taliban banned girls from school and women from working.



-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-12-18
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If it is true that these women were gunned down by men who are opposed to women working outside of their home, it goes to show just how much work needs to be done in Afghanistan. These creeps are so completely lost. They are NOT religious men. They are murderers, who have hijacked religion, to justify the mayhem they cause. They are rapists, thieves, and kidnappers. They respect nobody. They are worms. They are swine. They are 12 year old hateful boys occupying the bodies of men. Black hearted scum of the earth. 

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

If it is true that these women were gunned down by men who are opposed to women working outside of their home, it goes to show just how much work needs to be done in Afghanistan. These creeps are so completely lost. They are NOT religious men. They are murderers, who have hijacked religion, to justify the mayhem they cause. They are rapists, thieves, and kidnappers. They respect nobody. They are worms. They are swine. They are 12 year old hateful boys occupying the bodies of men. Black hearted scum of the earth. 


I believe the religious leaders hijacked these scumbags.  But, it probably didn't take much convincing.

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Just now, bannork said:

Don't think there are too many Taleban in Issan 

Muslim extremists are here in Thailand and not only in the south. We will find out in time if and when it starts to happen here in Issan. I think we are pretty safe from it here though. Too hard for them to hide amongst the people up here.

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Don't think there are too many Taleban in Issan 

Isaan is the end of the earth. No chance the Taliban or 99. 99% of the rest of the world would know of its existence unless they are into watching rice grow lol

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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35 minutes ago, mcfish said:

Isaan is the end of the earth. No chance the Taliban or 99. 99% of the rest of the world would know of its existence unless they are into watching rice grow lol

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


Isaan is not the end of the earth, but you can see it from there :)

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Isaan is not the end of the earth, but you can see it from there :)

The first thing the Taliban would say after rolling into Issan is Abdul fcukk this place man more roosters than all of Afghanistan and no even one virgin!

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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23 hours ago, rijb said:


I believe the religious leaders hijacked these scumbags.  But, it probably didn't take much convincing.



Some potential quotes from their recruiting pitch.


Young man, would you like a really good job? We will pay you well. We will also give you the opportunity of raping any young girl you want, and any woman of your choice. You can also steal anything these people own. You may become quite wealthy with this marauding, and pillaging. And if you feel like it, you can kill them, or their entire family. You can burn down their village. We don't really care. Sure, they are human lives, but as long as they are not from your sect, it is permitted. You will earn the glory of the Divine, by committing these atrocities. What, you have a few questions? No need for that. We prefer to work with minds that are not of the inquiring nature. We prefer really angry, disenfranchised young men or women, who want to strike back, and have some fun. 

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On 12/17/2016 at 8:51 PM, spidermike007 said:

 These creeps are so completely lost. They are NOT religious men. They are murderers, who have hijacked religion, to justify the mayhem they cause. They are rapists, thieves, and kidnappers. They respect nobody. They are worms. They are swine.


I agree with you on everything except saying that they are not religious men. Unfortunately they are. They take Islamic teachings literally.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I agree with you on everything except saying that they are not religious men. Unfortunately they are. They take Islamic teachings literally.

Exactly. In fact they are good Muslims because they believe absolutely in the book that justifies such things. I know this from my experiences in Saudi. 

The Bible also calls for such atrocities, but not since the dark ages of the Inquisition era has such monstrocity been encouraged for Christians.

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8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I agree with you on everything except saying that they are not religious men. Unfortunately they are. They take Islamic teachings literally.


Well, in the technical sense, I guess you are right. I meant they have zero relationship with the Divine, and the Divine does not even know their first names. They spend no time in introspection, and prayer, and all they do is bow down five times a day, in a meaningless gesture of obedience to tradition. I guess one can call that religion. I apply a more spiritual definition to it, though I realize the vast majority of the planet falls into their category, when it comes to practice of ritual without meaning.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


Well, in the technical sense, I guess you are right. I meant they have zero relationship with the Divine, and the Divine does not even know their first names. They spend no time in introspection, and prayer, and all they do is bow down five times a day, in a meaningless gesture of obedience to tradition. I guess one can call that religion. I apply a more spiritual definition to it, though I realize the vast majority of the planet falls into their category, when it comes to practice of ritual without meaning.

I am puzzled as to how you know what the Divine knows or does not know, but regardless............

If merely bowing down and following rituals when required was actually necessary to enter heaven, few on earth would not be allowed to enter.

Of course, that is if one actually believes that the men in silly hats are telling the truth.


Unfortunately for the vast number of humanity, as Jesus said, God knows what is in your heart etc etc.

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