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Boonsong and five associates told to pay 20 billion baht in compensation from G-to-G rice deals


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5 hours ago, Eric Loh said:


Corruption should be dealt with the full might of the law. When you invoke something out of the ordinary like immunity for witnesses, it just bring up a lot of question. If the charges are based on sufficient evidence, you don't need protection. Corruption also has different interpretation and consequences in this junta government. 




Immunity for witnesses - not to be confused with immunity from perjury for witnesses as dreamed up by Tarit?

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5 hours ago, baboon said:

Fine. Let's have transparent legal cases heard by independent judges, where the junta might have to swallow 'Not Guilty' verdicts. If not this is simply a case of demanding money with menaces.


But we all know the state of the judicial system.


So they're making use of what they've got.  I'm sure you are familiar with the history of this case, and therefore know very well it's not demanding money with menaces but trying to recover money that was obtained through fraud before the SOL expires.


What should be happening is a complete overhaul of laws and the justice system - but no one wants to take that on by the look of it.

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