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Trump adopting same behavior he criticized Clinton for


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10 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


        "business as usual" for the past 8 years was a Democratic prez with good ideas to help the non-wealthy in the US, stymied at every step by a do-nothing obstructionist Republican dominated congress.  Trump fans say they want change, but even they (with their adled brains) should be able to see by now that Trump is right smack in the middle of monied establishment.  His cabinet picks, thus far, have a cumulative value of $14 billion.  He's already appointed 4 Goldman Sachs Execs to important posts. Trump voters got suckered and shafted.  When Trump's ship starts sinking, all the Republican rats will jump ship faster than you can say "roll out the lifeboats!"  



    Retaruis opines: "Her performance as Secretary of State was as bad as any within living memory. A known warmonger."


     Please name one war she started.  You can't.  In contrast, she was at the helm when Osama Bin Laden was found and killed, and she laid the groundwork for getting Iran to agree to slow down its nuclear program.  Now Trump is gearing up to trash the Iran agreement, just like he'll be trashing many other decent deals put together prior, by more intelligent people.  



When Obama controlled the congress, why was nothing done then?

How did Hillary handle Libya?

What happened in Benghazi?

Perhaps you are a little addled yourself?


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50 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

"Certainly not. The man is an astute leader who has so far made no missteps"  This is a quote form Boon Mee which you liked.



 I liked it, but not for the reason you are trying to imply. I liked it for the part that agreed with a statement I had made. Stop putting words in others mouths.

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47 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


 I liked it, but not for the reason you are trying to imply. I liked it for the part that agreed with a statement I had made. Stop putting words in others mouths.

Your "explanation" is laughably unconvincing. And you still haven't addressed your denial of the undeniable fact that Trump has run several businesses into the ground including the one his father left him. This, in the face of undeniable evidence to the contrary is enough to establish the fact of your infatuation with the man.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

Baloney. He owns lots of businesses and has lots of money. If he ran his businesses "into the ground", he would be penniless. The statement was ridiculous.

You're even more in the bag than I thought was possible. You couldn't even bring yourself to do a rudimentary search on google.



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He has never declared personal bankrupsy and he is very RICH. Strategic company bankrupcies are very common in big business. Smart businessmen profit from them. 

Now, it is time to stop baiting and address the topic of the thread for a change.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

He has never declared personal bankrupsy and he is very RICH. Strategic company bankrupsies are very common in big business



In other words, you still haven't read the information.  You just can't bring yourself to look at the hard data, can you? 

He actually threatened to sue a financial reporting company unless they fired a reporter who had been writing articles about Trump's failing casino business. They caved in to the pressure and shortly afterwards, his casino business began to go officially bust.


And remember when Richard Branson describes a bizarre luncheon he had with Trump when Trump spent all his time railing at banks because they would no longer lend him money.


That was because he was such a good credit risk?  And he had to go and get his financing from dodgy Russians among others because the banks would no longer lend to him.

There is strong evidence that Trump’s businesses have received significant funding from Russian investors. Most notably, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. made that very claim at a real estate conference in New York in 2008, saying “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” Donald Trump Jr. added, “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”


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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

The question is, why does the left so often resort to distortion and lies instead of sticking to the things Trump actually says?


It is the things that Trump 'actually says' that are lies and distortions of the truth! Are you really so un-informed? 


Try READING a little bit down from the advertisements at the top of the page for your next agoda deal.


A little way down you will find a scroll bar where you can go through ALL 560 lies discovered and/or said in the last few months. Read it, see if any of the lies are lies  :sleep:



Donald Trump said 560 false things, total

The Star’s Washington Bureau Chief, Daniel Dale, has been following Donald Trump’s campaign for months. He has fact checked thousands of statements and found hundreds of falsehoods



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14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I didn't vote for him, but I could care less if it is a wall or a fence or natural barriers. They all keep illegals out. Frankly, I do not understand why anyone else cares either.


I don't care either, and, never did because I knew it wasn't happening, if for no other reason than the sheer impracticality of it.


But whether or not you and I care is not the point.


The point is, it was a major plank of his campaign.




He talked about "a real wall"

He mentioned it at every rally, it was the second most orgasm-inducing statement for his supporters. The first being: "Lock her up" —wait...that's not happening either. Well, at least he's keeping the third promise that got his supporters all wet: "drain the swamp" —he's draining the swamp that was mostly AROUND the WH, straight INTO the WH.


I don't know about Mexicans, but I'll say one thing: wall or fence or natural barrier or any number of broken promises—nothing will stop Trump supporters from worshipping a hero who doesn't give two hoots about anyone but himself.


From the film "Butterflies are Free":
There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:



In other words, you still haven't read the information.  You just can't bring yourself to look at the hard data, can you? 


The hard data is that Trump is worth many millions of dollars and he owns businesses and property all-over the world. Trying to claim that he has run them "into the ground" is silliness. The man IS RICH!

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14 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


I don't care either, and, never did because I knew it wasn't happening, if for no other reason than the sheer impracticality of it.





Strange that only those who despise him anyway are so concerned about this. A wall with some fencing makes no difference to most of us. Where is the beating a dead horse smiley when you need it?

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26 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Strange that only those who despise him anyway are so concerned about this. A wall with some fencing makes no difference to most of us. Where is the beating a dead horse smiley when you need it?

Of course, if you're completely in the bag for somebody, then nothing he says or does will make any difference to you. He can appoint a labor secretary who doesn't believe in a living wage and you're fine with it. He can appoint a Treasury Secretary who still schmoozes with Wall Street lowlifes, who was himself a bankster with a particularly nasty penchant for dishonest foreclosures, and you think nlothing of it.  He can appoint the number 2 man at Goldman Sachs, a guy who was an integral part of the mortgage scandals, to be head of the National Council of Economic Advisors, and you're not troubled. He has nothing but praise for Vladimir Putin, and you're okay with that.  This is what happens when you commit to a man instead of to a plan.

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58 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The hard data is that Trump is worth many millions of dollars and he owns businesses and property all-over the world. Trying to claim that he has run them "into the ground" is silliness. The man IS RICH!

So tell me where is the Taj Mahal Casino today.  And all the other casinos that he ran?

Where is Trump Airlines?


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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He has never declared personal bankrupsy and he is very RICH. Strategic company bankrupcies are very common in big business. Smart businessmen profit from them. 

Now, it is time to stop baiting and address the topic of the thread for a change.

As for never declaring personal bankruptcy, he did that by taking his personal debt and loading it onto his sharelholders.  


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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

It's an intensification of the sickness. Actually, under Obama the rich had their taxes increased.  Now the taxes are going to be slashed and with more money comes more power.

I am glad we are bystanders in all of this mess. Being embroiled in it would be like being sucked down a vortex. 

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24 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So tell me where is the Taj Mahal Casino today.  And all the other casinos that he ran?

Where is Trump Airlines?



Every big businessman has successes and failures. Things change with time. The FACT is that he has always maintained an opulant lifestyle and has many millions of dollars of assets at his disposal.

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14 hours ago, Gary A said:


He really doesn't have to do much. Any improvements from the business as usual establishment will spell progress that will be appreciated. You rabid democrats don't seem to understand that citizens were sick of business as usual with more stupid rules that make government bigger and  justify the politicians existence. If Trump is able to eliminate redundant departments, eliminate silly laws and reduce the size of the government, people will be happy.

You forgot lower taxes. Wall Street is record highs with the anticipation of deregulation. Pretty soon they'll be back in yachts and cocaine parties. Deregulation, government reduction and flat tax rates benefit the 1% disproportionately, but it makes for good propaganda to get the masses in line.

Cultural Hegemony:  the domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class who manipulate the culture of that society—the beliefs, explanations, perceptions, values, and mores—so that their imposed, ruling-class worldview becomes the accepted cultural norm; the universally valid dominant ideology, which justifies the social, political, and economic status quo as natural and inevitable, perpetual and beneficial for everyone, rather than as artificial social constructs that benefit only the ruling class.

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


306 electoral votes compared to 227 - for a man who almost everyone predicted would lose in a big way - seems pretty overwhelming to me.


Trump’s unpopularity threatens to hobble his presidency

"The president-elect’s underwater favorability numbers could rob Trump of precious political capital."


"Trump will enter the White House as the least-popular incoming president in the modern era of public-opinion polling."


"More respondents viewed Trump unfavorably than favorably in the most recent batch of public polls from NBC News/Wall Street Journal, Suffolk University/USA Today, Fox News,CBS News and POLITICO/Morning Consult, all conducted in early- or mid-December."



Overwhelmingly unfavorable. :biggrin:

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10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


        "business as usual" for the past 8 years was a Democratic prez with good ideas to help the non-wealthy in the US, stymied at every step by a do-nothing obstructionist Republican dominated congress.  Trump fans say they want change, but even they (with their adled brains) should be able to see by now that Trump is right smack in the middle of monied establishment.  His cabinet picks, thus far, have a cumulative value of $14 billion.  He's already appointed 4 Goldman Sachs Execs to important posts. Trump voters got suckered and shafted.  When Trump's ship starts sinking, all the Republican rats will jump ship faster than you can say "roll out the lifeboats!"  



    Retaruis opines: "Her performance as Secretary of State was as bad as any within living memory. A known warmonger."


     Please name one war she started.  You can't.  In contrast, she was at the helm when Osama Bin Laden was found and killed, and she laid the groundwork for getting Iran to agree to slow down its nuclear program.  Now Trump is gearing up to trash the Iran agreement, just like he'll be trashing many other decent deals put together prior, by more intelligent people.  



When Obama controlled the congress, why was nothing done then?

How did Hillary handle Libya?

What happened in Benghazi?

Perhaps you are a little addled yourself?


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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He has never declared personal bankrupsy and he is very RICH. Strategic company bankrupcies are very common in big business. Smart businessmen profit from them. 

Now, it is time to stop baiting and address the topic of the thread for a change.

Many investors lost money in Trump's scams.  In several of these, he lost nothing.   If you are involved in a bankruptcy, it means you failed.  Bankruptcy does not equate to success.  He rigged the system to make money of losing businesses.  Leaving lenders holding the bag, and average workers out of a job.  Hardly successful.





But even as his companies did poorly, Mr. Trump did well. He put up little of his own money, shifted personal debts to the casinos and collected millions of dollars in salary, bonuses and other payments. The burden of his failures fell on investors and others who had bet on his business acumen.


During a decade when other casinos here thrived, Mr. Trump’s lagged, posting huge losses year after year. Stock and bondholders lost more than $1.5 billion.



That 1.5 billion that was lost ended up in tax write offs that hurt the whole country.  Terrible thing to do.  And yet, people voted for him.  Unreal.


Please, read this:




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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Every big businessman has successes and failures. Things change with time. The FACT is that he has always maintained an opulant lifestyle and has many millions of dollars of assets at his disposal.

You seem unusually desperate to defend this despicable specimen of humanity at all costs, even when the "facts" are consistently against your untenable position. I think this is a mark of a die-hard Trump supporter, and does not bode well for the future of the US, or indeed the rest of the planet. He is a demagogue of the worst kind, and is proving to be damaging to the interests of your country, even before his inauguration. But it is going to take a considerable dose of reality to shock his supporters from their collective stupor.

By the way, did you know that the quote you adopt below your name is mis-attributed to Orwell, who was a pacifist, and would be disgusted at the spectre of Trump as POTUS?



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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



Sure. They claimed that Trump is anti-Semitic - even though his wife, her family and many of his advisors are Jewish.


Here are some more:



He's bashed about every minority in America you can think of.  His comments were disgusting.  Sorry, but hard to support trump regarding comments like this. 







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27 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

He's bashed about every minority in America you can think of.  His comments were disgusting.  Sorry, but hard to support trump regarding comments like this. 








Sorry, but that article is packed with dishonest spin and speculation. They do not even mention that Trump had already disavowed David Duke before the incident that is mentioned.  I can not believe that anyone still buys this nonsense. The democrats used the same type of underhanded tactics on Mitt Romney and everyone knows what a straight arrow he was



World Jewish Congress President: Trump Is Not Anti-Semitic

President-elect Donald Trump not only isn't anti-Semitic, but he would not have anyone around him who is, former U.S. Ambassador Ron Lauder, now the president of the World Jewish Congress, insisted on Wednesday.

"I was shocked during the time of the election when people were talking about him being anti-Semitic," Lauder told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough, explaining that he has known Trump for 50 years, dating back to when they were classmates at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.



Calling the kettle black: Trump’s not the anti-Semite in this race


In the past week two liberal Jewish writers, Peter Dreier of the Huffington Post and Ron Kampeas of the JTA, have made false charges of anti-Semitism against Donald Trump. Both writers pointed to a speech which in their opinion echoed anti-Semitic imagery.


“Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors. This election will determine if we are a free nation or whether we have only the illusion of democracy, but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system, and our system is rigged.”


When Bernie Sanders said that Hillary Clinton made secret speeches to banks and that she was beholden to the big Wall Street banks, Dreier and Kampeas were silent.

What Trump was reacting to in his speech was a posting by WikiLeaks one week earlier of a speech Hillary Clinton made to executives at a Brazilian bank in which she asserted her support for open borders for the United States.



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27 minutes ago, plachon said:

You seem unusually desperate to defend this despicable specimen of humanity at all costs, even when the "facts" are consistently against your untenable position.




The "facts" are that he is a successful businessman who is very wealthy - just as I said. The hateful, personal insults are only opinions.

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