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Obey the traffic laws and we'll get you dinner, police tell motorists


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In Thailand this actually might work . Free rice for just wearing a helmet ?  


Unfortunately there is not enough rice to 20 million motorcyclists 

on the roads. 






Edited by balo
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In the civilizedworld! when you get a traffic ticket or a bunch of tickets, your drivers license is not renewed until you pay the fine. if you are delequent you can go to jail and the police can arrest you at your registered place of residence!  but here i guess the cops don't know where you l;ive despite your address on your drivers license, they will issue you a new license despite you not paying your fines. it is a ridicilouse situation. only in thailand.

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More dead and maimed people.

On the phone when you ran over these pedestrians, Okay 100B fine.

No seat belt, no license, no helmet,  140kph in town: 100B.


How do they come up with such counter productive nonsense time after time? I wonder how these people get a job with so much responsibility when they are clearly lacking in any form of intelligence...

Oh, I forgot, nepotism, bribery and corruption might have something to do with it... ?



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I could make a video for just one short trip down the road, and I am sure it would include several motorcycles going the wrong direction, a taxi driving in the opposing lane in heavy traffic, almost no one using their blinkers, and at least half the vehicles cutting each other off. This is a society without road rules, and no one to enforce them, especially not the police. As far as I can tell its a free-for-all, the person who survives wins (what... I don't know), no traffic laws needed. They should just confiscate all driver licenses and start over.

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I don't grasp the concept of being generous to those who violate traffic regulations and hence create danger to other road users. It is simply like saying go ahead and don't worry about the rules, have a happy new year, drive to Issarn on the wrong side of the road drunk. Then expect people to become law abiding citizens again January 4th!

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

Offences that could be settled under this reset campaign include using vehicles with incomplete parts or equipments, not carrying driving licences while driving, not wearing crash helmets, not fastening safety belts, using mobile phones while driving.



Off with the crash helmet.

Free at last.:cheesy:

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8 hours ago, bandito said:


Off with the crash helmet.

Free at last.:cheesy:


Helmet? Who wears a helmet here, other than Bike Taxi drivers? When I see a baby sitting on a gas tank in only a diaper (no helmet), hanging onto the handlebars, I think I know how serious the police are about enforcement. Being in Thailand is like living in an alternate universe, rules of the road, safety, laws of physics, death rates, they mean nothing here.

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On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 2:55 PM, ocddave said:


Helmet? Who wears a helmet here, other than Bike Taxi drivers? When I see a baby sitting on a gas tank in only a diaper (no helmet), hanging onto the handlebars, I think I know how serious the police are about enforcement. Being in Thailand is like living in an alternate universe, rules of the road, safety, laws of physics, death rates, they mean nothing here.


Right, thank you for your understanding about Thai life.:cheesy:

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