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Thailand is struggling to handle its tourism boom


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This is an odd story regarding tourist booms because I've been in Thailand nearly 5 years now and have flys on the walls in many of the elite gov and private offices out of Bangkok to say the least and, know a lot of folks in the tourism industry so, I hear quite the opposite from these folks including last week on my trip back home to CM to take care of business for the weekend. My feeling and in not caring what others might be feeling because we're entitled to just that.. Our opinions... Here goes nothing. I'm under the impression personally and with foreigners of the same consensus that Thai government who nannies and nurtures the society HATES foreigners and makes it difficult for them to extend their stays despite needing tourism dollars to supplement and sustain the economy as a tourist destination. A great majority of hotel staff & popular attractions throughout the kingdom cannot speak English nor do they offer English tv in more popular tourist destinations outside of the sex capitol of Pattaya and that general region furthering the thought that they could careless about foreigners in all this time. Most of the tourism "sex tourism" anyway because that's all Thailand is really good & popular for ( as it's not a family destination in any sense of the word); is concentrated in, around, and between Pattaya. Lastly because I could go on forever... Thai's are dishonest people who cannot be trusted. So, while prices may be relatively low here for us compared to back home in western civilizations; and we may be willing to pay that rip off price knowing or unbeknownst to us that we're being taken because it's still cheaper than back home, is there really any integrity in charging a tourist or foreigner in general a little or a lot more for a product or service just because your country is WILLINGLY poor, rude, and uncouth and foreigners look like walking ATM machines?... Work in there baby care zoo's because they're not schools nor are the runts students, but disrespectful pupils there to waste their time, your time, and everyone else's time at these social clubs they have the audacity to call schools and you'll understand very quickly just what I mean and why there's no game plan to learn the universal language (English) which could advance there society or move the country forward as a whole. And before some jackass offers me the chance to leave as there only answer, consider medical is cheap, teaching jobs are plentiful if u like that sort of thing or just need an income because their kids refuse to learn despite being the main founders of ASEAN, and you'll never get a legal job working for someone outside of that gig, food and over all economics is cheaper than the west and most other moderately developed nations around. Just because u live somewhere doesn't always mean you love it. There are other things to factor while keeping ones mouth shut. Just imagine the thousands of people who come to live in America to get ahead while hating it and keeping their mouths shut. I say this because it's always an American with a smart ass answer in love with Thai life whose got 2 pence to lend-[emoji23] Cheers folks

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An interesting article has recently been published in the South China Morning Post.

What’s really behind Thailand’s hostility to Chinese tourists?

Yes it is interesting, but the damage is done. It is all about perceptions, and the Chinese perceive themselves as disliked, just as westerners perceive that the country is effectively closed down indefinitely. The result is the same - they stop coming.
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